Purdue Associate Professor States that Aborted Baby Pics are Child Pornography

Dr. David Sanders, Associate Biology Professor at Purdue, and local W. Lafayette politician, demonstrates career capping logic, in a non-debate on the abortion issue. Hear his argument conflating a liver cell and a totipotent zygote cell. The other highlight of the debate is Sanders’ claim that aborted baby pics are “child pornography“. He seems to elicit a paranoia that the forces of theocracy are out to control everyone.  Yes, his migration away from science and towards democrat politics is timely, but he might want to ponder which theocratic groups tend to be more restrictive of personal freedoms.


How does DTP affect Mortality from Other Causes?

A recent study published in E Bio Medicine, grabbed  data of a group of infants vaccinated with DTP and/or Oral Polio from 3 to 5 months of age. Vaccines were given out every three months, making it possible to grab data based on birth date, rather than health state of the infants, eliminating a significant source of bias that results from not vaccinating babies who are ill.
DTP protects infants from the diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus, but might be increasing mortality from other causes. Oral polio vaccine did not make  things worse, but might have mitigated the problem, according to the data from this study, carried out from cases collected in the 1980s in an urban area of Guinea-Bissau.
This calls for more collection of data on how vaccines affect mortality from other causes than the diseases being prevented.
Check it out HERE.

FOX network has booted Bill O’Reilly

No news here. The long standing practice of FOX news to pay off accusations of sexual harassment has been featured once more. Apparently it’s time for the network reshuffle the lineup. Business is as usual.
Just think of this as analogous to delaying the revelation that the morning after pill doesn’t work, until after the forces of “planned unparenthood” rolled out their employee training program and marketing of IUDs. Or else think of all the other public figures downed by moldy 40 year old accusations which had been common industry knowledge.
As long as a person supports abortion, any sexual expression, advance, imposition, assault or rape is forgiven by the left.
The entertainment industry is rife with much more extreme behaviors than those specified in the accusations against O’Reilly. This might be why they were able to garner a hundred celebrity signatures on the guitar that Planned Parenthood is raffling as a fundraiser.
What’s the Pharmer policy? If you accidentally surf to a FOX news story online, do your best to avoid triggering the ads, as with any other untrustworthy alphabet news network.

Abortion: Carafem wants to get loud about it.

After the Onion’s “Abortionplex” parody (which fooled a fair proportion of first time readers), comes the real thing.  Any news article bears checking for fakeness, these days, so your friendly Pharmer brings the fact that Carafem, the loud and proud abortion provider, really means it.

Here’s the genuine article from Stat.com, and below that is the page on Carafem’s own site, acknowledging this wonderful press coverage.

Stat.com Carafem In The News


Carefem’s Website Acknowledges the Wonderful Coverage at Stat.com

“We want to be really out loud about what we do.” -Melissa Grant. VP of health services.  “Abortion.  Yeah, we do that.”

So, having established that Carafem wants to be loud about abortion, do any peaceful, polite, and very creative pro-lifers want to ‘help’ them with this goal?   😀

Take off the muffler.

ultrasound guided abortion suction machine -Jiutouniao

Trump hits ABC for Still Covering UP the March for Life

ABC aired their first interview with President Trump, who nailed David Muir on ABC’s interest in the Women’s embarrassing March, vs. their decade’s long NON-coverage of the huge, annual March for Life.

ABC is burying this as fast as possible so you have to go to NEWS BUSTERS to hear about it.

Want to see the March for Life?   EWTN is covering it HERE.  Spread it around. There’s a hashtag, #coverthemarch ,  if you want to fill up the Twitter dumpster with something that doesn’t stink.