Emails reveal Justice Dept. regularly enlists Media Matters to spin press « » Print The Daily Caller

Emails reveal Justice Dept. regularly enlists Media Matters to spin press « » Print The Daily Caller.

The Daily Caller obtained emails between the Obama Dept. of Justice public affairs director, Tracy Schmaler and the folks Media Matters, by means of a FOIA request.
Schmaler worked with Jeremy Holden at Media matters on means to attack the reporters covering the New Black Panther voter intimidation case as well as the DOJ employees who resigned in protest. Also covered are attempts to counteract coverage of the Fast and Furious operation, which caused the deaths of hundreds of Mexican civilians, and at least two U.S. citizens.
Emails obtained by the Daily Caller are embedded below.

Daily Caller FOIA – DOJ and Media Matters

Goodbye Barney Frank

Barney Frank not seeking re-election in 2012 –

Democrat Congressman Barney Frank of Massachusetts is not seeking reelection in 2012.  After “serving”  16 terms and much destruction of the banking and housing industries, as well as Jerry Springer style scandals, we are losing one of America’s leftmost congressmen.

There is a reason to give thanks.

Barney will announce during a press conference  at 1 pm today, says CNN.