Thoughts on Pat Robertson Saying Whatever Comes to Mind

Pharmer went to Mass and heard a priest reference the evangelist who attributed the earthquake to Haitians pact with devil in exchange for freedom from France. The priest contrasted the evangelist with God who is merciful (without knowing that in the same interview, the evangelist requested his listeners to pray for the Haitians and send aid, because they are suffering.)

Yours truly is always in the odd position… having to defend the actual faith of Catholicism to people who see the shortcomings of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, for example, while on the other hand, admonishing this priest (after mass)  and others to pay attention to what Pat Robertson actually DOES, though he is known to say politically incorrect things on occasion.
A search revealed   that Pat Robertson’s idea about the origins of Haitian independence were not self generated. Whether an actual pact with the devil was involved could not be ascertained from this info. The idea comes from a Voodoo ceremony said to have marked a meeting of people fighting for Haitian freedom at Bois-Caïman near Cap-Haïtien. This idea is repeated by Haitians as well as Christian missionaries who have served in Haiti. Though the claim can’t be established without doubt, we can be certain that Pat Robertson didn’t make it up.
Also, in asking people to pray for Haitians, it certainly appears that Pat Robertson does NOT believe, a theory mentioned by Obama, that God has abandoned Haiti. -Proponents of the Voodoo = satanism origins of Haitian freedom. -This author doesn’t like Clinton, Aristide, or voodoo. -This author is one who claims to have heard the story repeated by Pat Robertson from Haitians themselves.   (still looking for part 3)- This author does not agree with the devil pact theory.  It’s worth checking back for it  later. And here’s Obama;’s speech to the Haitians:

“I want to speak directly to the people of Haiti, you have suffered for a long time and to have to deal with this new disaster will make you wonder why God has abandoned Haiti. I’m going to tell you that we won’t forget you, we won’t abandon you. The United States are on your side, the world is, you’ve endured a history of slavery and your faith has been unwavering” 

Update: English version found and double checked by lip reading the video under the spanish translated one at

Finally, I want to speak directly to the people of Haiti. Few in the world have endured the hardships that you have known. Long before this tragedy, daily life itself was often a bitter struggle. And after suffering so much for so long, to face this new horror must cause some to look up and ask, have we somehow been forsaken?
To the people of Haiti, we say clearly, and with conviction, you will not be forsaken; you will not be forgotten. In this, your hour of greatest need, America stands with you. The world stands with you. We know that you are a strong and resilient people. You have endured a history of slavery and struggle, of natural disaster and recovery. And through it all, your spirit has been unbroken and your faith has been unwavering.



Coakley obtains Obama aid

Martha Coakley, that Massachusetts Senate candidate who thinks Catholics shouldn’t be permitted to work in hospital emergency rooms, has obtained the full backing and support of Obama, immediately after her expression of this sentiment. Obama intends to travel to Coakley’s state on Sunday in order to bolster her effort against Republican Scott Brown.

Pharmer is happy to have assisted others in learning of Coakley’s religious intolerance via submissions of this Washington times story and Ken Pittman to a number of well known venues of news and commentary.

This story also appeared on the Drudge Report, Jill Stanek’s page, and was echoed by Rush Limbaugh on his Friday 1/15 radio show, among others. It is hoped that enough people heard of Coakley’s views that Obama might need to address a question about it when he travels to Massachusetts in her support.

Tie it all together

45% of physicians plan to retire early in the event of obamacare.

Insiders have told us that Planned Parenthood pushes its clinic directors to drum up abortion business.  Ask Abby Johnson, for example.

Plan B, certainly is good for bringing abortion business since it’s less effective than the withdrawal method. (That’s evident from the Plan B package insert.) WHAT A SCAM!

Catholic hospitals serve 16 percent of US patients, and as non profits, handle a good load of the indigent patients. Those hospitals are either going to have to abort or close

Coakley gave the public a window to see what’s coming. Take a look.

Once health care providers are forced to provide abortions, women will be forced to have abortions, and this coercion will be even stronger than vaccine coercion.

Thanks Jill Stanek and Matt Drudge for putting up the Coakley interview.

NY congressman Anthony Weiner admits Govt run health care is not about access

Kieth Olberman used the tragedy of Haiti to sell Obama care…. but got an amazing admission from this NY congressman about U.S. health care.

