Three Former Clinic Employees from the Abortion/Infanticide Interface

Gosnell’s trial is wrapped up, and now it’s time to move on to deal with the rest of the clinics at which infanticide occurs regularly.

Mark Crutcher of Life Dynamics interviewed three former employees of a late term abortion clinic which was still operating at the time this film was made.
Click HERE to view the video, for information about how the babies are killed at a late term abortion clinic.  

Gosnell is not alone.

In this film, the real names of the clinic workers are given, obviously with their permission. The  actual clinic is not named, in order to avoid interfering with a criminal investigation.

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Prayers for total conversion and peace for  these former clinic workers, who are ‘divorcing’ from this industry, and have decided to speak out publicly.

Here’s where any abortion clinic employees can get assistance to bail out of the killing industry. CLICK!! They can choose to exit publicly or as anonymously as they want.

Here’s another approach at the Life Dynamics Clinic Worker Site.

UPDATE  They say everything in Texas is bigger……. abortions too!!

The investigation of this clinic goes way back and  the decision has been made to release the information to the public since criminal investigation has been stalled.  It seems that Texas officials think that there is not enough evidence to pursue action.  Check out some of the pics taken by employees at the clinic to see if you think Texas abortion restrictions have been broken.  Warning, they are extremely disturbing.

Photos of Babies 1 & 2

Three informants, Gigi Aguliar, Deborah Edge and Krystal Rodriguez have supplied evidence and affidavits to the Texas Medical Board and Attorney General Greg Abbott in 2012. They had responded to an Operation Rescue postcard urging clinic workers to report if they suspected illegal activities at their place of employment. The three had been working with Alliance Defending Freedom, And Then Their Were None, and Operation Rescue to submit this info to TX authorities, who, in February 2013, wrote that there was not sufficient evidence to pursue action against abortionist Douglas Karpen and Aaron Women’s Clinic in Houston TX. See video of the interior.

Working around the lamestream media to expose the Kermit Gosnell case is part of what delayed  submission of the abortion atrocities in Houston for public consideration, after authorities refused to take action.  It will only be this exposure that induces the Texas medical board and attorney general to do the right thing.

From Operation Rescue comes the contact information for Texas authorities.  We know that pro-lifers will be supremely courteous as they fill up the email boxes and ring the phones of state officials who balk at enforcing abortion restrictions and regulations.  Please keep  our public servants busy.

Mike Anderson, District Attorney Harris County, Texas
1201 Franklin Street, Suite 600, Houston, Texas 77002-1923
Voice: (713)-755-5800

Greg Abbott, Attorney General of Texas
Office of the Attorney General
PO Box 12548
Austin, TX 78711-2548
Voice: (512) 463-2050

Texas Medical Board
333 Guadalupe
Tower 3, Suite 610
Austin, TX 78701
Voice: (512) 305-7010


Per Tweet News, Kermit Gosnell Found Guilty

….. of murdering 3 live born Babies, and of involuntary manslaughter of one Mom, Karnamaya Mongar.

None of the media outlets can agree on how many charges Gosnell faced, with the numbers ranging from the 230’s to above 260, but the huge burden is the likely reason that the jury took so long in deliberating the many verdicts.

This hugely significant trial is most notable for having been ignored by the media, most of which only began covering the issue when forced to by its repetition in the social media.

The practices by Gosnell are not so notable, as many abortion clinics exhibit deplorable standards of practice and unsanitary conditions.  Also, the practice of infanticide is widespread at late term abortion clinics, in which babies who are born alive are killed by neglect, suffocation or other methods.


If You Inspect Them, They Will Close

Michigan is losing its seventh abortion clinic within a year, and another clinic in Ohio has shuttered.

The Capital Care Clinic in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio was closed after an inspection of its records by the Ohio Dept of health and the DEA.  Several major problems were found.

1) The clinic was stealing samples of patient’s blood, without telling them, for use in checking reagents to test blood for Rh factor.

2) The medical records of the patients were worthless, containing no evidence of proper identification and monitoring of vital signs during anaesthesia and the procedures.

3) Insufficient staff and inaccurate staff records

4 Controlled substances were being administered by unlicensed personnel.

The DEA removed the controlled drugs from the clinic, and this  absence of most of the pain meds necessitated closing the clinic.

abortion clinic closed 5-13

Michigan’s second oldest, (and the seventh clinic in eight months) has closed down.
Birth Control Center began services in 1974, and had once sued to strike down state licensing requirements for abortion clinics.  From 1981 until 1999, abortion clinics in Michigan were unregulated.  Things have changed now, and abortion clinics in Michigan now must be licensed as outpatient surgical facilities.   The Birth Control Center was unable to maintain itself as expected of normal medical facilities, and it closed down.   Dr. Richard Goldfine, who ran this clinic, still practices in Bingham Farms, Michigan.

Hitler’s Doctors Said He had Homosexual Tendencies

An Army Interrogator, Herman Merl, a medical technician from Vienna, interviewed Adolf Hitler’s personal physicians, Karl Brandt and Theodor Morell.  In the resultant assessment of Hitler’s sexuality, Merl scribbled “Homosex”, says the Washington Examiner.

