Whoa! The Canadian Bishops Have Noticed!!

Canadian Bishops: Abortion Threatens Religious Freedom | LifeNews.com.

Pharmer has been on the case of the USCCB for ignoring the state and federal assaults on religious freedom, particularly with respect to the health care professionals who refuse to kill their patients. Canada, under the scourge of socialized medicine for decades, has had a longer history of egregious assaults on ethical practice in health care. You can visit the Conscience Laws website to get a view of this.

Lifenews chronicles a momentous occurrence! The Canadian Bishops have noticed that abortion has wreaked havoc on religious freedom in that country!! and have issued a public response. This coincides with the grass roots resurgence of pro-life-ism in that country.

This LATE LATE response is more evidence that TOP DOWN orders from the Vatican, and grass roots pressures are compelling many of these sleeping Bishops to take action.

Vatican Spanks U.S. Conference of Nuns

Vatican Slaps Wayward Nuns, Sisters ‘Stunned’ says Newsmax.

The influential Leadership Conference of Women Religious, of the U.S. has gotten a severe reprimand, from the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith,  for wandering astray from the flock.

Among it’s offenses are its foray to the radical feminist side, its   teaching on homosexual behavior, and its public statements at odds with Church teaching on various issues of faith and morals.   One major bone of contention is their profession of love and support for Obamacare.

Sr. Simone Campbell, Executive Director says she’s “stunned”.  Likely she’s also shocked and dismayed because the boys are taking charge, now.  The Women Religious will be further investigated and then fumigated by Archbishop J. Peter Sartain, Bishop Thomas J Paprocki and Bishop Leonard Blair.

(The Catholic Housecleaning continues.)


Obama is following the path of Hitler and Stalin, Says Bishop

Archbishop Daniel R. Jenky, Peoria, Illinois, speaks up about Obama in a sermon:
“Hitler and Stalin, at their better moments, would just barely tolerate some churches remaining open, but would not tolerate any competition with the state in education, social services, and health care,” Jenky said. “In clear violation of our First Amendment rights, Barack Obama – with his radical, pro abortion and extreme secularist agenda, now seems intent on following a similar path.”

Obama Extends HHS Mandate, Sneaks News Out on Friday

Ed Morrissey at Hot Air is pointing out that insurance companies have not jumped for joy at the new birth control, abortion, and sterilization mandate that Obama is forcing on them. They know that it’s not really revenue neutral, especially up front, when they have to fork over one hundred percent of the costs. The supposed savings by preventing pregnancies are theoretical. Consider also that the pill induces conditions in women which require more medical attention: metabolic disorders and thromboembolic events, among others. No insurance companies have indicated an expectation of savings from Obama’s mandate.
The Hill brings up the point that no insurance coverage is free. The final cost is always coming from the total benefits package offered to the employee. If health insurance costs more, then less salary is offered.
There is also the issue of self insured employers. Many Catholic institutions are self insured, and one of the reasons for this originally could have been to avoid taking part in larger insurance pools that covered services which are not in line with Catholic teaching. Another reason would be cost containment.

THe HHS is is overturning doctrines of more than one Religion with this mandate. It might take a bit of time for the full response to come in.
Insurance companies are wondering what new unfunded mandates Obama will be imposing on them.

Tina Korbe has announced the St Patrick’s day/ March madness document dump from the White House. There is the advance notice of proposed rule making on preventative services policy quietly slipped out on Friday night when no one is looking. You should have heard about this in normal news venues so that you could have an opportunity to comment on the HHS rules expanding the mandate for coverage of birth control, abortion, and sterilizations.
Obama and Sebelius really don’t want to consider your opinions, and this is the reason for dribbling out the news when everyone is ready for a party weekend.
Yes the expanded mandate will cover Sandra Fluke’s apparent wild sex life at the university. Student insurance will be required, that offers free birth control, abortions and sterilizations. The Universities will of course have to cover the insurance and pass the costs to the students as part of tuition and fees.

Certain Preventative Services under the Health Care Act (extending birth control mandate)

Obamacare “fact” sheet.

Buying Sandra Fluke’s birth control.

Where you will go to Comment. Bring your rule number with you.

Pamela Geller catches NYT Anti Catholic Bias

The atheist group, Freedom from Religion, was able to run an Anti-Catholic ad in the New York Times last week. Pamela Geller designed an analogous anti-Islam ad based on the first ad, and predictably the NYT has refused to run it. Their reason is that the Muslims do not have an edict to turn the other cheek like Christians do. What they tell us is that they’re worried about security of the U.S. troops. You can see the two ads side by side HERE
Geller states that her ad was designed specifically to reveal bias, and points out that the New York Times was not worried about the security of U.S. forces overseas when it published extensively on Abu Ghraib.

Pharmer suspects that the New York Times editors are protecting themselves, not the troops. They rely heavily on Christians to turn the other cheek. What might appear to be a their bias towards Islam is really physical cowardice, rather than a true ideological preference for that religion. Both Catholicism and Islam are far too restrictive for their lifestyles.

War on Women

The Democrat party  has  conducted  a war on women, and is  projecting the blame on others similarly as in their war on minorities and their war on religion.

1) American lefties are supporting sex selection abortions, since the culling of girl babies from families generates abortion revenue.   The decision of a woman to kill her daughters and spare her sons is not to be infringed.

2) The lefties regulate  the population of their minority “voter stock” by abortion clinic placement and funding practices which has resulted in Blacks being aborted at almost 5 times, and Hispanics at 3 times the rate of Whites.

3) The Democrats  have not a word to say about the acquittal of the virginity testing docs in Egypt. There is total silence on this obvious violation of human rights. Testing virginity is a gratuitous vaginal entry which serves no medical purpose. As our Democrats look the other way, and Obama sends our tax money to the interim government there, the women who were violated by military virginity testers, including Dr. Ahmed Adel, have been thrown under the bus. The judicial decision amounts to a denial that the incidents ever occurred.

Using the already routine pre-abortion ultrasounds to inform women about her developing, unborn baby, before she decides to abort, is the leftist idea of rape. Since those ultrasounds area already a part of the procedure, it’s just the Virginia state requirement of  offering  information to the woman which has raised their cry of “rape”.

The Georgetown Birth Control Gurl, Sandra Fluke, has been compared to activists in Myanmar who have payed the price for their pro-democracy speech with long prison terms. At the women of the world summit, Hillary extolled women “who are assuming the risks that come with sticking your neck out, whether you are a democracy activist in Burma or a Georgetown law student in the United States.”
The ridiculousness of comparing Fluke, who is whining for free birth control, to women such as Zin Mar Aung, who spent years in jail just for writing a letter, is obvious to any sane person.

In the sclerotic brain of Hillary, our  desire not to have to pay for the birth control of college students at a $45,000 per year school, amounts to controlling women.

The leftist war on women, which they have  projected onto Republicans,  has allowed or fostered  the torture and killing of females, while profiting   from the mechanisms which are used  for increasing their  sexual availability.