It’s a Girl!

Found in comments at  a link to the Colorado voter records in which Robert Lewis Dear identifies as female.  Some are attributing this record, apparently of the Colorado Springs shooter, to user error.  Others are counting it as one more strangeness of 2015.  Incidentally, this person appears to be unaffiliated politically.

Most Americans are not aware of the content of the recent videos revealing that Planned Parenthood makes money selling baby body parts. The U.S. media establishment has worked hard to suppress this info. (Once it is acceptable to kill humans prior to, during, and shortly after birth, is the disposition of their body parts much more of a big deal?)

A guy who lives without electricity and running water is probably less likely to have seen the Planned Parenthood videos, as they were disseminated mostly on the internet. The shooter might be too mentally disorganized to have formed much of a cohesive motive for killing people, and the location might not be relevant to whatever impetus he had.

It’s interesting that the media has mentioned the Planned Parenthood Sells Baby Parts videos more than ever before, in the effort of assigning an anti-abortion motive to this incident, before anything is known.

Expect a huge push for gun control coming from the left, because of the location of the shooting.  Planned Parenthood is Mecca, the Holy Land, and the most esteemed Tabernacle to leftists, and any disruption of operations there gives them greater offense than the largest massacres and genocides  occurring anywhere else.

Trump Mocks NYT Reporter- Call a Waaaaaaaaaaambulance

Brought to you by the people who think it’s OK to kill disabled people before, during, and shortly after birth, is incessant whining over Trump’s apparent insensitivity to NYT reporter, Serge Kovaleski.

Trump had been making fun of Kovaleski’s reporting, using hand gestures that were interpreted as mocking the reporter’s physical disability.   Trump claims to have never seen the reporter, and to not know what he looks like.

The burning question to the left is:   Without the right to life, how is it that hurt feelings have any significance??  Until they can control atheir own behaviors, such as making fun of Trig Palin, and telling Sarah that she should have aborted him, there is only one appropriate response to today’s whiners:

taking Gloria awaaaaaaaay!

Hillary is Often Confused, Says Huma

Judicial Watch had to file a lawsuit after the State Department failed to respond to a FOIA request to obtain Huma’s emails.  This finally resulted in an information dump which underscores the stupidity of conducting state department business over non-protected internet channels.  Huma has also been caught obtaining special treatment for Clinton business associates and her own relatives, including her mother, the dean at Dar al-Hekma University in Saudi Arabia.

Huma Weiner’s email trove has yielded a missive sent to another Clinton aide, Monica Hanley, which reveals that Hillary apparently is in mental decline.  Judicial Watch pulled up the following exchange between the two.

  • Abedin: Have you been going over her calls with her? So she knows singh is at 8? [India Prime Minister Manmohan Singh]
  • Hanley: She was in bed for a nap by the time I heard that she had an 8am call. Will go over with her
  • Abedin: Very imp to do that. She’s often confused

How do you think Hillary is going to handle the next 3am call?

Loonie Students Join Leftist Rent-a-Mobs to Agitate at College Campuses

The latest media meme is that students all across the U.S. are whining about racism, and demanding that they be excused from paying off their student loans, and that tuition should be free.

One of the reasons for a relative lack of photography at these protest events is that rent-a-mob members (hired by leftist political groups) could be identified.

Any actual students participating in these protests should be on notice that we know them for what they are:  little mooching pigs demanding that tax payers, who could never afford college education for themselves, fully fund their “free” ride.

State Attorney General of Maine Sues Pro-life Protestor

State Atty. Gen. Janet Mills has filed a lawsuit against Brian Ingalls for yelling too loud outside of a Planned Parenthood clinic.  This is stated on her own website.  Every lamestream media story has to be checked, you know.

There is no mention of this man having been convicted for disturbing the peace, leading yours truly to believe that he is being harassed by extremist state politicians, as were various business owners (e.g. Baronelle Stutzman) who refused to participate in gay marriage ceremonies.

Janet has a nice contact page, which can be used to very politely tell her how you feel.

For example:

Dear Ms. Mills,
Regarding the lawsuit against Brian Ingalls:
It appears that Maine has become an unsafe place for free speech.
The state is removed from the tourism and vacation list until changes are made.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Please watch for a fundraiser for legal  assistance for Mr. Ingalls.

Fox Business News Helped Spread Racist Lie about Ben Carson

Your friendly Pharmer certainly likes the way that Ben Carson stands his ground, and does not back away from his views when assaulted by the media.  Such  stalwart behavior has scared the lamestreamers to death, and so they perpetrated a racist attack against Carson last week, led by the White House press outlet called Politico. All of them falsely put forth a story that Carson claimed to have received a full scholarship to  West point.  This carried with it the implication that he claimed to have applied, accepted and perhaps even attended, depending on how the words are interpreted.  Carson’s  biography does not state any such thing.  It does say that Carson had  distinguished himself in a High School branch of the ROTC, and had attended a dinner function with Gen. Westmoreland who talked up West Point, and that officials of said institution indicated that that Carson could be admitted tuition free.  (Most H.S. kids interpret tuition-free, college education  as a  ‘scholarship’.)  Carson does not claim to ever have applied to nor attended West Point.

