It’s heating up. A procedure which Mark Levin cites in his book, Liberty Amendments, is allowed by the Article 5 of the Constitution. It specifies that state legislatures can send representatives to a convention to vote on amendments to the Constitution. A three fourths majority of the representatives at the convention is required to pass an amendment.
It’s a way for the states to address the utter bilge and corruption in Washington D.C.
97 legislators from 32 states met in Mt. Vernon on 12/7 to discuss calling a Convention of the States to amend the Constitution. A two thirds majority of the state legislatures have to give the OK for such a convention to be called, and it appears that the effort is NOW underway.
Write your state legislators if you think that this is a good idea. Overall, the red states could make some serious headway against the constant flushing of sewage from D.C.