Just a few examples of Obama Administration morphing into Yes we Can’t mode right after election:
Huge ice storm and freezing people in Kentucky? Sorry, Governor Beshear (who called Obama for help), too busy with the superbowl party.
Floods in Fargo, N Dakota and Nashville, TN regions — a near media blackout and little federal help, not the multi-year whine fest accorded to New Orleans.
The Oil Spill? BP stopped it despite the government hampering of repair, and the states took care of their own shores to the extent the feds would allow it.
Illegal Immigration? No, Obama and big Sis Napolitano say they can’t close the borders, it’s impossible.
Fomer Sen.Ted Steven’s plane goes down in Alaska? The feds could not get to the plane due to severe weather, but reported locals on the scene assisting the survivors. A commercial helicopter had dropped a medical team to the site, while the coast guard and national guard waited for the weather to clear.
Don’t you think the federal response to calamities would have been better with those Alaskans running the show?
There will be, in the next two elections, a test to see if pinching off federal disaster and law enforcement assistance to red states will make them more inclined to vote for democrats in the future.