“Geneticist” Eugene McCarthy purports a hypothesis that humans are a result of male Pig mating with a Primate, followed by successive backcrossings, notwithstanding what we usually see in the cases of progeny with unpaired chromosomes……
The Hybrid Hypothesis: More about the Cross.
Pharmer recalls a fellow graduate student, speaking of his own lustful tendencies: “I can’t help myself, I’m such a pig…..”
(It all makes sense now.)
It’s no more implausible than man made global warming and will spontaneously generate greater parodies of science.
UPDATE: People are spazzing out at The Blaze, over this “hypothesis” and it’s fun to watch the response to this cross between news at the Onion and a publication in the Journal of Irreproducible Results.
Remember……McCarthy actually proposed that the giant forest boar (600 lb male pig) corkscrewed the female pygmy chimpanzee. There is the problem of the process itself, (look up piggy reproductive processes) and the mal-proportion…… the pygmy chimp female is only 60 to 70 lbs, and then there’s the problem of materno-feto-disproportion. Yep, this contribution to “science” is all in good fun (we hope).
So much equally crazy stuff comes from the left that it has become hard for people to recognize humor.