You can head over to Mother Jones if you want to watch the wailing and gnashing of teeth. Basically their author, Molly Redden, says that pro-lifers are conflating abortion and birth control, and want to ban both. It’s been fun to see the left finally admit (after years of being derided for their science illiteracy) that stopping implantation is a significant mechanism of birth control hormones.
Yours truly dropped the following comment. It’s an opportunity to inform leftists about the Plan B scam, and other problems with birth control hormones. Maybe it will stir the denizens of the left-cloud up a bit. You might want to join in the debate.
Unmentioned in this article is Ella (ulipristal acetate) the newly touted morning after pill which takes the place of Plan B, since the latter drug known to be ineffective for average sized American women. Ella is an analog of mifepristone (RU-486), and of course it shares the the same mechanisms of action.
The various mechanisms of birth control pills are not new. The only thing that has changed is that more people know about it, thanks to the coercive actions of employers and governments. The newer “development” is the religious belief that implantation confers a different status upon the growing human organism. Killing the human organism prior to implantation, according to this religion, is birth control, and after implantation, the act becomes worthy of the name, “abortion”.
This tired article pushes the meme that women are too incompetent to obtain their own birth control, and that Obama should provide it (with our money). One amusing fact is that Obama care provides only limited access, and many women are being forced to buy their preferred types of birth control hormones because their Obamacare does not “care” enough.
Meanwhile, women continue to troop through the hospitals with thromboembolic (blood clotting) events and various other untoward side effects of birth control hormones. They have been very tolerant of life threatening “medical care”, so this is all OK as far as the lefties are concerned.
Some day, women might get tired of routine chemical alterations to their bodies, and learn how to regulate their reproductive potential using natural, safer, more ethical, and more effective means.