AP claims-Catholic nuns urge passage of Obama’s health bill

Catholic nuns urge passage of Obama’s health bill.

Pharmer notices the extreme lack of specificity in this article about the nuns,  and does not trust the content.

Certainly there are NUNS GONE WILD, such as Carol Keehan who is very eager to hand control of our lives and health care to the existing, pro-abortion and pro-euthanasia, extremist government.

It is difficult to believe that 59,000 of the nuns are   exhibiting similar mental breaks from reality.

ACORN Branches Sprouting Under New Names

After James O’Keefe trashed ACORN with his undercover video, depicting their willingness to help a child prostitution business avoid legal troubles, the organization has fallen under hard times.

It was expected that renaming would be needed in order to survive. Many branches are dissociating themselves from the main organization and operating offices with same staff, using new names.

Some examples of ACORN in disguise supplied by My Way News are:

ACORN Housing, is now Affordable Housing Centers of America.

California ACORN has become Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment.

New York ACORN has morphed into New York Communities for Change.

Keep an eye out for ACORN in disguise, (and watch for these in the USCCB list of grantees.)

Could the Bishops’ Statement Influence Sr. Carol Keehan?

Pharmer could make no such positive assumption.

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Catholic bishops send message to faithful: We oppose ObamaCare.

However the Bishops appear to clarify a position against Obamacare, due to the unsavory, death dealing inclusions.

This  too little, too late missive, is in response to Pelosi’s claims that the Bishops supported the wretched health care plan.

Pharmer is not expecting the current pastor to read this statement at Mass, but would convey the pleasant surprise if it happens.

Driver says He Tried To Pull Up on His Accelerator

while going 94 miles per hour in his Prius.

However, he did not remember to shift the car into neutral or turn it off during this drive.

Seems obvious that it’s a lot harder to pull up on an accelerator while speeding down the road than it is to shift gears.

This is why Pharmer believes that the San Diego Runaway Prius story is a hoax, and so are a good number of similar reports.

Sharks smell blood from Toyota, and are eager to share in the “meal”.

Pharmer recalls similar hoax claims added to the real ones against Roman Catholic clergy.

Toyota execs, are you feeling Catholic today??

This is the Government Which Wants to Take Over Health Care

Bob Shallit: IRS visits Sacramento carwash in pursuit of 4 cents – Sacramento Business, Housing Market News | Sacramento Bee.

Yes,  the IRS sent two agents in a car, to a car wash in Sacramento, CA, to deliver a letter demanding payment of taxes owed,   IN THE AMOUNT OF 4 CENTS!.

This kind of judgment will be applicable in managing your health care.

Oh, and remember, this blog has previously reported that the IRS has purchased shotguns for their agents.

Enjoy the results.

Sr. Carol Keehan of CHA – Permanently Lost in the Weeds

Update on her mental status:

My Way News – Catholic hospitals support health care bill.

Pharmer ran out of  charitable excuses for this woman.

She still wishes to  turn  over control of religious run health care to a corrupt government, which has revealed its intention to deny care and cause the deaths of the very young, the disabled, and the elderly.

Whether or not abortion is purchased by obamacare, or becomes an unfunded mandate,  the result is the same.

There is no ethical justification for this behavior.