Study Suggests India Was Right to Utilize Television for Birth Control

The power of TV: watching 20 hours a week halves sperm count, according to new study – Health News – Health & Families – The Independent.

Another sperm study is associating inactivity, obesity and particularly watching television more than 20 hours per week with markedly reduced sperm counts.

A Study of 189 healthy, young  men, appearing in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, tracked them for three months, observing diet, activities and sperm quality.   It found that men who watched the most television showed a 43%  reduction in sperm count, under those who watched the least.

Subjects who were the most active (more than 15 hrs of exercise per week) showed 73% increase in sperm count over those who were the least active.

Men who were active, but watched the most TV, also showed reduced counts.

The original rationale behind the Plan in India to give out televisions as birth control devices,  was that people would be too distracted and tired from staying up all night watching the tube.   The above study adds another mechanism by which television watching can lower the baby making.