California quietly passes law to allow coerced vaccinations, removing parental rights : Moral Outcry

California quietly passes law to allow coerced vaccinations, removing parental rights : Moral Outcry.

AB-499 has been passed by the California Legislature and awaits Governor Jerry Brown’s signature.   It transfers consent for the Gardasil vaccine for HPV  to the authority of 12 year old girls, bypassing their parents.  Of course the parents would remain financially responsible for untoward effects of the drug in their children.

H1N1 flu vaccine subpotency and why to follow the Pharmer

That 800,000 flu vaccines, targeted for kids, have been recalled by Sanofi Pasteur is Zero surprise to those who have been listening to  the Pharmer  nail another set of correct medical predictions to the wall.  

You can be absolutely certain that  instability has less to do with the subpotency than the pressure from the government to rapidly produce vaccine from this slow replicating H1N1 influenza A virus.

There is no report on how many kids have gotten the subpotent vaccine, due to the “story” that the vaccine has lost potency over time.   (Translation — it was marginal in its production due to the attempt to stretch insufficient material into the production of millions of doses).   The lack of need for revaccination is due to the fact that the peak H1N1 season has passed — before the late produced vaccines have had significant effect.

Government recovery from this latest mismanagement will be to claim that we were saved from the ravages of the Swine Flu by the efforts of Kathleen Sebelius teaching us  how to cough or sneeze into our elbows. 

Your tax dollars are HARD at work.