RNC Chair Reince Priebus: Feeling the Loss of the Conservative Base?

RNC Chair Reince Priebus: GOP’s Problem Is the ‘Biologically Stupid Things That People Say’ | TheBlaze.com.

Priebus appears to be trying to win back the social conservatives, after abandoning them in the 2012 election.   Now he says that there is nothing that needs changing in the republican platform, but he still is dumping on the two candidates that his ‘administration’ threw under the bus in 2012.

Is Priebus feeling the loss?    Have a lot of other people left the republican party after Mourdock and Akin were dumped by them in the 2012 election?  Did they finally figure out that millions of conservatives stayed home last November, and that more of us are contemplating it this time?

Mourdock said absolutely nothing wrong in his interview.  There were no biological errors.  Some people believe in a less personal Deity, or would split theological hairs between the term “intend” and “allow”, but that is not an issue of biology.  It should be permissible for a candidate to speak his religious beliefs.

Akin ‘hyperbolized’  the idea that stress could adversely  affect fertility, but it remains essentially correct that pregnancy from rape only accounts for a tiny portion of abortions done in the U.S.

Neither candidate should have been abandoned for their statements, but Priebus and the republican elites threw these two under the bus at the behest of the leftist media.

Your friendly Pharmer would send money, again, to either man if they ran for office. Congratulations to  both Mourdock and Akin  for sticking by the MAJORITY of women who would not have an abortion if they became pregnant from rape, because they believe in the sacredness of life.  Society has basically abandoned them, by expecting women who have been raped to kill their babies.

Republican leadership has been selling true conservatives out for years.  It appears that Priebus wants to throw a tiny bone at those of us who have left them.  After so many betrayals, this is not going to be effective.

Mediaite Tommy Christopher Echoes Worry- His Guy, Rubio, Will Be Palinized

Matt Lewis Says ‘They’ Are Trying To ‘Palinize’ Sen. Marco Rubio | Mediaite.

Tommy Christopher is afraid that the republican hope for 2016, Marco Rubio, will be savaged by the media if he doesn’t know which magic meme of the day to recite when questioned about matters of faith and science.  This is politics in the era of Obamigula.  Of special concern is a GQ interview asking Rubio how old he thinks the Earth is.  Rubio gave a decent answer, mentioning that the age of the earth is in dispute, and that  it has nothing to do with the current economic  problems of the U.S. That’s not magic enough for Christopher.

Journalosts who have zero training or understanding of the scientific method, seem endlessly to bloviate and “redund-iate” on matters of science, thereby lowering the IQ of their readers.
Normal people, to Christopher (not his real name) are those who think that they know how old the earth is by reading a single one of the theories about its age.
A person who has a real training in science would know that the age of the earth is not definitively determined from available evidence, with this being apart from the religious body of creation allegories, parables or metaphors. However, to be “normal” in Christopher’s mind is to accept one possible theory of the earth’s age and declare it to be “fact”.
We have endless other “normal” people, whose intelligence has been attenuated by reading journalostic output, who are ready to gut the world economies, due to a belief in anthropogenic global warming (now called climate change). Fraud after fraud has been perpetrated by global -warming-climatologists, yet the faith of the “normal” remains unshaken.
The idea that stress of violence is not conducive to fertility has been morphed into a mechanism of “sperm killing magic” by the medically illiterate journalost, linked above, and then falsely attributed to Todd Akin. Other journolosts, not criticized above, have actually promulgated the idea that rape is a process which increases fertility, from rape claim data acquired in countries where premarital sex is still bears considerable social stigma. Other  U.S. studies have been  cited, which were carried out  after 1993, when a rape claim would bring medicaid funding for abortion. Such a situation of conditionally funded abortion  has made Illinois rather famous for rape.  (Christopher’s “Normal” people wouldn’t understand the problem with such study designs.)
Christopher joins the chorus of the ignorant, still ripping on Sarah Palin, and earns the undying disrespect of yours truly, who fully understands why Palin might not  want to read their output. She was exposed to training in their methodology of crap-sausage production.
Hurt journalostic feelings is likely the reason why the chorus still has their knives out for Palin.

