What to Do when Plan B is Seen as Less Effective than Withdrawal?

Well, rehabilitate the withdrawal method of course! So check out this ABC article which cites studies to “show” that the withdrawal method is on par with condom use for efficacy in preventing pregnancy.

Obviously it won’t help with other common problems…….

So with withdrawal rehabilitated to acceptability as a contraceptive method, then Plan B might still be thought of as “effective”.

Or maybe getting both of these into common usage will sell a lot more abortions.

bad night in massachusetts? OBAMA has PANTS ON THE GROUND!

nice remix of General Larry Platt’s new HIT. Check the youtube site itself. This song has multiple applications, and has become part of the celebratory language of the Teapartier victory in Massachusetts.

Let’s hope Scott Brown remembers how he got there, and keeps an ear for the people or else he might develop the same condition as Obama.