Protest SOPA Day

Wikipedia is inconveniencing millions of students today as it lobbies on the internet against the Stop Online Piracy Act.

Pharmer is inclined to side with the likes of Google and Facebook and Wikipedia on this one. The government has created unfunded mandates for all large websites, search engines, etc. which open themselves to contributors, to monitor everything that is placed on their site, or face removal (unsearchability) due to copyright infringement.

The SOPA language is written in a way to allow the removal of any site the government chooses to eliminate. Copyright infringement does not have to be established before the sites are removed. It is damaging to business and to free speech.

SOPA: What You Don’t Want

The Stop Online Piracy Act, SOPA, by Lamar Smith as lead author, a Republican who needs a new job, is so bad that even Google doesn’t want it. They’re already pretty used to censorship. Pro-lifers are able to notice the disappearing content. Certain copyright owners such as those in Hollywood, would stand to benefit from SOPA, and have given us a new reason for boycotting them.
Congress is considering a bill which would give copyright owners and the agency that loves themthe ability to have whole websites deprived of advertisers and shot down due to potential infringement on just one page.
Compliance and continued operation would be impossible for sites which are driven by user content. Not only would the cost of policing be prohibitive, no one would want to go there anymore.
Jimmy Wales is contemplating a total Blackout of Wikipedia in protest over SOPA, which could inconvenience a huge number of people, and perhaps generate some email to Congress.
We could save the time, cost and inconvenience of proving the law to be unconstitutional by not allowing it to be passed in the first place. < < Just click and write your Congressman and tell him in flowery language that SOPA sux.