Bugs R Us: imported STDs

Obama had already removed HIV from the list of 8 communicable diseases that could impede immigration. Three more STDs which are now  on the welcome mat are:
-granuloma inguinale, (donovanosis) which is caused by Klebsiella granulomatis, an infection which locally destroys tissue as it spreads.
-lymphogranuloma venerium (Climatic bubo) caused by serotypes L1, L2, L2a or L3 of Chlamydia trachomatis. One end result of this disease is genital elephantiasis.
-Chancroid, (soft chancre) caused by Hemophilus ducreyi, which can cause swelling and rupture of inguinal lymph nodes. Only this latter one is monitored by the CDC.

The above three sexually transmitted infections have been fairly rare in the U.S. but are expected to rise precipitously in frequency due to Obama’s welcome mat.

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