Why is Ben Carson’s Pro-Life Stance Confused? What About Our Own?

The inconsistencies in Ben Carson’s pro-life views have been a fairly hot topic in the alternative news.  Surely leftists (including the republican establishment)  will use this to stick a fork into his candidacy.

The truth is that virtually all pro-life people have inconsistencies in their views.  We have grown up in a culture which has a very utilitarian view towards human life, so that becoming respectful of life requires a good deal of research, thought and energy.  Becoming more consistently pro-life is a process.  Ben Carson, a neurosurgeon, probably ignored reproductive medicine and developmental biology most of the time.

Medicine has been impeded by the birth control and abortion scam since the beginning of time.  Before the birth control hormones and abortion pills, herbs and various poisons were used.

False claims touting the reliability of these modalities encouraged alterations in people’s sex behaviors, to the extent that they thought they could separate sex and reproduction. Societies have been bamboozled by a myriad of false medical claims,  Many of these affected mainstream medical practice in ways that would astonish you.  Recent retractions of prior medical dogma have changed the way hypertension is treated, and which dietary modifications are needed for weight loss or cardiovascular health.  Likewise, the birth control practices have been codified and entrenched based upon claims and assumptions which are simply not true.  None of the birth control methods and drugs work as well as touted in actual use.  Many, especially morning after pills, have become an under dose as the average size of women has grown larger.  To alter the dose would bring huge research and regulatory costs to the manufacturer.  It’s cheaper to bring a me-too or a generic drug  to market.

Chemical birth control has become an abortion selling scam, and a war on women conducted for profit.  People need to face the fact that reproductive activity causes babies.

Those who see human life as the most valuable thing will move further to the pro-life side as they do research and are forced to think about the issue harder.   Politicians should not necessarily be excoriated as they think out loud about being pro-life. Many politicians who claimed to be pro-life have not lived up to their promises.  We should be looking at the candidates who have not been bought out by special interests, and whose personal honor is linked to keeping their word.  If those kinds of candidates pledge specific pro-life actions, (such as de-funding abortion sellers, and protecting pro-life health care, religious and  business practice.) maybe they are the ones to support.  With that kind of help the grass roots pro-lifers could defeat the abortion disease.

Bowl of Hygeia Award Goes to Pro-Life Pharmacist

Louisiana Pharmacist’s Association nominated Lloyd DuPlantis for the Bowl of Hygeia award given out by the American Pharmacist’s Association for outstanding community service, and so he is appropriately recognized this 2015 year.

Lloyd DuPlantis
Lloyd DuPlantis

Yes, this longstanding pro-life pharmacist, author and philanthropist, does it all.  In addition to his pharmacy practice, family life, writing, and a number of local and international charitable outreaches, he’s an ordained Catholic Deacon.

Pharmer sez: if you met Lloyd, you would never forget him, and is glad that her eldest offspring also had that opportunity before he headed off into healthcare.

Would you like to add health IQ points ???   Read Lloyd’s Remedies and his book on The Pill: America’s Sacred Cow, (no offense to bovines).

Planned Parenthood whines about harassment from Pro-lifers


Your friendly Pharmer is highly amused that Planned Parenthood management is so upset by the investigative work of the Center for Medical Progress. Today’s second video, featuring the “less crunchy” Dr. Mary Gatter, has PP’s top brass in a tailspin. They’re crying foul, and are claiming that pro-lifers have been attacking them in an effort to shut down their killing business.

Let the public be reminded that Planned Parenthood has been harassing pharmacists for 15 years or more, in an attempt to force the pro-lifers to dispense abortifacient drugs, with their efforts leading to success in a number of states. In fact, Planned Parenthood of Southwestern Ohio intervened directly in the employment lawsuit between this pharmacist and K Mart way back in 2001, in order to delay  the inevitable outcome.

Planned Parenthood has been attacking pro-life  health care professionals and Crisis Pregnancy Centers for decades.  Is there any reason that people should feel sympathy for the nation’s top abortion conglomerate, which kills babies and sells their body parts?

Help the Stormans Family, Pro-life Pharmacists

The Stormans Family  has been battling the coercive leftist abortion supporters for YEARS, regarding their right to refuse to dispense certain types of birth control which have abortive mechanisms of action.  They won their case at home, but are being soaked for legal fees as their First Amendment case is being appealed to the 9th Circuit Court.  Read more about the appeal  at LifeNews.

There’s a Go Fund Me campaign to help out this family, and allow them to stay true to their religious and ethical beliefs as they practice pro-life pharmacy.

Please understand  that the primary drug in question, levonorgestrel, or Plan B One-Step is now an over the counter drug.  The entire environment of practice regarding this drug entity has changed while the Stormans legal battle has been going on.   In addition, it has been established that Plan B is ineffective for American women of average size. ( Learn more at the Chemical Abortion page of this blog.)  The pharmacists who refuse to dispense Plan B have effectively  been protecting these women from being sold a bogus “remedy”.  The point of continued legal persecution of this family is moot.

Your friendly Pharmer is coughing up some $$$ to help the Stormans family, and invites you to do so too

. Read more about the initial case  HERE.

