Suddenly the Left is Objecting to Golden Showers

Media Matters Tries To Stir Controversy Over Loesch, Limbaugh – Fails – Big Journalism.

This is a significant turnaround by our leftist media, which has been wailing and gnashing teeth over a video of U.S. Marines urinating on corpses of their Taliban enemies.

In leftie-land, prior to this time of new puritanism,  urinating on someone was considered an acceptable alternative sex practice.  It has been called golden showers, and is one of the activities more  commonly associated with, but by no means limited to the gay community.

What is the source of the vehement leftie objection to providing golden showers to those Taliban corpses?  Perhaps  the fact that the deceased could not enjoy the warmth or the “fun” of being peed on, is seen as a problem.  Incest and pedophilia have not aroused such ire in the media in recent years,  nor has the torture of U.S. soldiers, and abuse of their corpses by various enemies.

Pharmer is expecting this (weird)  “water sport”  to increase among the military population, with the mixing of the sexes, as well as the end of “don’t ask, don’t tell” policies.

Sung-Bong Choi’s Viral Vocal Video

Korea’s Got Talent has their own Susan Boyle style of Viral Video.

Check out 22 year old Sung Bong Choi’s performance.

Some versions of this video perhaps did not give the full interview explaining that Choi did attend high school and had vocal training. This video shows him mentioning having taken “master lessons”. No amount of vocal training will produce a voice like his from nothing. Choi is a natural.

Hopefully this guy’s life is looking up.