Obama Sez: His ‘Healthcare Doesn’t Fund Abortions’, He Will Force the States to Fund It.

“One more misunderstanding I want to clear up — under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions, and federal conscience laws will remain in place,” the president said in an address to a joint session of Congress to sell health care reforms. -September 10, 2009 FOXNews.com

Obama’s intention, as expressed to the State of Indiana, is that he will force the states to fund abortion with their taxpayer dollars.

The Obama Dept of Health and Human Services  says that the Indiana decision to remove tax funding of abortion providers,  denies needed health care services to  medicaid recipients. Indiana has 28 Planned Parenthood clinics and many hundreds  of other qualified providers  to deliver real  health care to women in the 21 counties affected by the defunding of abortion clinics.  The argument from the HHS  is that defunding planned parenthood restricts choice of providers to  patients dependent on medicaid  funds for their treatment.  (Pharmer notes: this will be the ultimate effect  of Obamacare on everyone).  Here’s the Letter from the Obama HHS  medicaid director  Donald Berwick to Indiana’s  counterpart,  Patricia Casanova.

If Indiana stops funding abortion clinics, as the Federal government is supposed to have done,  the Obama administration intends to cut off  federal funding for all medicaid  patients in the state of Indiana.   His Dept of Health and Human Services, run by the radically pro-abortion Kathleen Sebelius is expected to  threaten  all the states similarly.

The message is loud and clear.  We fully  understand that  providing abortion is a prime directive of the Democrat Party, and its importance supercedes that of all other health care.

Perhaps the states will tire of the federal usurpation of their rights, and dictatorial control by the federal government. It appears thus far that Indiana will be putting up a fight.

Let’s hope the state  doesn’t  cave as Texas did to the TSA gropers.