E-Mails Suggest Solyndra Pushed Layoff Notices Past Elections – Amy Harder – NationalJournal.com

E-Mails Suggest Solyndra Pushed Layoff Notices Past Elections – Amy Harder – NationalJournal.com.

You remember Solyndra, the solar energy company which got a half billion dollar loan from the government, then filed bankruptcy?

While they were in their death throes, the folks at Solyndra were wanting to lay off some of the work force but were advised to delay such notices until after the 2010 election day.

In addition their government loan was restructured to allow private investors ahead of taxpayers in order of priority for repayment. Inquiring minds at the   House Energy and Commerce Committee wonder if this was legal.  It’s of particular curiosity as taxpayers are now stuck for most of that $535 million dollar loan.

Solyndra filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy in Sept of this year.

From the National Journal:  ““They did push very hard for us to hold our announcement of the consolidation to employees and vendors to Nov. 3—oddly, they didn’t give us a reason for that date,” states an October 2010 e-mail exchange between advisers for Argonaut Private Equity, the top investor in Solyndra that was founded by George Kaiser, an Oklahoma oil billionaire who bundled campaign donations for presidential candidate Barack Obama in 2008.”


Solyndra execs will decline to testify at hearing | Agricultural Commodities | Reuters

Solyndra execs will decline to testify at hearing | Agricultural Commodities | Reuters.

Solyndra is the Green energy company which went bankrupt very shortly after receiving $535 million dollars in federal grants.

The CEO and other top officers plan to utilize 5th amendment rights when called up for the Friday Congressional hearings.

Obviously there is quite a bit to hide….. such as the method for losing a half billion dollars in government funds.

The FBI has raided the homes of company officers, and very surprisingly the mainstream media  is carrying the death story of this company which was highlighted by Obama as part of his green energy programs.

Some have concluded that with the media no longer performing stenography for the White House,  Obama might decline to run for a second term.