Natural Selection

The very anxious Stephanie Land has announced, at the Washington Post, that Trump’s election has dissipated her reproductive drive. Apparently she is a single mom with 2 kids, but is losing the drive to find a partner because her hope in the future is gone.

She is not the only leftist who’s reproductive drive has been adversely affected by the election of Trump. Quite a number of them have been announcing their hopelessness publicly.


A new blog category has been born. This announcement from Stephanie also fits the following essential category.

call a waaaaaaaaaaambulance

Leftists Shedding Tears over Pope’s Latest Apostolic Letter

Pope Francis has just put out Amoris Laetitia, an apostolic letter addressing marriage and family life.  The title means “The Joy of Love”, something different than  “The Joy of Sex”.

Tears are falling into beers, lattes, girlie drinks, and fine vintages, as leftists quietly suffer.  The Pope was never going to sign onto the political fad of same sex marriage, or any other civilization shrinking arrangements.

Analysts inform us that the Pope’s letter is full of a little more down to earth advice, and a little less academic theory.  This means that Pharmer might actually pick it up and read the whole thing, and see if there is specific advice from Pope Francis on steering the marriage through “mentalpause”  (which is menopause plus manopause).  It could be a fun read.

As for media coverage of the momentous event of the Catholic Church holding fast to its teaching, and refusing to change……. you’ll be able to hear a pin drop, amid the falling teardrops.

Oh!!!!  Please call those leftie social engineers a WAAAAAAAAAAAMBULANCE!



Call A Waaaaaaaaaaambulance, Bloomberg Business

There is the wailing and gnashing of teeth at Bloomberg Business over abortion clinics going belly up. These businesses are not able to survive compliance the regulations  that are imposed on REAL outpatient medical facilities. They’re closing at a rate of more than 30 per year.  If you have ever seen the quality of patient data passed from an abortion clinic, you would know that adherence to basic standards of health care is not routine in that industry.


A free waaaaaaaaaaambulance ride is proffered to reporter Esmé E Deprez, whose distress at the loss of babycidal, dismembering, parts-selling businesses is apparent in the language of her article.

Not seen in this Bloomberg coverage is a mention of ATTWN, the organization which is vacuuming the abortion industry of employees, and helping these awakened people find real opportunities and healing.

Trump Mocks NYT Reporter- Call a Waaaaaaaaaaambulance

Brought to you by the people who think it’s OK to kill disabled people before, during, and shortly after birth, is incessant whining over Trump’s apparent insensitivity to NYT reporter, Serge Kovaleski.

Trump had been making fun of Kovaleski’s reporting, using hand gestures that were interpreted as mocking the reporter’s physical disability.   Trump claims to have never seen the reporter, and to not know what he looks like.

The burning question to the left is:   Without the right to life, how is it that hurt feelings have any significance??  Until they can control atheir own behaviors, such as making fun of Trig Palin, and telling Sarah that she should have aborted him, there is only one appropriate response to today’s whiners:

taking Gloria awaaaaaaaay!

Gloria Steinem whines that Feminism is Now a Dirty Word

Gloria Steinem as been spotted on CBS This Morning, in full throated whine about the status of Feminism in America, by Jeffrey Meyer of MRC Newsbusters. Most of what is killing the religion of feminism is the “elitist”  priesthood of feminazis, who made abortion a major tenet and sacrament, as Mr. Meyer correctly highlights. This group even endorsed sex selective culling of the unborn because of their screed that abortion, regardless of reason, should be legal. (And Gloria wonders why the numbers of women are now less than men.)

Let’s not forget that the industry of selling woman as sex slaves relies on abortion for maintenance of the “product”, and the abortionists readily agreed to provide cover, as they have for domestic abuse.

Is it a coincidence that, in the U.S.,  the numbers of abortions are dropping as feminism crumbles?

Abortion has also been a large part of what made LIBERAL a dirty word. The other parts are socialism and support for illegal immigration.  The leftist Atheists seem unable to understand that they top the radical Islamist list for death, (even above Christians, Jews and Gays).  They’re either clueless or suicidal.