Missouri Democratic Party Files Ethics Complaint Against Todd Akin | TheBlaze.com

Missouri Democratic Party Files Ethics Complaint Against Todd Akin | TheBlaze.com.

Dems are very much afraid that Todd Akin will defeat Claire McCaskill. They see contributions coming in for Akin, as well as endorsements from Jim DeMint and Rick Santorum. That’s why they’ve invented an ethics complaint. Perhaps the conservatives in Missouri need to return the favor against Claire McCasKILL.

Demint might have gotten feedback from more conservatives like yours truly, questioning whether or not his group had abandoned or spoken against Todd Akin. Perhaps they surmised that their stance as conservatives would gain more credibility if they actually stood behind Akin.

Yes, Pharmer donated to the Senate Conservatives Fund, as well as Todd Akin’s campaign. Pharmer is likely to donate again to Jim DeMint’s fund now that he has endorsed Todd Akin. Richard Mourdock also requires more support.

Chris Plante Radio Show in DC takes Caller Who was Concieved in Rape

Listening to Ken, a caller to the Chris Plante Show in Washington DC who relates the circumstances of his birth and adoption, following a heated discussion about abortion for women who have been raped. It’s nine minutes well spent. At age 30, he met his birth mother and found that he was conceived when she was raped at age 15. She went to Catholic Charities to receive assistance and handle the adoption of her baby boy. Ken gives an eloquent appeal for the lives of kids resulting from rape. Listen up, and please pass it on. Also please remember that Catholic Charities adoptions services have been forcibly closed down in various locations (including Washington DC) because they won’t make arrangements for gay couples.

Jill Stanek: Karl Rove, fair weather friend

Karl Rove, fair weather friend. <-Click it, read it, pass it on. This synopsis is a quick and very important read, which validates Pharmer's notion that Karl Rove has never been a friend of conservatives or pro-lifers. You'll learn of Rove's connection to the Todd Akin and the Susan Komen Foundation vs. planned parenthood issues.

While the tea-party does the slow work of transforming the nation, pro-lifers will have to support Romney, though his record on life issues is spotty, just to get Obama-the-Extremist out. Absent a massive conversion on Mitt’s part, conservatives should still be casting about for his replacement, and be able to supply a strong primary opponent in 2016, or a third party opponent, depending on the response of the republican establishment.

The Tea-Party needs to repeatedly demonstrate to the Rove- RINO’s that they are no longer needed. One effective means of accomplishing this is helping Todd Akin beat Claire McCaskill. This is worthwhile for every member of the grass roots, whether or not they are big on the abortion issue itself. The republican establishment has been dissing the Tea-Party since the beginning, and we need to show them who’s boss. All of us would benefit from the retirement of Karl Rove and his ilk.

Poll: Akin-McCaskill race still a tossup – Washington Times

Todd Akin has not been crushed by his misuse of the word “legitimate” in front of the word “rape”. Missouri polls show that normal people have Claire McCaskill’s scary self in mind and find Akin much less offensive. He is holding his own in the race thus far.C

In Todd Akin Missourians now have the potential to sent a guy to Washington who owes NOTHING to the Republican establishment. RNC leader Priebus has promised not to send Akin support even if he is tied with McCaskill. This senate candidate will have the least possible motivation to join the old boys club and swallow the sewage of the Potomac.

Imagine electing a guy who has ZERO need for the Republican National Committee.
Akin should bill himself as a 100 percent Tea Party, RNC-free, political candidate, and pledge to stay in that role.

This is one more reason to send your dollars to Akin should his campaign remain in place after Sept 25.

Poll: Akin-McCaskill race still a tossup – Washington Times.

Remember when Whoopie said it wasn’t “rape-rape” ??

