Assuming that this soy boy is somewhat serious about his statements, and not just trolling….. If you see him in your neighborhood, put up the for sale sign fast, before he starts causing your property value to drop. He compares a two year old kid to a tree, with respect to the ability to communicate, and expresses agreement with the idea that it’s therefore OK to kill toddlers. The soy boy specimen was found and characterized at University of Tennesee, Knoxville by Students for Life of America.
Author: Pharmer
BIG MEDIA honors Christmas
Breitbart is very much in touch with what regular Americans are thinking. Today, celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ is on the minds of American Christians. Breitbart is right there, celebrating with us. It is a reflection of our values, and that’s why it has become our own BIG MEDIA. <– check it out!
FaceBook Doesn’t Know Why Their Fake News Labels Didn’t Work
It really has to do with the reputation of their curators for bias, and for promoting their decision.
Facebook is going to stop labeling what they think is fake news, because they noticed that the label is associates with more sharing, not less. Now their hive mind will try to be more subtle, by continuing to bury opposing views, and by planting opposing articles next to the ones they don’t like.
Read Facebook’s own version here, if you want.
Why will Facebook chug along for awhile? It has lefties and boomers (who have the money), to carry it along for awhile. It will slowly die off, as the boomers do. Younger people are moving on. Business people have to hang out for awhile, to keep the boomer customers, but those targeting younger demographics are hitting the road.
Don’t Hold Your Breath- Rub On Male Birth Control Product
There should be a category on this blog called “Don’t Hold Your Breath”, for all the promised products, or events which will be a very long time coming. Take for example the proposed rub on birth control, which is hoped to lower the sperm count to an “infertile” level. It’s a combo of a progestin, Nestorone, (segesterone acetate) , and testosterone, which is to be rubbed into the skin on a body part remote from the target organs.
You may read about it at this LINK, but don’t hold your breath waiting for guys to use it, if it ever comes to market.
There Will Be No Transmission Talk at University of Minnesota
Did you know that someone might call the police on you if you say
on the air during your radio show?
That’s what happened to the hosts of the “Deplorable Radio” show on KUMM, which broadcasts out of University of Minnesota, Morris campus.
Except they were talking about a different type of tranny. So the student station manager came in with a university police officer and allegedly lied to them about being in violation of FCC rules for using that word to refer to a person who is changing gender. There are no rules governing the use of that word (yet). Lately the University official has been trying to think of other reasons why she booted the students from their radio show, since the originally stated reason doesn’t exist. It’s more political control being exercised at the University level. The two students intend to fight the proceedings. Learn more at the College Fix.
Voter Fraud has Huge Consequences
The pack of felons voting in Minnesota in 2008 affected our lives in significant ways. First of all, we have been enjoying the presence of Al Franken in the Senate on account of this. Second of all, Obamacare, which passed by a single vote, is with us on because this same problem. Al Franken won by the barest of margins which was covered multiple times by the number of fraudulent votes. Prosecutions of the these individuals are ongoing. Learn more at the Washington Examiner. Perhaps the laws pertaining to voter eligibility were enforced more vigorously, our quality of life would be much better.
Reason for cancelling the order for that fancy bathtub
If you ever ordered a clawfoot bathtub that came without the claw feet, please put a comment below this post.
Your friendly Pharmer went to Signature Hardware, in Erlanger Kentucky, a couple weeks ago (9/20/17) to purchase a new tub. The cast iron claw foot tub in our bathroom has seen better days, and the finish is decaying. No debridement could save this tub. It’s past time for a replacement. So the very nice sales representative at Signature spoke with me at length about a new one, and we went to the warehouse to pick one out from a group of them which were in stock, settling on a Donnelly model with a smooth finish, and a work order to drill an overfill hole in tub. After a good deal of work trying to get the bathtub plus the work order into their system, I went on my merry way, expecting that tub to be delivered fairly quickly, with the hope that we could install it before a party to be held at the house.
Not a chance. Today, just I dialed up the lady who sold me the tub. No answer. So I dialed customer service just before noon, and the lady who answered me was able to correctly identify my name from my phone number and pull up my invoice right away. She seemed to understand the issue with the order, referencing a special note on it concerning the work order. She told me that she would have the lady who sold the tub to me call me back when she traced what was going on with the order.
Nope……… no call back. So I dialed both numbers again just before 5pm. This time, the customer service rep seemed unable to find my number, asked for my name twice, and finally found the order, after I explained that the first rep could find my name and the order from my phone number. After investigating, she told me that my tub had not been shipped because they were waiting for the claw feet to be shipped to them.
