Guttmacher Institute whispered into an ear at the Washington Post that abortion numbers are at the lowest point since 1973, when they were declared legal throughout the U.S.
One wonders how they would know for sure, since abortionists in such states as California don’t have to report abortion procedures. The CDC has sort of been guessing, and some believe that Guttmacher Institute, the research arm of Planned Parenthood. somehow has a better count.
The Guttmacher people would like to credit the increasing use of indwelling coat hangers….er…IUDs for the drop in abortions, even though those devices can operate to stop pregnancy after fertilization or after implantation. They would also like to credit the economic decline as impetus for people to be more diligent with their birth control.
The WaPo author goes further, to mention the state abortion restrictions which may be impinging on availability of the procedures.
The article is HERE.