From Lifenews comes the announcement that Seattle school kids, from sixth grade up, can have an IUD or other form of long term birth control implanted without parental consent. Featured in the articles is (culturally diverse) Chief Sealth International High School, which began participating in this effort in 2010, but the program has since spread to other schools.
The chance of a life threatening adverse event from a IUD being caught in time is drastically reduced when a child is afraid to tell her parents that she has had one implanted by the government “Take Charge” (of your kids) program. Naturally it has planned parenthood written all over it.
It seems that Washington state has perceived an unethical “need” to control its minority populations. It has been doing so in an unethical way, by targeting free birth control in its minority urban neighborhoods. This is the natural consequence of allowing big government to coalesce.
This state provided birth control plan further takes matters out of the hands of parents.