This is why I initially asked if any readers have ever been shipped a claw foot tub without the feet. (Some tubs have screw on feet, but one would expect them to be packed with the tub.) The Donnelly tub that I saw in the warehouse, (which I explained to the rep) came with the feet attached (welded on, in fact). She then put me on hold for consultation with her supervisor. Returning to the phone, she admitted that the warehouse supervisor remembered showing me that tub, among others, and that there were four of them in stock.
Despite the rep saying that the tub might ship by Monday, (which she later admitted was not likely), I decided to cancel my order. The missing claw story bothered me. There were obviously no separate claw feet on the order, since none were required for a tub with welded on feet. Was that a stock explanation for late or missing orders?
Moral of the story, Signature Hardware people………. don’t make up strange lies about why y’all screwed up an order and forgot to send it. It destroys your credibility with the customer.
Charlottesville Riot: Citizen Go Drools on Cue
Citizen Go has put out a petition, inviting everyone to condemn the white nationalist groups for violence at Charlottesville, but NOT Antifa, BLM and various other leftist agitator groups which perpetrated mayem at the rally. In response to this ridiculous posturing, Your’s truly sent an email to the folks at Citizen Go:
I will not sign any petition condemning the protesters at Charlottesville, unless all of the violent groups are condemned together. I support the free speech of white nationalists as long as they don’t try to perpetrate violence on members of other groups. I also support the free speech of any minorities who wish to oppose white nationalists, as long as those groups also avoid violence.
I will not kowtow to the leftist media which pretends that only the white nationalists do violence. The organizer of the Unite the “Right” demonstration was very recently an Qbama supporting “occupy wall street” member, who wanted Charlottesville to be a sanctuary city, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. This info, and the presence of Antifa and BLM and other George Soros supported groups, as well as prior orders for Cops to stand down, casts the Charlottesville riot story in a whole new light. With the possible exception of one supposedly schizophrenic driver, whose car was said (Daily Mail) to be hit by a rock prior to wrecking into two other cars, causing injury and death among the protestors, the Charlottesville event appears to have been orchestrated to make “conservative” groups respond like Pavlov’s dogs, and apologize for white supremacy groups (which mostly propagate leftist social and economic teachings).
Since your group, Citizen Go has chosen to drool on cue, like the rest of the manipulated masses, I will be asking to be taken off your mailing list. I don’t need “information” from such easily manipulated people, who fail to think critically. Perhaps other political advocacy groups will learn to avoid behaving as “tools” of the left in the future.

Google: It’s a Sin to Profess that Men and Women are Different
Your friendly Pharmer been cheering for James Damore since hearing of his dissent at Google, and have high hopes for his future success. He seems independent enough to run his own business.
As you probably have heard, Google booted Mr. Damore, because it is forbidden to believe and profess that men and women are different. Google has become a garbage propaganda machine both on the inside and the outside. People can adapt to this fact with their keyboards and touch screens. When looking for real information, Duck Duck Go is a better choice.
Carol Moynihan at Mercatornet has combined the news of Damore with a report on some interesting employment studies that are worth your attention.
Most curious in her article is the mention that when women enter a field in large numbers, the salary has tended to plummet. In the U.S., this has occurred in the field of pharmacy, and the salary drop is huge. Another contributing factor could be the proliferation of pharmacy schools. However, nursing schools are also proliferating, men are entering the field in large numbers, but those salaries are not dropping.
Companies need to adjust pay for the real biological fact that child bearing and rearing still is women’s work. While guys can and do help with the latter, there simply won’t be enough transsexualism to change the former. Women take six weeks and upwards off of work to have a baby. This means that it costs more to hire women of reproductive age, if the salary is kept equal.
In the U.S., the millennials are beginning to rebel against being told politically correct things that obviously conflict with what they observe. This is an absolutely wonderful trend, to be encouraged at every opportunity.
Planned Parenthood Brochure Clarifies Its Mission
Look at what LiveAction.Org dug up!! The Smith College Library in Massachusetts has an old Planned Parenthood brochure from back when it was called the Birth Control Federation of America. Follow that link to see the whole brochure for yourself. Most interesting is the description of this item by a Smith College archivist.
Planned Parenthood hasn’t changed its mind about controlling certain populations. Elitists such as Bill and Melinda Gates concur that Brown People should be told how many babies they can have. Pharmer begs to differ.
While this brochure admits that abortion is “killing a life that has already begun”, it obscures the fact that any non-barrier birth control has the potential to do the same thing, but usually earlier in development. This brochure probably predates the time when the embryocidal mechanisms of birth control were elucidated.