YoObama, One Candle At a Time

You don’t Flame the Menorah all at once… Eight Nights, DUDE, one candle at a time. It doesn’t matter that you have an extravagant and elongated Christmas Vacay lined up.
Get Your Hanukkah Instructions from our pals at the Whistleblower, who HAMMER the lamestream media and dispense equal opportunity abuse to our politicians. Don’t be rushing it ahead of time.

Planned Parenthood: Adapted to the Sebelius Plan B Decision

Does Planned Parenthood Secretly Support the Plan B Decision? | LifeNews.com.

There is conjecture that Planned Parenthood might not have minded Kathleen Sebelius’ decision not to permit the sale of Plan B out on store shelves.

In reality, Planned Parenthood is trying to increase its market share of the surgical and chemical abortion businesses.   Selling Plan B One-Step out on the store shelves everywhere would accomplish this.

Plan B is not very effective.  If girls and women are using it more, Planned Parenthood would sell more abortions.  So they probably preferred that decision over the opposite.

There is a reason why Planned Parenthood did not have such an extreme shrieking response as some other abortophilic  groups.   It was already a prime distributor of this relatively INeffective birth control  drug, and this business will continue.   The profit margin is huge and the relative liability risk is small.   Planned Parenthood  will not gain the increased abortion business which was expected if Plan B  had been made extremely easy to buy or steal,  but that is offset by the fact that they will remain a front running distributor.

It is very possible that Sebelius would change her mind regarding Plan B if Obama is reelected in 2012.   Holding this out to Planned Parenthood might induce them to continue forking over the campaign support.

BOGUS Scientists Say Catholic Nuns Should Take Birth Control | TheBlaze.com

Scientists Say Catholic Nuns Should Take Birth Control | TheBlaze.com.

Your friendly pharmer got  a call from EWTN today regarding This  ‘Nonscience’,  by Kara Britt and Roger Short.

The quality of this Lancet article is comparable to the those  in the Journal of Irreproducible Results, a hilarious research PARODY journal, which entertains science nerds such as this one.  One does not expect parody or satire in the Lancet.  But, yes it sometimes contains garbage.

First of all, the increased incidence of breast cancer was highlighted uppermost in the illustrations of the article  in question, though the pill does not protect against this disease.

Second of all, according to the authors themselves, the nuns show less than or equal risk of ovarian and uterine cancer than the general population  until AFTER age 70.

Third, the lower doses hormone replacement therapy, which used to be given to reduce the risk of such disorders has been largely discontinued, except for short term use for menopausal symptoms, because it was not efficacious as a preventative.

Fourth,  the birth control pills are associated with thromboembolism and stroke to a much higher degree than the pharmaceutical regulatory bodies are apparently  aware, because such associations so often go unreported.

Pharmer  could go on past  number ninety nine  until the readers  are bored to tears.
There is extremely poor analysis of risk vs benefit in this article, and this has generated  one more  insane recommendation of preventative “medicine”.

 The detrimental advice in the Lancet  leads to a burning question:
Did these two authors get whacked with a ruler by nuns in grade school?

Labor Laws Designed to Gut Farming Businesses

Federal rewrite of labor laws causing a flap down on the farm – Washington Times.

Already there are too many people who have NO IDEA where their food comes from.    This has resulted in insane regulations of the farming industry.   New work regulations coming from the Obama administration, which is apparently many generations removed from food production, will forbid kids under 16 from most kinds of farm labor.

This is another one of Obama’s direct attacks on the “filthy rich” SMALL BUSINESSES, which are the backbone of America, and the source of most of its jobs.

Small family  farms most often  rely on  the labor of the local  kids to function.  These business operations are most specifically IN THE CROSSHAIRS of Obama.   He and his supporters want those farms dead, and those families to starve.   (Pharmer is taking this opportunity to redirect  the political  rhetoric to its rightful owners.)

Justification for these regulations is that rural  kids are more likely to be injured or killed than their counterparts working in other jobs.   This is also true of adult farmers too.  Food production remains the most dangerous job occupation.  This  government has no real interest in assisting those who love the work enough to take the risk.

It’s worth a click to see some quotes from the Agricultural Sector regarding the idiotic regulations proposed by the Labor Department.

Mental Meanderings– The 180 Degree Turn on Plan B

Yesterday was interesting. There was a call from “Maggie” who wanted to know if the Pharmer would speak with ABC News reporters (for Diane Sawyer’s program) concerning the FDA’s idea to allow Plan B to be sold on store shelves. This was said to be a followup to a story from LONG ago featuring yours truly.

The ever agreeable Pharmer said “yes”, and mentioned that the FDA should be concentrating on the rampant shortage of essential medications, rather than messing around with Plan B. “Maggie” said there would be a call back to time the interview. ………. That, of course, was not to be, because VOILA!! The story changed radically and they likely no longer wanted to parade the weird pro-life pharmacist , who does not wish to kill humans at any stage of development.

