Study Suggests India Was Right to Utilize Television for Birth Control

The power of TV: watching 20 hours a week halves sperm count, according to new study – Health News – Health & Families – The Independent.

Another sperm study is associating inactivity, obesity and particularly watching television more than 20 hours per week with markedly reduced sperm counts.

A Study of 189 healthy, young  men, appearing in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, tracked them for three months, observing diet, activities and sperm quality.   It found that men who watched the most television showed a 43%  reduction in sperm count, under those who watched the least.

Subjects who were the most active (more than 15 hrs of exercise per week) showed 73% increase in sperm count over those who were the least active.

Men who were active, but watched the most TV, also showed reduced counts.

The original rationale behind the Plan in India to give out televisions as birth control devices,  was that people would be too distracted and tired from staying up all night watching the tube.   The above study adds another mechanism by which television watching can lower the baby making.


Mumbai: Supreme Court Rejects Bail for Sex Selective Abortionists

No bail hope for 6 months for foeticide doctor: Supreme Court – The Times of India.

Dr Sudam Munde and his wife Dr. Saraswati Munde have botched a late term abortion and killed both patients while on bail for sex selective abortions.

Varsha Deshpande, India’s version of Lila Rose, had busted the abortionists for their operation to selectively abort girls.  The couple had been out on bail, but this was revoked due to the illegal abortion they committed in May, which killed the mother, Vijaymala Patekar, as well as her baby.

The Supreme Court in Mumbai has denied Munde’s subsequent bail application, and ruled that he cannot attempt another application for six months.

Varsha Deshpande has learned the codes used by the sonography industry to get around the laws of India against  sex selection abortions.  She’s conducted 34 sting operations of sex selective abortionists and sonographers since 2005, and has just recently put up her own website. 

Related: Soylent Green: it’s not science fiction anymore

Times of India: Amisha Bhatt Busts Sex Selective Abortionists

Forced into abortion 6 times, woman turns whistleblower – Times Of India.

India has long held a cultural and economic preference for male babies. Those weddings for the girls are expensive, and the male children are more efficient as a social security policy for the parents.

Amisha (Yagnik) Bhatt, of Vastrapur has undergone five sex selection abortions, coerced by her husband, Priyavadan Bhatt, of Anand, and his parents, who desired a male heir. Only one girl child, Kamya, survives. Amisha was married in 2000, and, failing to produce a male child, was rejected by the family in 2009. They were expecting that another wife can produce a male heir, as the biology of sex determination is lost on them. Priyavadan and his parents Gunvantrai and Niranjana Bhatt were arrested in 2009, by the Vastrapur police based upon the charges by Amisha.

India has a Pre-Conception & Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act, which prohibits sex selection abortions but this has not stopped collusion between sonography clinics and abortion clinics. Some sonographers are hiding the names of women who have been sent to the abortion clinics based upon the sex of the baby. The receipts and records supplied by Amisha Bhatt showed the connection between the sonographers and the abortion clinics, and has resulted in two doctors losing their licenses for malpractice. The state government is reviewing medical reporting requirements to prevent this collusion in the future.  Yogkshem Manav Sansthan, a social welfare group has been providing assistance to Amisha Bhatt  in exposing the crimes of her former in-laws, the sonographers and the abortionists.

UN Claims (So Be Wary) that India has More Cell Phones than Toilets

India has more mobile phones than toilets: UN report – Telegraph.

The story is that there are enough cell phones for almost half of India’s population, but only a third of the people  had access to “proper”  sanitation in 2008.

Pharmer recognizes that the UN is prone to exaggerating stories in order to promote their programs.   The infrastructure for cell phones is cheaper to build and maintain than the huge construction  of systems needed for a  supporting a toilet in every home.    There’s a wild, electronic industrial revolution going on in Asia, so this claim could be a shade  closer to the truth  than other stuff coming out of the UN.

Take home:  Giving to organizations  which dig for clean water supplies in various parts of the world  might be the  most efficient way to  support human life.

The nation to which the U.S. has outsourced much of its math and programming has fled the UN Climate Change Cabal,  with the intent to set up its own institute to study the issue.    Yes,   the people of India have wisely concluded that the IPCC is unreliable, and  reevaluation of the data and conclusions is needed.

Ninad D Sheth conveys the doubts about the warming trend,  the shrinking Himalayan glaciers, the sinking of Bangledesh,  and politically motivated lies in general.   Enjoy the read here, and take note of a new permanent  link on the side bar where you can keep abreast on all of the latest climate change scandals, news  at the Climate Depot.