From Rebel Pundit comes a message from Chicago activists, Paul McKinley, Mark Carter, Joseph Watkins and Harold “Noonie” Ward. They’re voicing the frustration felt by many Black Americans who are Done with Democrats.

Listen up!
Wake up in your Right Mind
From Rebel Pundit comes a message from Chicago activists, Paul McKinley, Mark Carter, Joseph Watkins and Harold “Noonie” Ward. They’re voicing the frustration felt by many Black Americans who are Done with Democrats.
The news is even out in Taiwan!! The Obama administration is seeking to buy ginormous amounts of cardstock to make 34 million Green Cards. Big Amnesty is coming, starting right after the elections. Many new Democrats are being imported over the next 5 years.
and this is the excuse for opposing such things as voter ID, and other regulations that might stop the Democrats from STUFFING the ballot boxes, (as seen in this vid).
The Eric Holder Justice Department hired Charles Stewart to testify against voter registration and laws requiring voters to cast a ballot in their own precinct. Stewart stated that these laws would affect African Americans more because they tend to register closer to election day and “they tend to be less sophisticated voters, tend to be less educated voters, tend to be less attuned to public affairs“. He cites the literature of political science for this.
James O’Keefe demonstrated on film that a White guy could have easily voted using the ballot of Eric Holder himself, in the 2012 primary election. One wonders if the integrity of our election system has to remain unprotected, so that elections can be stolen, and if it will remain OK for Dems to cite Black American Voters as “less sophisticated” as an excuse for this.
See more of Charles Stewart’s (paid) testimony in this article by J Christian Adams, and see the whole transcript here.
This is why Obama seems be acting to get rid of them.
In fact, Obama’s manner of dealing with Ebola is calculated to select against the lives of the most caring and dedicated physicians, nurses and other personnel……. the ones who would accept more personal risk in order to care for patients with communicable diseases.
If you like your doctor for his dedication……….. there’s more chance that you could lose your doctor to Ebola infection, thanks to Obama.
While you are waiting for this to happen, enjoy Tom Frieden, the incompetent head of the CDC, as he tells us: you can’t catch Ebola from another passenger on a bus, but…… those with Ebola should stay off of public transportation in order not to spread the disease. This self contradiction occurs within a 30 second span, during an interview.
Sabo is a graphic artist transplanted to California, where he has been creating street art that lampoons the left. His first attempt at jewelry design is a SNIP at Wendy Davis, whom he first represented as Abortion Barbie. While not totally in the pro-life camp, Sabo finds Wendy’s resolute support of late term abortion (opposition to the 20 week limit on abortions in TX) too much to bear, and this inspired both his well known poster and the earrings. Sabo is prolific in production of very edgy art, guaranteed to offend many. His work was featured at the rollout of Breitbart California. Sabo’s digital media, ripping the left, can be viewed at his websites, which also provide opportunities to support his work.
Dept of Homeland Security investigators were put on administrative leave when they complained about pressure to delay reporting on this scandal:
Jonathan Dach, a White house volunteer on the advance team for the president’s travels to Cartagena, Columbia, kept a prostitute in his hotel room. Dach is the son of a big Obama donor, Leslie Dach, who has worked with Michelle on her “Let’s Move” campaign against obesity.
The lid on this violation of State policy, to avoid prostitution even where it is legal, has been blown two years after the fact. Unfortunately for the Dems……… it’s right before the election.
Where has Jonathan Dach been spending his time on the job? Of COURSE!!! He’s in the State Department’s Office on Global women’s issues which focuses on such things as prostitution and human trafficking.
Oh Ya!!!!! The fox guarding the hens…………
Dach was excused from the punishment meted out to the secret service agents who engaged in similar behavior on that Cartagena junket. Perhaps he has better connections.
Would you please torture leftists with this news bite when they bring up the phantom Republican war on women??????
The roof of the Southside Cremation services building was set ablaze during the creamation of an 800 pound cadaver. The Henrico County, Virginia, facility was able to control the fire and later resumed the remainder of the process. The family of the deceased was not present, but perhaps after this news event, has a clan legend to tell.
“Uncle ______ was sooo big, he set a grease fire at the crematory……..”
More at Richmond Times Dispatch.
People who read the Bible remember a repetitious cycle in the Old Testament, of Israel misbehaving, getting squashed, repenting and then rebuilding. Getting squashed was understood as a penalty from God for Israel’s collective sinful behavior, and His blessings returned after their repentance. Isaiah 5, the first Sunday Reading for Catholics (Oct 5) is an example of such a cycle and it brings to mind the present day.
1 Let me sing now for my well-beloved A song of my beloved concerning His vineyard. My well-beloved had a vineyard on a fertile hill.
2 And He dug it all around, removed its stones, And planted it with the choicest vine. And He built a tower in the middle of it, And hewed out a wine vat in it; Then He expected {it} to produce {good} grapes, But it produced {only} worthless ones.
3“And now, O inhabitants of Jerusalem and men of Judah, Judge between Me and My vineyard.
4“What more was there to do for My vineyard that I have not done in it? Why, when I expected {it} to produce {good} grapes did it produce worthless ones?
5“So now let Me tell you what I am going to do to My vineyard: I will remove its hedge and it will be consumed; I will break down its wall and it will become trampled ground.
6“And I will lay it waste; It will not be pruned or hoed, But briars and thorns will come up. I will also charge the clouds to rain no rain on it.”
7For the vineyard of the LORD of hosts is the house of Israel, And the men of Judah His delightful plant. Thus He looked for justice, but behold, bloodshed; For righteousness, but behold, a cry of distress.
Are you seeing any parallels in the events of today?
We’re Hosed.
When America suffers, much of the world suffers even more. That’s an economic reality.
Repentance and reformation is in order.
Census data suggests that the nation’s capital is the second most popular immigration destination for those from African countries, with the Ebola Hot Zone countries “donating” a fair proportion of DC’s new residents.
This might mean that Texas won’t have to ship their ebola patient to Washington in order for politicians to get the point. Already two people with symptoms suggesting ebola infection have been admitted to DC area hospitals.
Perhaps it will be as simple as tweeting praise and admiration for the advanced medical treatment available in Washington DC. If the politicians have Ebola in their own back yard, maybe they’ll come to understand that a borderless country is not going to rise out of this economic depression any time soon.
Economic stagnation is not the best fuel for medical, or any other kind if research, just in case anyone was interested in assisting other countries in mitigating their Ebola disasters.
Hashtag #DCmedicalMecca.
In the present day it seems that thinking about where to put it is more than a full time job. For some it seems to occupy every waking hour, and has become the extreme of sexual fetishism.
Sing over Me is a new film about the life journey of Dennis Jernigan, who spent a number of years in the homosexual lifestyle. In his mid twenties, Mr. Jernigan, a renowned Christian singer and lyricist, decided that something else was more important. His decision, to have God tell him who he is, will likely crunch many leftie undies into a wad. The songwriter tells his story in the indie film released this week on Vimeo and to interested theaters.
With the likes of TeenWire and a rabidly obsessed media beating sex-fetishism into the minds of kids, the constant refrain repeated by the brainwashed is that having sex is inevitable, and not a matter of choice. For many it seems as automatic as breathing, eating and taking a dump.
Films such as Sing over Me and Desire of the Everlasting Hills tell stories of profound changes in people who came to the conclusion that something else is more important than sex.
One spoiler from the Desire film: who gets some credit for reeling in the wildest one of the bunch: