Press Secretary Jay Carney Has Offended Peta

PETA sends letter to White House press secretary for taking bestiality question ‘lightly’ | The Cutline – Yahoo! News.

The latest defense authorization bill approved by the Senate includes repeal of military laws forbidding sodomy and bestiality.

Jay Carney dismissed questions on this from a reporter during his daily press briefing, merely saying, “Let’s get on to something more serious”.

This prompted a letter from PETA’s Director of Communications, Colleen O’Brien.   It points out that their office has been deluged with calls from people who are upset that bestiality is now permitted in the military.

From the letter:  “As we outlined in the attached letter sent yesterday to the secretary of defense, animal abuse does not affect animals only—it is also a matter of public safety, as people who abuse animals very often go on to abuse human beings.”

One of the rare bits of common sense coming from the People for Ethical Treatment of Animals  is going to fall on deaf ears, as the Obama Administration would not be sympathetic to these kinds of problems.

In fact, the FDA is again seeking to facilitate the sexual abuse of humans by putting the morning after pill, Plan B One-Step  out on store shelves with the condoms.

Ella, the new morning after pill which is chemically analogous to mifepristone (RU-486), is now distributed  through an on-line prescribing and dispensing  process.  Though it is more cumbersome, it allows  non-patients and  men to have access to the drug and accumulate doses for abortions.

By this means, the FDA has  facilitated the availability of  home abortions outside the supervision of medical personnel.  These processes are frequently completed at hospitals where the resultant, life-threatening infections are treated.

Sorry, PETA, this is one administration which is not concerned about the  abuse of  animals, (humans included).

The Road We Know

The Road We Know.

College kids in Botswana toured the country advocating behavioral change, abstinence/exclusivity, to prevent HIV in a country which has the world’s second highest prevalence.

This “radical” strategy and mission  was born from the realization that the condoms/awareness/testing programs were not effective in this country where one fourth of the population has HIV.

Uganda and Kenya have seen positive results from encouraging abstinence.

Dr. Edward Green, of the Harvard AIDS Prevention Research Project  appears in this film….as well as here, Down on the Pharm.

Nations of Africa are making significant  cultural and behavioral changes to fight HIV.  One wonders how long (and how many more deaths)  it will take before the Western progressives  catch up with what we already knew was the best way to prevent AIDs.

The Road We Know Trailer from Citygate Films on Vimeo.

Rather than Helping to Mitigate Severe Drug Shortages, FDA Considers Placing Plan B Out On Shelves With the Condoms

FDA considers putting Plan B morning-after pill on drugstore shelves – The Washington Post.

The Washington post is linked up as an example of misinformation concerning the Plan B One-step morning after pill.

Plan B One Step is not 89 percent effective. No drug used as a morning after pill has that kind of efficacy, Ella (an analog of mifepristone, RU-486) is not 89 percent effective.
In general, the per use efficacy of these drugs is around 60 percent, which puts them in the same range as the WITHDRAWAL method.
The cumulative use efficacy of these drugs is abysmal, and they are not worthy of being considered as birth control drugs. Placing any of them over the counter is for the purpose of marketing more chemical and surgical abortions, by means of  birth control failures.   Planned Parenthood is in need of policies to bolster its sales of abortion.
The Obama administration is only too happy to facilitate.

The fact that over the counter morning after pills will cause a false sense of security in date rapists is not considered a significant problem to our progressive social engineers.

To learn more about Plan B from a pharmacist who is not selling the drug, go to page two of this website.   See  the links below for more drug info, as well as its multiple mechanisms of action.  Yes, the manufacturer has to admit  that it “may inhibit implantation” of the early embryo, “by altering the endometrium”.


Prescriber information for Plan B One-Step

Emergency Contraception does not reduce abortion rates.

Failed Social Experiment

Spanish study: trends in use of contraception and voluntary abortion 1997-2007

Selling the Pill

CDC Participates in Plan to Reduce Number of Organ Transplants

CDC’s proposed guidelines for transplants say two sex partners is too many for top-notch organ donors – NY Daily News.

Shazaam!  Just in time for Obamacare, all kinds of new standards for preventative exams  (reducing them),  and a means to reduce the desire for transplants, as well as the available pool have been generated.

SUDDENLY there are proposed new guidelines for the rating of organs in risk categories.

Those who participate in the sexual lifestyle touted as normal, by the progressives, are to be classed as high risk donors of organs.

People with two or more  sex partners in the last year will be considered at risk for transmission of hepatitis B or C, and HIV, etc.

The organ will be rated as risky and the potential recipient could be made aware of this, and be less likely to accept the transplant.