Stormans - Family of Pro-life Pharmacists


Petition Merck to Produce Ethical Vaccines

There are no ethical alternatives to the current Rubella, Hepatitis A and Varicella Vaccines, all of which are produced using cell cultures derived from killed humans.  A petition on Change.org has been placed to persuade Merck to revive its older mumps and rubella vaccines so that those with religious objection to abortion could have their kids vaccinated using ethically produced vaccines.   THe author of the petition points out that better vaccine compliance could be obtained by addressing  legitimate (first amendment protected) religious objections.

Please visit the petition site HERE.

Privacy Protection for Beating Girlfriend, Concealing Sex with Minors, but Not “Racial Feelings”

While Obama gives away the Ukraine to the ‘U.S.S.R’. (reassembly in progress), the minds of many Americans are focused on this latest puppet show.

The NBA is in the process of removing the LA Clippers from Donald Sterling, and giving the team to Magic Johnson, et al, at bargain basement pricess.  Sterling, an 80 + year old billionaire, who behaved as though money could buy everything, humiliated himself and family with a much younger mistress.  This woman got a tape of him saying that she could screw any of the players she liked but he did not want her appearing at the NBA games with them. Since the skin coloration of the players was mentioned, it has been deemed that Sterling’s words were worse than domestic violence and concealing the rape of minors.

California does not allow one party to privately record the words or actions of another party without permission.  The sanctions against Sterling are being carried out using illegally obtained “evidence”.

Recently tech millionaire, Gurbaksh Chahal escaped more than 40 charges related to allegedly beating his girlfriend for 30 minutes in a San Francisco apartment.  The video recorded by a security camera in his apartment was considered private, by California law, and inadmissible as evidence. Supposedly it was unlawfully acquired by the police. CEO Chahal was permitted to remain on the board of the tech company, RadiumOne, but consumer pressures related to their IPO, have caused him to lose that positionThe delay in firing Chahal is explained in an internal memo from the new CEO of RadiumOne.

In 2008, an 18 year old pro-life activist was threatened with a lawsuit by Planned Parenthood for making a tape inside a  Planned Parenthood of Los Angeles facility.  She had posed as an underage girl, with an adult boyfriend, seeking an abortion.  The tape showed her being advised, by a PP employee, to falsify her age.  She was told to relinquish the tapes to Planned Parenthood because they were in violation of California’s privacy laws. This forced the 18 year old college student to pull the Youtube videos and in moving Live Action Films’ efforts to the states which do not have such privacy laws.

While pondering why California’s privacy laws protect law-breaking abortion clinics and domestic abusers, but not doddering old men arguing with mistresses,  click THIS LINK, and read Ben Shapiro’s report on what activities  will NOT produce a permanent ban in the NBA.  Perhaps it will make you reconsider whether professional basketball is your kind of entertainment.


Modestly Proposing that Abortion is Good

Abortion: the best thing since sliced bread.

Adam’s abortion commentary impelled Pharmer of Redneckia to dredge  past memories of literate pursuits, and Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal“, (which is worse than ‘Soylent Green’), came to mind. Click to hear Adam.

The satire that kids put out has to really bite deep to get a response, because they have had so much audio visual shock administered early in life.  Adam tried to go farther and crazier than the abortion supporters of today to elicit the laughter from his peers.  The problem is that being crazier than the abortion extremists is impossible, and that’s what has some people  wondering if Adam was kidding.

This confusion is the same thing that occurred with the “Abortionplex” parody put out by The Onion.  Some people really believed that the abortion sellers had (already) created such a facility……..just because it is within the realm of possibility.

See also: 
Hospitals in UK incinerating aborted babies for heat.
A Modest Proposal, by Johnathan Swift

Matt Bevins has Tea Party and Conservative Support

Matt Bevin, the  underdog challenger to Senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell , is endorsed by various tea party groups, including Tea Party Patriots.  Bevin is a more conservative pro-lifer than most, and therefore could not garner the support of some of the mainstream “pro-life” groups.  They might not agree with his idea of cutting medicaid funding for birth control.  They might also find his family of 9 kids, four of whom are adopted from Ethiopia, to be over the top.

Andrew Bair, writing in LifeNews,  notes that Bevin has support from the Northern Kentucky Right to Life organization, a group too conservative to be on his radar.  NKRTL is an uncompromisingly pro-life  group which opposes the birth control scam with which the left has successfully held women in thrall.  Mitch McConnell does not answer survey questions coming from Northern Kentucky Right to Life.

On the other hand, Tea Party support for Matt Bevins has been due to such things as  his insistence upon debt limits, and respect for immigration law. Mitch  McConnell has voted many times to increase the government debt ceiling, (thereby funding Obamacare), and has been  supporting amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Pro-lifers such as Andrew Bair would do well to ponder if it is OK to vote to increase government debt, (thereby upholding the basis of the anti-life  Obamacare), to allow people who broke immigration law to push ahead of immigrants who have shown respect for U.S. laws, and to give these illegals access to health care coverage which has been R E M O V E D from working Americans.