New York City: Gun Control Fails AGAIN!

Multiple People Reported Shot in Front of Empire State Building | Video |

A Nut Shot up a gun controlled movie theater in Gun Controlled Aurora, Colorado. The gun control in New York City comes with very strict penalties, and it’s an utter failure, similar to Aurora, Virginia Tech, Ft. Bragg, Columbine…..

Gun control accomplishes only one thing. It increases the body counts of the massacres.

This event outside the Empire State Building in New York City, features a guy, who according to the current guess, was upset after being fired from his job. Ten people are reported to have been shot (so far) with two, including the perpetrator, being killed.

What is Mayor Bloomberg’s solution for this?

Oklahoma Teen Mom Shoots Intruder Dead | Calls 911 First for Permission | Sarah McKinley | Oklahoma City | Video |

Oklahoma Teen Mom Shoots Intruder Dead | Calls 911 First for Permission | Sarah McKinley | Oklahoma City | Video |

Sarah McKinley, an 18 year old mom, lost her husband to cancer on Christmas day,  and was forced to defend herself and her baby with deadly force on new years eve.

It’s likely that this mom has hospital, funeral and mortgage bills galore, in addition to the grief in her life.  So Pharmer did a search, and wouldn’t you know..

A fund has been established in Sarah McKinley’s name. “Donations will be accepted at the Chickasha Bank and Trust, located at 1525 N. Council Road in Blanchard. Donations can also be mailed to the same bank at P.O. Box 548 in Blanchard, Okla., 73010.”

It’s notable that even the leftie news could not speak negatively of this mom’s use of a shotgun after being on the phone with 911 for 21 minutes.


UPDATE: 1/31/13  Welcome to the Pharm, Blaze Readers.  The above story is about a year old, and your friendly Pharmer regrets that a leftie Senator made use of this woman’s particular plight to push gun control, and try to limit the availability of suitable self protection which most women could handle.  Happily Sarah was able to save herself and her baby, but if she had not been, it would not have mattered much to the far away center of CONTROL in Washington D.C..

Linked here  a little further detail on the aftermath of Sarah’s story.  Please keep fighting to protect our American freedoms!!