Drudge Keeps Bringing Up Obama’s Weight Loss

Is Obama losing weight? Critics claim stress of leading the country has left President frail | Mail Online.  Click

Obama has kept his medical records hidden, unlike most presidents and presidential candidates before him.   Click

Is Van Jones getting the electorate ready for the news?  Click

Are you forming an idea about the reason for the weight loss?

+ Kevin DuJan of Hillbuzz produced a theory relevant to  this matter quite a long time ago.  Click

Update: 7-12 Obama comments on people noticing that he needs to gain some weight.


6 thoughts on “Drudge Keeps Bringing Up Obama’s Weight Loss

  1. Next thing ya know he'll be injecting HGH to make up for AIDS-wasting syndrome?
    Who knows what's going on in those T cells of the First Marxist?

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    A serum separate is a top sinew ontogeny increment and contains 90 to 94 percent accelerator, time serum concentrates hold nigh 70 to 85 proportion catalyst. No uncertainty serum isolates also are costlier than whey concentrates.
    So now you're cerebration that the insulate is the better alternative because it costs solon, justice? Fine, not always.

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