The basic problem with feminism and liberalism is that they both are contrary to the survival of humanity as a species.

The cognitive dissonance in Gloria’s mind  ought to be deafening by now.

taking Gloria awaaaaaaaay!

Planned Parenthood whines about harassment from Pro-lifers


Your friendly Pharmer is highly amused that Planned Parenthood management is so upset by the investigative work of the Center for Medical Progress. Today’s second video, featuring the “less crunchy” Dr. Mary Gatter, has PP’s top brass in a tailspin. They’re crying foul, and are claiming that pro-lifers have been attacking them in an effort to shut down their killing business.

Let the public be reminded that Planned Parenthood has been harassing pharmacists for 15 years or more, in an attempt to force the pro-lifers to dispense abortifacient drugs, with their efforts leading to success in a number of states. In fact, Planned Parenthood of Southwestern Ohio intervened directly in the employment lawsuit between this pharmacist and K Mart way back in 2001, in order to delay  the inevitable outcome.

Planned Parenthood has been attacking pro-life  health care professionals and Crisis Pregnancy Centers for decades.  Is there any reason that people should feel sympathy for the nation’s top abortion conglomerate, which kills babies and sells their body parts?

Call a Waaaaaaaaaaambulance for Michelle


She’s Whining again.

Under experiences of racism, Michelle listed an incident during which person asked her for help getting something from the shelf in a department (Target)  store.  (It could have NOTHING to do with her height, of course).

The problem with this woman is that she doesn’t know that the little requests for help, or false assumptions about employment happen to everybody, regardless of race.   It happens to everyone who mingles with regular people.  In general, the Obamas are interpreting social experiences that happen to all of us regular people as experiences of racism. 

If Michelle doesn’t want to be treated as a regular person, she needs to stay in the Hamptons, rarified portions of Washington DC, or aboard Airforce 1.

One of the things that still rankles lefties is that America was founded without a royalty class, and the Tea Party still doesn’t want one.

Call a Waaaaaaaaaaambulance for Abortion Barbie


The Wendy Davis  campaign for  Texas Governor has gone down in flames.  She lost to Greg Abbott in a 60% to 38% landslide.

Seeing Tea Partier, Konni Burton defeat her hand picked candidate, Libby Willis has to be putting a double hurt on the pink sneakered, catheter wearing, queen of the filibuster.

Aboard the Waaaaaaaaaaambulance is plenty of sterile water for irrigating the salt from Wendy Davis’ wounds.  It’s been a hard night for that extremist, Democrat supporter of late term abortion.


‘Bad Karma’ for the Gun Control Supporter

SAFE Act Proponent Charged for Carrying Gun on Campus.

Gun Controller Dwayne Ferguson, who pushed the SAFE Act has been arrested based on that same law.

Ferguson has a permit to carry a firearm, and frequently does so.  He apparently forgot that he was packing, when he attended a mentoring program at New York’s Harvey Austin Elementary school.

There was a lock down as the police searched for a man with a gun on campus during the after school programs.  Lo and behold…… who did they find but Ferguson, who had led about 50 kids into the cafeteria, and closed the doors, to protect them from …HIMSELF!!!!

Ferguson is charged with 2 counts of criminal gun possession, under his very own SAFE act.

Pharmer is dialing 911 for the …


Obama Says People Don’t Like Him Anymore Because He is Black


Obama has noticed his poll numbers going down and this is his response: “There’s no doubt that there’s some folks who just really dislike me because they don’t like the idea of a black president.”

The guy thinks that the people who voted for him  have changed their minds because they don’t like  his color anymore.

It wouldn’t have anything to do with the slumping economy, the record joblessness among Black Americans and the rest of them too, the burdens and planned malfunctions of Obamacare, the incompetent foreign policy, the NSA snooping, and the abnormal symbiosis with Planned Parenthood.

Noooooooooooo…. they don’t line his skin shade anymore!!!

Call a Waaaaaaaaaaambulance for Obama.