Not many conservatives recognize that Fox news can’t be used as a reliable news source any more than the rest of the lame streamers.  They’re pretty much a mouthpiece for the republican establishment.  There are certain stories that are not permitted to be covered by Fox News, although their opinion shows have had more free rein.   Local reporters might express interest, but their editors will snap them right back, and kill the story.  This has gone on since the network was new.  Increasingly we also see laziness on the part of the reporters, perhaps because of disillusionment.

Fox Business news decided to carry the ball for Politico as well as the rest of the useless media, and is now stuck with the results of  its laziness and ingenuousness.  Politico has  had to walk back its completely dishonest libel, smearing every news venue that repeated the story.

Non-news Extra:  Buzzfeed has tripped up the increasingly disappointing Wall Street Journal, as the latter attempted to take apart another story in Ben Carson’s biography.  WSJ cast doubt upon Carson’s tale about falling for a hoaxed psychology exam which was offered after the first one was said to have been destroyed.   Subsequently, a classmate at Yale popped up and admitted to Buzzfeed his complicity in that prank. Oops.  One can forgive a blogger (who has another job or two)  for not hitting the streets to investigate every story.  But the journalists who are paid to report the news need to leave their chairs every so often and do some research.

Our useless media have been attempting colonoscopies on the non-establishment candidates, but demonstrably do not know where to go with the hose.

NewsMax list of 100 Pro-lifers

…will be slurped up by Homeland Security and the IRS, though they surely already have already accumulated a more comprehensive list from Lexis Nexis data, and media searches.

The lucky nominees should expect to be rewarded with extra Groping by the TSA prior to air travel.   Vacations to Australia might be curtailed, as that country is a bit unfriendly to pro-life activists these days. (Wanting people to stop killing is freeking dangerous and scary!)

Prayers for all of the people who adopt children, who help moms to keep their babies, and who provide care for those who are elderly or disabled.

Soros, The World’s Biggest Tick, Backs Border Destruction in Europe

George Soros with a mouthfull
The World’s Biggest Tick

Picture a giant tick sucking the life out of Planet Earth.  That’s George Soros.  If anything disruptive, painful and genocidal is occurring throughout the western hemisphere, (and probably elsewhere), you can count on the involvement of Soros.  He has lately stated his backing to remove the borders of Europe to Bloomberg News.  This parasite has been enriching himself from the effects of social upheaval on the markets for many decades.

Perhaps he represents the punishment we deserve from relying too much on government. Maybe we should repent, and pray for the Creator to remove the tick by whatever mechanism He deems suitable.

The IRS Can Snoop Your Cell Phone

without a warrant.  There’s a much lower standard, to obtain a “trap and trace” PEN register, court order in order to snoop the meta data and even more from your cell phones.

The IRS is one of 13 federal agencies which can set up a device which acts as a fake cell phone tower to siphon off data from your phones.

According to the Guardian, police departments in 20 states also have this ability.

Meanwhile, the IRS is continuing to refuse non-profit status to TEA party groups.  The Obama Justice Department has let Lois Lerner off the hook for denying such status to hundreds of such groups beginning in 2009.

Please ask your congress-critter to further defund the IRS until this problem is rectified.

Gloria Steinem whines that Feminism is Now a Dirty Word

Gloria Steinem as been spotted on CBS This Morning, in full throated whine about the status of Feminism in America, by Jeffrey Meyer of MRC Newsbusters. Most of what is killing the religion of feminism is the “elitist”  priesthood of feminazis, who made abortion a major tenet and sacrament, as Mr. Meyer correctly highlights. This group even endorsed sex selective culling of the unborn because of their screed that abortion, regardless of reason, should be legal. (And Gloria wonders why the numbers of women are now less than men.)

Let’s not forget that the industry of selling woman as sex slaves relies on abortion for maintenance of the “product”, and the abortionists readily agreed to provide cover, as they have for domestic abuse.

Is it a coincidence that, in the U.S.,  the numbers of abortions are dropping as feminism crumbles?

Abortion has also been a large part of what made LIBERAL a dirty word. The other parts are socialism and support for illegal immigration.  The leftist Atheists seem unable to understand that they top the radical Islamist list for death, (even above Christians, Jews and Gays).  They’re either clueless or suicidal.

The basic problem with feminism and liberalism is that they both are contrary to the survival of humanity as a species.

The cognitive dissonance in Gloria’s mind  ought to be deafening by now.

taking Gloria awaaaaaaaay!