Organ transplants are expensive to carry out, and very expensive to maintain.   Obamacare requires that these be much fewer in number in order to avoid immediate failure through insolvency.

A way to achieve this goal has been provided by the CDC, with the excuse that 12 unexpected deaths from infections have occurred between 2007 and 2010  in transplant patients.


Kicking Someone in the Groin is Sexual Harrassment?

First-grader accused of sexual harassment – Metro – The Boston Globe.

Why do administrators of Tynan Elementary school classify a kick or punch in the groin as sexual harassment?  It seems entirely unrelated to sex, but maybe these people like the stuff that hurts.

The story?  Seven year old Mark Curran says that a another kid on the school  bus, had choked him, and stole his gloves.   He claims to have kicked the kid in the groin in response to the choking, because he couldn’t breathe.

Whether or not the  story is exactly as told,   Mark has a letter from the school saying that he violated codes of discipline related to sexual harassment and endangering the physical safety of another student, because of that strike to the groin.

Most schools,  including those Pharmer’s  kids attend, will punish those who defend themselves from assault.   The desired response is to take a beating, and then tell the administrators.   This of course ensures further beatings, since the administrators do not have the ability to provide protection.

Kids who are forced  to defend themselves need to make the effort really worth the punishment which will ensue.

Do your kids a favor and find a good Karate school for them.  Start early.  Pharmer’s kids have been at it for a decade or more.   So far,  their school years have been pretty peaceful.

‘October Baby’ Captures Abortion Survival Story | Gianna Jessen & Erwin Brothers | Video |

‘October Baby’ Captures Abortion Survival Story | Gianna Jessen & Erwin Brothers | Video |

October Baby presents the story of abortion survivors through a fictional tale which is loosely based on Gianna Jensen’s story.

The “October Baby”  at age 19  learns that she’s adopted, also that  she’s the survivor of a failed abortion.  She then decides to find her birth mom, and the movie chronicles the trip, and the process of forgiveness.

So far the film is getting pretty good reviews,  but it will not be getting wider distribution in the movie theaters until March of 2012. Keep your eyes open for it.

Learn about Shari, the actress who plays the birth mom of the October Baby, and her own story of healing.

Project Rachel

The Angel and the Devil


This mom has had 15 kids, and after receiving quite a bit of assistance from social services neighbors, landlords, etc is Angry. She says that someone has to PAY! Someone has to be HELD ACCOUNTABLE! Angel has some similarities with the Occupy Wall Street crowd.


Smell the sulfur and smoke! Newt thinks that kids would obtain a better work ethic and self respect by having a bit of cash paying work experience before they’re sixteen. Yep, he’s basically correct on this matter. Every rural family knows this.

Incidentally, the lefties are in the process of regulating child labor on family farms. They would like to crush all family businesses out of existence, leaving only a small number of large corporations, with cowardly boards of directors, which can be more easily controlled by government.

Many Leftists also want what poor or starving children could be forced to sell if they are not permitted to do honest labor for pay.

Republicans Still Allowing Media to Choose Their Candidates

Herman Cain Ending GOP Campaign | Herman Cain Quits Presidential Race | Video |

The Republicans are still looking to the leftist media and Chicago machine  to choose their political candidates for them.

The possibility of reforming that party from within looks quite a bit more bleak as of today.

Herman Cain giving up his campaign  presents a significant  argument for killing the GOP and starting up an entirely new party.


The Early Embryo is Growing and Differentiating, but Gingrich Doesn’t Think It’s Alive Yet

Gingrich Breaks from Some in Anti-Abortion Community on When Life Begins – ABC News.

Newt doesn’t want to give up on embryonic stem cell research, yet, although the front running private research company, Geron has done so. It would be nice if he and the rest of the  candidates could commit to cease wasting public funds on  unethical research which has consistently failed to produce results.

The candidate probably does not want to get into the issue of the morning after pills and the birth control pills, and he’s willing to display ignorance of developmental biology in order to avoid this.  Gingrich might be afraid of losing the birth control pill users by acknowledging   that the life of a sexually reproducing organism begins when it really does.

He was also able to suspend logic, accept the fraud of global warming,  and sit down with Nancy Pelosi in a warm and fuzzy  Environmentalist Whacko ad.

The entire  government could start by acknowledging reality.

Rather than being mis-branded as “contraceptives” the various  hormonal B.C. products  should be called   ‘birth control drugs’, and carry the tag  “This product has multiple mechanisms of action,  and  might  (or is likely to) operate by stopping the life of an early human embryo.”