Almost 30 years later, the media almost catches up with the Pharmer, but not quite. They’ve finally noticed that fertility specialists crank on treating the women for male infertility. As a brand spanking new pharmacist, yours truly angered a fertility specialist by pointing this out to a patient, and advising her to have her doc fully explain the rationale of his treatment plan before she proceeded with it. It was another one of those “do not dispense” moments. As a “mostly there” article, this Daily Mail piece is well worth people’s time to read. It exposes much fraud in the fertility industry, that (as usual) endangers the health of women most of all. In many instances, expensive and invasive procedures have been perpetrated on women, in order to compensate for a problem really existing in the male: low sperm count or quality. The article also addresses various causes of this sperm insufficiency, including exposure to BC hormones and endocrine disruptors, but it leaves out another contributing factor, because medical practitioners are having a hard time admitting it. People tiptoe around this elephant in the room.
Wielding the sledgehammer of bluntness: Infertility has been nature’s way of weeding wankers out of the gene pool. Don’t be a weed. Turn off the porn, people. It really is bad for you, as well as the people being utilized by it.