Lena Dunham’s War on Women

If pop culture is on your radar, the Breitbart.com  deconstruction of a losing battle in Lena Dunham’s War on Women is worth your time.

Dunham’s  best seller “Not That Kind of Girl”, contains a number of departures from reality, as well as a story of sexually abusing her own sister.  Among these stories is a claim that she was raped by a prominent college republican.

Breitbart’s John Nolte has investigated the details of her story, and found it to be inaccurate, with the accused not matching Dunham’s descriptive highlights.  The named individual, very unlike Dunham’s “memory” of her sex contact,  has had to retain a lawyer, and disappear from social media.   Memories of the famous Tawanna Brawley case come to mind.

Lena Dunham continues to allow the named individual, who says he never met her, who does not match her physical description, who did not graduate when she said he did, and who did not work where she said he did, to twist in the wind.

Dunham refused to press charges in a claimed case of rape.  Either she is lying about rape altogether, or she has allowed a criminal (whose name and description do not match)  to remain free to repeat his crimes.  Both of these options harm other women.

Justice Dept Expert says Black Americans are Less Sophisticated Voters

and this is the excuse for opposing such things as voter ID, and other regulations that might stop the Democrats from STUFFING the ballot boxes, (as seen in this vid).

The Eric Holder Justice Department hired Charles Stewart to testify against voter registration and laws requiring voters to cast a ballot in their own precinct.  Stewart stated that these laws would affect African Americans more because they tend to register closer to election day and “they tend to be less sophisticated voters, tend to be less educated voters, tend to be less attuned to public affairs“.   He cites the literature of political science for this.

James O’Keefe demonstrated on film that a White guy could have easily voted using the ballot of Eric Holder himself, in the 2012 primary election.  One wonders if the integrity of our election system has to remain unprotected, so that elections can be stolen, and if it will remain OK for Dems to cite Black American Voters as “less sophisticated” as an excuse for this.

See more of Charles Stewart’s (paid) testimony in this article by J Christian Adams, and see the whole transcript here.

Media Coverup: The Inherent Racism of Leftists

One of several important reasons a person should avoid affiliation with leftists is the inherent racism, sexism, and bigotry which is the basis for their social policies and personal functioning.

Leftists consider non-whites to be livestock, and treat them as such.  The left desires to herd (to the cities), feed (food stamps EBT SNAP), house, provide health care (birth control and abortions), various ethic and racial groups, and keep them as voter stock.

The media serves as cover whenever the leftist racism bubbles to the surface in their words. Certainly they have been effective in training people to believe that the conservatives, who want everyone to be free to achieve self actualization, are the oppressors, while the paternalistic left, which pushes down or kills  anyone who wants to work hard and achieve, is seen as benevolent.  In fact, non-white conservatives, who respect the family, and oppose the herding of minorities, are said to be selling out their own people.

Here is your chance to see how the media covers  up  the racist gaffes of Harry Reid, Gary King, and Joe Biden. Desperate leftie  politicians, with possible dementia reducing their ability to filter speech, have been firing off offensive comments right and left, lately, and Brietbart.com  has been cataloging the remarks and the lack of media response.  Click the links to see: it’s still pre-civil-rights-era in the brains of the lefties.

Living in lie-cloud of the lamestream media has left many minority groups completely confused about who is REALLY holding them down in present day America.

Anti Rape Activists are Allergic to This Prevention Measure

Anti-Date Rape ‘Undercover’ Nail Polish Changes Colour When Drinks are Spiked with Rohypnol and GHB.  is worth a click.

Four North Carolina State University Students are working on a solution to the use of spiked drinks for date rape.  They’re developing a nail polish that exhibits a color change when exposed to such things as Rohypnol, GHB and Xanax, which are sometimes used to tranquilize a woman so that she can be sexually abused.  The prospective product is funded by the school’s Entrepreneurship Initiative, and is further described as Undercover Colors on Facebook, and the newly formed company is seeking further donations to produce nail polish.

Most telling is a response coming from the left, (which traditionally abhors a solution).   Rebecca Nagle of “FORCE Upsetting Rape Culture, and Tracey Vitchers of SAFER appear not to  like any rape solution that involves self defense on the part of the woman.  Activists who would scoff at the idea of education for sexual abstinence, paradoxically  believe that guys who “at risk for committing sexual assault” (sic) can be educated to avoid this practice.

Pharmer, always a fan of self defense and any measure that helps to solve the problem, congratulates the four students, Stephen Gray, Ankesh Madan, Tasso Von Windheim and Tyler Confrey-Maloney,  on their creativity and wishes them success.


Live Action Films Busts a Fourth Planned Parenthood Facility for BDSM advice to ’15 year old’

In the fourth video of the Sexed series, Live Action Films busts Planned Parenthood, Eden Prairie Clinic in Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN.  The Planned Parenthood employee in this vid gets pretty graphic and conveys the general idea that any sex related activity that is ‘consensual’ is normal, and OK.

Click here  to view
Click here to view

A full length and much more explicit version can be viewed at the Live Action site.

More Kinky Sex Ed at 2 Colorado Planned Parenthood Facilities -Live Action Films

Live Action Films, has released the second video in their Planned Parenthood Exposed series.  This episode shows a woman, posing as a 15 year old girl, being given detailed counseling on Bondage and Discipline, as well as Sadomasochism.   Two affiliates of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, in Littleton, and in Lakewood, Colorado, are featured in this film.

Planned Parenthood is  50 shades of NASTAAAAY.    Pharmer’s recommendation is for people to go to a real health care provider for their reproductive medical needs.

Two affiliates of Planned Parenthood of Rocky Mountains are BUSTED for giving kinky sex advice.
2 affiliates of Planned Parenthood of Rocky Mountains are BUSTED for giving kinky sex advice.

Full length footage is available at PlannedParenthoodExposed.com

Pervy Liberal Democrat Candidate Offers Money for Nude Pics of Female Hunter

Kendall Jones has received plenty of vitriol from the left for posting hunting pics on social media.  Topmost in the heap of slime are the tweets from Mike Dickinson (liberal democrat congressional candidate in Virginia).   He’s offering $100,000 for nude photos or videos of Kendall, because “she deserves to be a target”.

Don’t expect the voyeur-perv Dickinson to be asked to apologize, or to suffer much criticism.  Abortion supporting libs are permitted to abuse women in this upside down world.

Mike Dickinson attacks Kendall Jones
Mike Dickinson attacks Kendall Jones

Alternative news scoop is that Facebook has deleted some of Kendall Jone’s hunting pics, but has allowed a “Kill Kendall Jones” page.

It’s just another skirmish in the left’s unending war on women.


Live Action: Planned Parenthood Exposed, Episode1

15 year old gets BDSM instruction at Planned Parenthood in Indianapolis
15 year old gets BDSM instruction at Planned Parenthood in Indianapolis

Live Action has put out the first video in its series, showing the type of sex advice which is given to a 15 year old female at Planned Parenthood,  Midtown Health Center, 3750 N. Meridian St., #100, Indianapolis, IN 46208.   Watch HERE for the condensed version and see the extended version HERE if your stomach can handle it.

Today is the #sexed tweetfest, so be sure to use that venue to pass the videos around in Twitter-space.