–and its endorsement of intrinsic moral evil. Pharmer summary: The Bishop can’t tell people how to vote, but those who are aligned with the Democrat Party Platform could be in deep eternal doo doo.
Category: Catholic
Georgetown U: Intolerant, Bigoted, Leftie-Catholics
KiraDavis.net » Is Georgetown Guitly of an -ism? Student Loses Scholarship over Objections.
This story, turned up by Kira Davis, is bugging Pharmer, for more than one blast-from-the-past-reason, and therefore has to be on the blog.
The Sandra Fluke incident, as well as the leftism, and the need to appease Barack Obama, has removed Georgetown from the list of possible institutions of higher learning for Pharmer’s kids.. Why pour hard earned money into ruining one’s offspring? Here’s another reason to boycott.
Jarrett Roby has suffered stereotyping and discrimination at the hands of Georgetown University’s leftists, for refusing to attend LBGTQ sensitivity training on religious grounds. When he politely voiced his objections to resident advisers at Georgetown’s summer program, rather than just blowing the session off, Mr Roby was falsely accused of violent intent, and rewarded with an escort out of Georgetown by their police. (Had he been a Muslim rather than a Christian, do you think the response would have been different?)
Astonishingly, Jarrett Roby intends to persevere at Georgetown in the fall, though his Community Scholars Program Scholarship has been revoked. Pharmer prays that he avoids the brainwashing, and that he is somehow able to convert them back to Christianity instead.
Should a Priest Who Has Admitted Child Molestation Get A Better Lawyer Than Parishioners Could Afford?
Catholic priest accused of drunkenly fondling Woodburn boy hires A-list attorney | OregonLive.com.
The Archdiocese of Portland has given a loan to Fr. Angel Armando Perez, to hire a top defense lawyer, Marc Blackman. His fees are said to start at $50,000
Perez has admitted to sexual wrongdoing with a 12 year old boy, who escaped the situation, and was chased down the street by the priest. Neighbors took the boy to safety.
Parishioners are shocked by the news.
Time for some house cleaning in Portland. They need to practice budgetary restraint.
Abortion: Cuba’s bitter harvest
Learn why the Catholic Church was invited back into Cuba to deal with the “plague of abortion:
CLICK! Abortion: Cuba’s bitter harvest.
It’s a severe demographic problem when more than 60% of pregnancies end in abortion, which, like funerals, is fully funded by the government.
Obama’s Contraceptive Mandate In Effect for Businesses | TheBlaze.com
Obama’s Contraceptive Mandate Goes Into Effect | TheBlaze.com.
As of August 1, businesses are now forced to cover birth control, abortion and sterilizations for free, according to the Obama Health and Human Services Mandate.
Those business owners who oppose any of the above have been stripped of their First Amendment Right of religious freedom.
One exception has been made for the Catholic owned business, Hercules Industries which sued in Colorado for exemption from the mandate, while its lawsuit is being considered.
Two other lawsuits have been dismissed, on technical issues rather than on the merits of the cases.
Pro-lifers Express Concerns about the Girls Scouts Reproductive Agenda
The video series below is brought to you by Christy Volanski a former girl scout leader, and her daughter, Sydney, a former girl scout, and the two web sites SpeakNowGirlScouts.com and GirlScoutsWhyNot.com . This info has been publicized at The Blaze.
Further documentation which accompanies the videos is available HERE
The U.S. Catholic Bishops are conducting an inquiry into the Girl Scouts sex education policies.
Catholics Launch Fortnight for Freedom
Starting June 21 and running through July 4th is a two week period of prayer and education to counteract the Obama healthcare mandate and its threat to religious freedom.
Fortnight for Freedom Bulletin Insert
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Gets A Clue.
Speech by a Bishop Who had a clue early on. (Archbishop Chaput moved from Denver to Philadelphia to clean house.)
Video from Washington DC Archdiocese
United Methodist Church pro-abortion ideology might have aborted Jesus | Bound4LIFE
United Methodist Church pro-abortion ideology might have aborted Jesus | Bound4LIFE.
Susan Michelle Tyrrell has noticed the same thing that Pharmer noticed awhile back, that the United Methodist Church is an abortion supporting organization and a member of the “O”bominable Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice.
She quotes directly from the United Methodists Social Principles in its Book of Discipline: “The beginning of life and the ending of life are the God-given boundaries of human existence. While individuals have always had some degree of control over when they would die, they now have the awesome power to determine when and even whether new individuals will be born.”
Yes, this church presumes to take over the decisions which should be regarded as exclusively in the purview of the Creator. Tyrrell notes that the Church has many pro-life members who might not be paying attention to what the church leadership is doing with their donations.
The United Methodist’s support of abortion is unmistakable: “Our belief in the sanctity of unborn human life makes us reluctant to approve abortion. But we are equally bound to respect the sacredness of the life and well-being of the mother, for whom devastating damage may result from an unacceptable pregnancy.”
Tyrrell notes that the United Methodists rationale for supporting abortion would have encompassed the socially unacceptable pregnancy of Mary. Yes, it would have been ok with the United Methodists to abort Jesus.
Pharmer has had to make the same kind of decision that Tyrrell appears to be asking the pro-life members of the United Methodist Church to make, and that is to avoid funding the support of abortion.
Pharmer’s parish appears to be picking churches from the member list of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice for service experiences for the grade school kids. Yours truly has had to keep her number three kid home from the Jr. National Honor Society service trips, and the eighth grade service trip in order to avoid indirectly supporting this organization and its member churches. It’s kind of sad to have a feeling of not fitting into one’s parish for ethical reasons, and for that to be affecting the kids adversely. Fortunately there are Clergy and administrators who try harder to avoid complicity with the culture of death, and Pharmer is keeping an eye out.
Stand Up for Religious Freedom
Stand Up for Religious Freedom.
What are you doing on Friday? Are you off work? Look up the list of cities at the above link and show up for the nationwide rallies against Obama’s birthcontrol-abortion-sterilization HHS mandate. They occur in each city at noon, local time, June 8, 2012.
Be assured that the media will ignore your efforts, but you might be uplifted in the presence of other like minded individuals who oppose Obama’s attack on religious freedom.
Prueba de fuego: las elecciones de 2012
Visita www.CC2W.org para más detalles.