Well, I think if we were to have a circumstance like this, we’d all rally around. And it’s the same way, frankly, every single day, when people go into a hospital or an emergency room, there is some question asked, let me see your insurance card, but at the end of the day, we care for them. So we really don’t have a discussion in this country whether or not we’re going to have health care for everyone. We really do. The only question we’re having now, and it seems almost silly, it’s so petty, is how we’re going to distribute that health care, how we’re going to pay for it, how we’re going to make sure everyone has it at an affordable level…

It’s not about access, government run health care is about CONTROL

Devout Catholics shouldn’t work in Emergency Room says Coakley

This goes into the PHARMER TOLD YA SO FILE…. since conscience rights for health professionals has been my business for years and years.

The leftists do not have room for health care professionals who regard all human life with respect and who would not kill in their practice. In the event of Obamacare, most of us will be compelled to change careers, which will leave patients to deal with the other kind of health care provider.

Martha Coakley weighs in on the topic here.

PACT WITH GAIA | Daily Telegraph Tim Blair Blog

People are ragging on Pat Robertson for connecting the disasters of Haiti to a deal supposedly made between Haitians and the Devil in exchange for freedom from France. That Robertson and Company are praying for the Haitians and sending Aid seems not to have any bearing on the public opinion.

But Pharmer finds the Danny Glover theory, connecting failure of the Copenhagen talks to earthquakes to be really off the wall.

PACT WITH GAIA | Daily Telegraph Tim Blair Blog

YUP, climate change causes earthquakes.

Was She Wearing a Thong?

According to this Fox News Story, that’s the question of the day.

We have the story of an irate mom attending a school board seminar addressing the topic of bullying. Someone at the middle school had pulled down her daughters sweat pants exposing her undies in front of other students. The mother was angry that this pervasive issue of “pantsing” at the school was not being given significant attention.

During the meeting the Superintendent Joseph Longo is said to have asked the mom if her daughter was wearing a thong.

Understandably, she became irate at the meeding, and after the meeting cussed at the school principal, Mr. Edward Bocar in the hallway.

If you think it was understandable for the mother to respond in anger to the situation and that question from the superintendent, and that she should not be facing criminal charges for cussing, you might wish to politely tell Mr. Luongo what you think of his rather strange question, and the issue of the mother being punished for an understandable reaction.

Notice that if you visit the Hasbrouck Heights middle school web page, you need a password to see the staff email addresses. But check out that front page full of vaccine info, because they’re still trying to push that human papilloma virus vaccine to their underage girls.

Not to worry, an email addy was still able to be found:
HASBROUCK HEIGHTS BORO Joseph Luongo Superintendent
as were the phone numbers and address of the middle school.
so here you go:
Hasbrouck Heights Middle School
365 Boulevard
Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604
(201) 393-8190
And Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Joseph C. Luongo’s numbers are
tel: 201-393-8145, and fax: 201-288-0289

Please be Nice and Easygoing as you tell the good superintendent that the charges against this mom are over the top, as was that intrusive question about the thong.

More details here:

He said, She said

It’s always good to check out the stories side by side, concerning the reporter who went to ground while trying to cover a story on Massachusetts Dem  Martha Coakley.

She said: AP implies that the reporter stumbled on a sewer grate.

He said:  Coakley’s aide shoved him to the ground., per the Boston Herald.

Based upon tea partier and pro-lifer experience, Pharmer is leaning towards what he said, but since both versions are here, you can decide for yourself.

Imbalance of the Sexes in China

There are reported to be 32 million more boys than girls in China under the age of 20, says this Discover article, citing the BMJ.

A milder appearing take  (which really cites the trouble guys of marrying age within 10 years) states that 24 million guys will be mateless AND dateless by 2020. 

Both versions cite the selective abortion practices in China as the main cause of this significant societal problem.

Rather than kidnapping women and girls  from other nations to fill the void in these men’s lives, perhaps some consultation and education from our “safe schools czar”, Kevin Jennings would fill the bill.*   Pharmer is certain that Kevin  has plenty of suggestions, as well as a little black book from GLSEN.

*sarcasm disclaimer for the clueless