Merl’s other notes:   “Eva Braun = separate rooms”. “Female hormone- injection 50,000 units”
“His sexual life and intercourse with Eva Braun was told to me.”

The records also mention Hitler’s hysteria, megalomania, flatulence, and that he had been injected with bull semen.  (That would have created quite a negative physiological reaction.)

Merl’s 5 notebooks will be up for sale at Alexander Historical Auctions of Chesapeake City, MD.

Life Dynamics and Jill Stanek: Groundbreaking Legal Means to Stop Child Predators

As many pro-lifers know, Jill Stanek has joined with Life Dynamics to report news on the life issues. She’s now reporting on a groundbreaking push by Life Dynamics to hold the abortion industry accountable for concealing the sexual abuse of minors.
This blog has repeatedly referred to the first study, done more than 10 years ago by Life Dynamics, which revealed that over 90 percent of abortion clinics, who were called by an actress portraying a 13 year old girl with 22 year old boyfriend, showed a willingness to flout the laws requiring reporting of suspected sexual abuse of minors. Many of these abortion clinics even provided the methodology to conceal the sexual abuse.
Now Life Dynamics has mailed CDs to 53 thousand personal injury attorneys to educate them on the state laws pertinent to this issue, and the possibility of bringing suit against school officials, health care professionals and clinics which provide services to minors who have been sexually abused by adults, and fail in their legal requirement to report such abuse to the state.
Jill Stanek reports that Mark Crutcher’s phone at Life Dynamics has been ringing incessantly ever since launching this campaign.

Your friendly Pharmer suggests that further rich ground for the lawyers exists and that fear of litigation can dissuade retail pharmacies from stocking Plan B and Ella.

The government can force retailers to sell these drugs to the sexual predators, only if they stock the drug.
In the future, lawsuits might be the tool to stop the government from forcing retailers to stock these drugs. None of the businesses could survive a group of civil lawsuits for aiding sexual predators.

Currently good target states for this kind of litigation are Washington, Oregon and of course, New York. The large retail pharmacy chains would run screaming to the State Boards of Pharmacy for relief from the governments requirement to sell these drugs to minor females and their rapists.

Life Dynamics Facebook Announcement of the Campaign to Educate Personal Injury Attorneys.

WND Article explains Life Dyanamics Campaign to Legally Restrain the Enablers of Child Sex Abuse


Stupid Educator Tricks: Nursing Text Pushes Anti-gun Agenda

World Net Daily reports on a new textbook, “Pediatric Nursing: Caring for Children and Their Families, which advises nurses to discourage firearm ownership and support gun regulation.   This material is placed right at the beginning of the text, following the section on poverty and immigration.  Learn  a little bit about the author, Nicki Potts, HERE, and view info on the text HERE Pediatric Nursing Text Nikki Potts anti-gun page 11

It’s interesting that gun crime in America is plummeting  as gun ownership is rising sharply   The media and the anti-gun nuts would not want you to be aware of either of these facts.

How is a REAL Medical Clinic Regulated Compared to an Abortion Facility

Dr. Grazie Pozo Christie runs a radiology clinic in Miami, and has written a piece explaining how a REAL medical clinic is regulated by the government.    Please click HERE, to read what she has to say about her clinic’s regulatory burden vs. that of abortion clinics.

Those who run legitimate medical facilities deal with endless inspections which assure compliance with state and federal regulations.  They have to maintain compliance with HIPAA, and satisfy massive lists of criteria with respect to facilities, certifications of personnel, and record keeping, to be able to serve medicare and medicaid patients.

On the other hand, those who run abortion clinics do not have to comply with the same sets of standards.  It appears, from the way that many facilities are run, that inspections are few and far between.   It seems that our abortophilic governmental bodies are giving them a free pass to operate in a substandard manner.

Your friendly Pharmer has seen medical records  from abortion clinics.  By comparison to patient records from  real health care facilities, the information has been  scant and incomplete.

There is a reason that the ambulances are wearing a path from abortion clinics to the hospitals.  In general, they have a much  lower standard of care.  It is amazing that women in the United States are satisfied with this.

Barbara Boxer: Gosnell’s Clinic is Situation Normal

A cadre of pro-life Republicans have signed onto a senate resolution to hold hearings on the matter of Kermit Gosnell. Barbara Boxer and Richard Blumenthal have opposed this resolution, with Boxer saying that Gosnell’s problems are like those of any other medical clinic.

Sooooo, all of you medical clinic owners……… how do you like being compared to Kermit Gosnell?
Are newborn babies killed at your facilities?
Do you regularly fail to clean your examination rooms, procedure rooms and equipment?
Is meperidine still your pain reliever of choice?
Do you keep separate waiting rooms for Blacks and Whites as he did?

How would you like to give Barbara Boxer a piece of your mind for smearing your business?

Boxer, Barbara – (D – CA)
(202) 224-3553