That didn’t take long…. China has suspended Apple’s music vid and iBooks. How about that!! Can you guess why? Leftists take heed. China has a strong central government which censors what its people sees. And it doesn’t like the social agenda of the West and what it’s pushing, 24/7. Apple is completely mum about this because we’d all be wondering why they hate the religious freedom states here so much, but put up with China completely suppressing their “rainbow” content. Many of our other multi-national companies are behaving the same way. Western Christians are so much easier to cow than the Chinese, Russians and the Muslims.
The LA Times reported on this event, but naturally had NO CLUE as to what would cause China to shut down most of Apples content service.
One more time, lefties. This is what’s going to happen when you build that utopia of your dreams, with the government controlling everything. There will be a decision that your habits bring about extreme financial burdens, and then………. POOF!