Count Down to AlGore’s Warmageddon

TIME’s UP!   We’re gonna BURN!

Algore predicted the world’s end by fire (global warming) On Jan 27, 2006. He said we had 10 years left, which gave Rush Limbaugh a big laugh. He’s had a countdown on his website, linked to the front page for 10 years. Today he’s got a special graphic moved to the top of the page.
There’s a party where Pharmer works tonight to celebrate WARMAGEDDON. Be sure to take some time to laugh at Algore, and pray that the world survives leftist economic and social policies.

Countdown to Warmageddon Paaaaaaarty!
Countdown to Warmageddon Paaaaaaarty!

UPDATE 2-27 We’re still HERE!!


Check out this special vid while you can.

At LA Times, They Wonder What Causes the Increase in STDs

On the left coast, it’s a mystery……. how are more people getting STDs?  Apparently the City of Angels  is now crawling.  Reporter Soumya Karlamangla, of the Los Angeles Times  is thinking that the dating apps, so effective for arranging quickies, might have something to do with it.

It’s easy.  More people will do it with anyone, anywhere, particularly in whacky Los Angeles.  STD testing kits are touted as a means to prevent the spread, but it’s one thing to get your home test for “buggs”, and another thing to obtain effective treatment.   Either venture, the purchase of the test, and seeking the treatment, has both cost and stigma attached, and it has long been noted  that those testing positive may not return for the cure.  Additionally many of the STDs  are never cured, and often last much longer than  marriages.

Consider the possibility that mutual STD tests might become a part of foreplay for a new couple, who  want to make sure that they have matching infections.  The medically literate sometimes like to use the euphemism “STI” instead, since sexually transmitted INFECTION somehow seems gentler to them than sexually transmitted DISEASE.

Pondering the accelerating spread of STDs,  it’s sort of understandable  that  so many of the Japanese simply don’t want to bother with sex anymore.  That society is  literally starting to check out of life.

Hey!  How about sticking with one partner?

Replace the faulty Washington Politicians says Colorado Senate Campaign ad

Conservative candidate Robert Blaha points out that the Washington politicians, particularly Senator Michael Bennett D Colorado, need to be replaced. They’re not getting the job done,

from our exploding borders

If the Plumber can't fix the leak (illegal immigration)
If the Plumber can’t fix the leak (illegal immigration)

to the pain of Obamacare which was designed to fail.

The pain of Obamacare which is designed to fail
The pain of Obamacare likened to incompetently performed  proctological exam

Mr. Blaha is promising that if he can’t produce significant change in his first term, he’ll volunteer to leave office, and that if he succeeds, he will limit himself to 2 terms.

Watch the ad here.