So. to those who think the lefties are not happy with the results, and their party was squashed, and they need a Waaaaambulance…….. You are CORRECT, and that includes the mainstream media.

The lefties are wailing and gnashing their teeth about pre-teens and men not being able to purchase or steal Plan B from the shelves. It’s been fun to read their comments on some of the news sites.

Pharmer originally thought Sebelius possibly felt she had collected enough barnacles and “bad Karma” in Kansas, with respect to facilitating the abuse of minors, abusing Phill Kline, and “losing” documents. She perhaps no longer wanted that to be highlighted and discussed everywhere she looks. So perhaps she decided to give her agenda a rest for once.

Another alternative idea is that Sebelius is actually recalcitrant, and wanted to allow the FDA decision to fly. Perhaps she was ordered from above to countermand the FDA recommendation, and WAIT TILL AFTER THE ELECTION to allow it.

From a practical standpoint, the items which are often stolen wind up being locked up in stores. Plan B One-Step would be one of these, because a person can easily break into the box, take the pill and leave the empty container with it’s little alarm device still inside. So perhaps it would not be placed out with the condoms after all.

Indiana Contracted the Chicago Disease: Forgeries Got Obama on 2008 Ballot

Indiana 2008 Presidential Primary Election Fraud Probe Heats Up | Fox News.

An investigation into 2008 election fraud has picked up steam in Indiana.  It seems that  quite a large number of Democrat voters did not sign the petitions to put Obama on the ballot, although the papers show their names and addresses.

Presidential candidates only need 500 signatures from each of 9 districts in Indiana to get on the Ballot.  Obama couldn’t manage 500 real ones so his people apparently fudged them.

Up to seven people are being investigated for involvement in a fraud incident in the South Bend area of Indiana.   It appears that the currently assigned  fall guy for this scheme is an independent contractor and democrat party volunteer, Dustin Blythe.

Sebelius Overrules FDA: Refuses to Place Plan B Out on Store Shelves

Plan B: Sebelius Overrules FDA, Nixes Sale Without ID.

Above is an insane article written for Web MD, by Daniel J DeNoon, bemoaning that Kathleen Sebelius has overruled the even crazier FDA regarding their plan allow sale  Plan B  out on the shelves next to the condoms.  DeNoon demonstrates his medical incompetence by  pretending to give the mechanisms of Plan B action, but failing to remember the one, listed in manufacturers information to the providers, which causes controversy.   The article uses “urban legend”  in reference to obvious consequences  of making Plan B easily available.   The author also appears unaware of the studies showing  NO decrease in demand for abortion resulting from increased availability of Plan B.

Kathleen Sebelius has been under fire for years, due to her cozy relationship with Planned Parenthood and late term abortionist George Tiller, while governor of Kansas.    Her background troubles include shady dealings with States attorneys general,  persecuting one of them for investigating abortion clinics for failing to report abortions done on minors, and shredded documents pertaining to these investigations.

She is also involved in denying medicare and medicaid funding for states which refuse to fund Planned Parenthood with tax dollars.

Perhaps in an act of self interest, Sebelius has decided not to add fuel to the fire of accusations against her, aiding and abetting the abuse of minors, through her association with the abortion industry.

Placing  Plan B One-Step where men can easily buy it, for use in unsuspecting sex partners,  or abuse victims is a problem so  obvious, Sebelius could see it.     Even without this easy availability,  this drug  and other chemical abortion drugs have been used on women without their consent.

Medscape should anticipate some backlash  for posting the above   over the counter, Plan B advocacy article, as it severely reduces confidence in their other content.

If you would like to send comments: news@medscape.net.

If you would like to see other abortion advocates admitting to what DeNoon does not know, or purposely conceals, click the Abortion Review.



Donate to Your Candidates, NOT the RNC

On private call, Republicans say attacking Obama personally is too dangerous: Yahoo News exclusive | The Ticket – Yahoo! News.

Someone at Yahoo News was given an opportunity to listen in on an RNC conference call, warning Republicans to avoid “personal attacks” on Obama.

The RNC  is filled with losers, and it needs  to be cleaned out.   The current crop are most comfortable with their do-nothing positions on the sidelines.

Personal attacks on the most  conservative Republican candidates have been carried out by the Republican National Committee  for years.   The 2010 elections highlighted some of their strongest efforts  against candidates brought by the TEA party, which threatens their power and position.

The RNC, and the candidates they approve, are content to live comfortable lives without the responsibility of  making the necessary government cuts and changes to allow regrowth of the economy.

These are parasites.   Do not feed them.   Exert your efforts directly on behalf of your preferred candidates, your preferred issues, your local TEA party, and  Jim DeMint’s Senate Conservatives Fund.