No Felony Charges For Longmont Woman In TSA Groping Case « CBS Denver.
Yukari Miyamae has been released and allowed to go home to Longmont Colorado. Felony charges will not be pressed, but she might face misdemeanor charges for grabbing a TSA agent. It seems that the altercation was over her wishing not to go through the scanner. She’s a frequent flier, and one can imagine the reasons why she has no love for the “rays”.
Miyamae has supporters (see comment) who wish for her to suffer no felony charges as she was defending herself from an impending assault on her person. One of them brought news of her motivations to this blog.
Pharmer understands COMPLETELY, and wishes to delay flying until the TSA learns to behave itself.
The usual economic pressures of boycotting would not induce this government (which is intent on downsizing the economic power of the U.S.) to rein in the TSA. There is hope that the next administration will want to assist the recovery of the airline industry by putting a stop to the groping.
Update on Yukari Miyamae’s name…. Fox news alternatively transliterates her name as Mihamae, or Miyamae. Go with Miyamae – sorry, facebook supporters.
Here’s Pharmer’s guess on the Kanji, hiragana and pronunciation.
