A Leftie is Complaining that Bart Stupak Would Not Consult the Nuns.

Dropped this at Legal Sleaze because Jodi Jacobson is bumming-out  that Bart Stupak won’t consult with the pro-choice nuns.

Let’s remember Who is attacking Bart Stupak.    The leftist side.

It was interesting to hear a Democrat say he doesn’t go to the nuns  for info on drafting pro-life legislation.
This is actually because the most vocal and   politicized among them are not pro-life.  The media does not interview pro-life nuns.

I would not go to most of  the Americans who claim to be Catholic for pro-life information and political assistance.
This is because many of them are democrats who naively believe that health care can be handed over to a corrupt institution  (the U.S. government)  and expected to improve.  Also, many are not pro-life.

Stupak, ever a democrat,  believes that the health care debacle can be sold by removing language allowing government funding of abortion.  This is a joke.
With  existing socialized systems,  abortion has been mandated by the lack of health coverage and treatment for those with untoward fetal diagnoses.   The mother is told that she should abort the baby with congenital defects.   Also, women who are raped, or who receive risky medications are told that they SHOULD abort.  Many would prefer not to.

If abortion funding is removed from Obamacare,  by necessity of cost cutting, there will remain the unfunded mandate of abortion.

The current leftist ideology and template for girls and women is that they should be available for sex at a young age, and  have abortions early and often, thereby functioning as  good and convenient sexual utilities.   Yes, the functioning is expected to be similar to that of electrical wall sockets.   Most American  leftists actually  hate the life-bearing aspect of women.  (Years of  testing and observation  back this contention.) These same people  also hate traditional Catholic teaching which has assigned the highest rank and honor  among humans to Mary, the Mother of Jesus.

The ‘brave new world’ for women under leftist care will be little better than life under the Taliban.

*** addendum :  Stupak can add   this group of sisters to his phone list.   Here’s their full web site.

Idaho Chooses Life: Conscience Protection Bill Passes Legislature

Idaho has done something major to prevent the expulsion of pro-life health care professionals from their practices.

Idaho Chooses Life: Conscience Protection Bill Passes Legislature.

This bill is ready to be signed by the Governor,  which is only a matter of time.

AARP  (which would benefit if it’s members did not live so long) vehemently opposed this bill,  apparently fearing  that it could impede the ability of the elderly to kill themselves.

The bill has no effect on the issue of living wills in a state  without physician assisted suicide.

Hey Sisters Take a Look!

This one comes from Life News!

Congressman Bart Stupak also responded to the letter and refuted it.

“When I’m drafting right to life language, I don’t call up the nuns,” he said, adding that he relies on truly pro-life groups like “leading bishops, Focus on the Family, and The National Right to Life Committee.

Did you catch that??

This is where those  59 ‘nuns gone wild’ have gotten you, with their errant behavior and support of Obamacare and the abortion mandates, which will eventually come with it.

Rep Stupak himself is playing a bit of a shell game with the illusion that merely removing abortion funding will remove the threat of abortion coercion, which has always accompanied other socialized medicine programs. But even he feels comfortable dissing the nuns on the issue of pro-life government legislation.

In the same Lifenews  report is refutation of the AP claim  which Pharmer previously discounted, that 59,000 nuns were represented by the 59 leaders.

The Bishops have felt the pressure from the Vatican, and from more adherent Catholic lay people regarding Obama care and are now running newspaper ads against Obamacare.

Pharmer will repeat until blue in the face…… Planned Parenthood Federation personnel  are near the point of  simultaneous climax, thinking about all the new abortion business which will be brought by government health care.   You have heard  NO objections from NARAL, planned unparenthood and the feminazis, concerning Obamacare, the Senate Edition.   This is because it guarantees extensive support for abortion, and their industry looks forward to massive growth, which the Guttmacher Institute estimates as a  30 percent increase in abortions.

Sisters,  it is time for you to put  these nutty nuns, who have signed on to the looming Obamanation, out to pasture.    Ethically  intemperate religious orders will continue to shrink in size, if this leadership problem is not addressed.

Addendum……..  a  statement on health care, ignored by the mainstream media, from the Council of  Majors Superior of Women Religious, who represent about 10,000 sisters, and who still have applicants wanting to join their orders.

Doctors Will Do What Walgreens Did

but they’ll start with Medicare.

The cost savings which the Dems claim to accompany Obamacare will come at the expense of the elderly, that population which is most likely to vote.

Originally medicare reductions in reimbursement were scheduled to start this March, but scared bunny Congress has postponed this to the fall.

The hope is that physicians will not start dumping their medicare patients (as the MAYO CLINIC in Arizona already did) until after election day.

Pharmer would like for people who are covered by medicare to understand at this time, that the Dems have already screwed them to the wall, and respond appropriately in Nov of 2010, as well as in the preceding primary elections.

Pharmer is calling 877-762-8762 or 202-224-3121 or 202-225-3121 today, but the lines are busy. Would you like to help keep the Congressional switchboards occupied?

(Just heard Tom Coburn of the Fed Appropriations Committee tell the democrats that any federal appointments promised to them by Obama (to buy their vote) will be made public, and stopped by the republicans.)

Walgreens Pharmacies in Washington State to STOP Taking Medicaid Patients

Local News | Walgreens: no new Medicaid patients as of April 16 | Seattle Times Newspaper.

The reimbursement is too low.   That’s  121 pharmacies which will take no new medicaid patients as of April 16.   The reimbursement for prescriptions is too low for them to absorb the cost of serving that patient base.

This is a small taste of what will happen with further socialization of medicine.

A connected medical story within the same state……. 36  or more patients have been successfully killed pursuant to the new Washington  policy allowing physician assisted suicide.

Sign of the Times

The political division resulting from Obama’s policies has morphed into something else.  This  results from Obama,  a mixed race person like most people, choosing to advertise with the minority portion of his background.  With his policies, he has dragged American Blacks through the mud, and has rewound race relations, setting things  back decades.  Pharmer  has seen the Obama signs coming off of the cars, in the urban areas, and knows there is buyers’ remorse.

Quite common  in a  rural dweller’s compendium of knowledge , is the method of grabbing  a phone, performing  a simple operation and making a PA announcement at a Walmart.  The boycott mentioned in this article is misdirected.   Walmart’s  own behavioral policies are very  strict.   Any employee who did this would get the boot, and they know it.

“All Black People” Asked to Leave S. Jersey Wal-Mart | NBC Philadelphia.

“A man used the public-address system at the Route 42 store in Washington Township  Sunday night and calmly announced: “Attention Wal-Mart customers: All black people leave the store now.”

Patricia Covington and shelia Ellington were inside the store when it happened and told theCourier Post that customers and store employees looked stunned when they heard it.”

This announcement very likely is a sign of the times,  and represents  the misdirected backlash of anger against Obama.   Anyone with their eyes open has been  witnessing  more of the same.

Pharmer urges people to instead use their phones to good purpose and dial: (877) 762-8762 or (202) 224-3121 or (202) 225-3121.

Congress needs to hear from you!