Remember when Whoopi Goldberg declared that Roman Polanski’s rape of a 13 year old girl wasn’t a legitimate rape? It wasn’t “rape-rape,” she said. It was more…. a statutory rape. Except the victim says that she resisted at first, then she stopped because she was afraid of Polanski. That didn’t qualify as a real rape, or a crime in the demented mind of left-gurl, Whoopi.

The testimony of Samantha Gailey before the grand jury following the attack is summarized at the very bottom of this page, and the entire document is archived HERE at the Smoking Gun.
It is really sick, and if you read it, you’ll wonder what is wrong with Whoopie Goldberg and the countless other amoral leftists who defended or minimized Roman Polanski’s multiple rapes of the drugged Samantha Gailey.

Missouri senate candidate, Todd Akin, didn’t think a woman would be likely to get pregnant if she were “legitimately” (meaning violently) raped.
Roman Polansky had a solution to the possibility of Samantha Gailey getting pregnant while being raped in a drugged state, (which circumvented the physical violence). He took no chances on whether or not pregnancy was likely, and utilized her rear exit.
Perhaps his precaution is what appealed to Whoopie Goldberg and the left-gurls, and led them to defend him, time and time again.

In left-land: Roman Polanski drugging and raping a thirteen year = OK. Todd Akin differentiating between physiological response to violent or statutory rape = Evil. And not wanting to kill a baby in recompense for the crime of her father = unspeakable extremist horror.

The left has been supporting numerous government programs which are going to make life as difficult for U.S. females, as it is for women in China.
After the HHS mandate and Obamacare complete the intended purpose of removing the pro-lifers from health care, females will lose autonomy over their bodies. The government, with its planned parenthood, will continue the “educational” programs of grooming them for early sex, and it will decide when and if they have babies, birth control, abortion or sterilization. That the males are also being groomed for this is going to exacerbate the problem.

Particularly in this past week, establishment republicans have shown themselves to be willing helpers to the leftists in this regard.

Mo. congressman Todd Akin defies GOP leaders to stay in race

My Way News – Mo. congressman defies GOP leaders to stay in race.

The problem with America is that using the word ‘legitimate’ in the place of the word ‘violent’ is considered a more serious problem than, for example, infanticide. Most of the republican establishment would publicly state that Obama, who vigorously defended this practice in Illinois, is a ‘legitimate’ presidential choice.

Where did Akin get his politically incorrect idea that that pregnancy does not often ensue from violent rape? Politically incorrect pro-lifers noted that very few pregnancies from rape were reported, when compared with numbers of reported rape events, (back when rape was more associated with physical violence).

They, most significantly, noted that few abortions were associated with rape, as compared to the massive numbers of abortions associated with recreational sex.

Those same pro-lifers surmised that the trauma of violent rape was not readily conducive to pregnancy.

Now our media is supplying us with theories that rape is motivated by sexual attraction (rather than violent intent) and that this happens when a woman is more fertile. Suddenly, rape has become a procreative mechanism, rather than unacceptable violence, in the minds of our political class. Promoting this theory is not going to help the conditions of women at all, but we’ve known for a long time that this isn’t in the game plan of our leftists.

To subscribe, as Akin did, to the former theory is considered more repugnant than defending and supporting the practice of killing babies after they are born, as Obama has done.

Incidentally, the star speaker at the democrat convention will be Bill Clinton, who has been accused of two rapes, several instances of unwanted sexual imposition, and lying to Congress and the American people concerning his habits. The state of Arkansas found Clinton’s ethical lapses sufficient to suspend his law license. On Dec 19, 1998 he was impeached.

The extreme ignorance and upside-down sense of proportion of the leftists, and their allies in the republican establishment, are ‘legitimate reasons’ for this country’s decline.

So far, Todd Akin has chosen not to pay attention to the republican wimps who threw him under the bus for uttering an incorrect word. They have never pursued democrats with such fervor, for much more serious errors or offenses.

Should he remain steadfast, an out of state contribution to his campaign is coming from the Pharmer, with the hope that other pro-life people will kick in to replace the lost support from his useless political party.