Pamela Geller catches NYT Anti Catholic Bias

The atheist group, Freedom from Religion, was able to run an Anti-Catholic ad in the New York Times last week. Pamela Geller designed an analogous anti-Islam ad based on the first ad, and predictably the NYT has refused to run it. Their reason is that the Muslims do not have an edict to turn the other cheek like Christians do. What they tell us is that they’re worried about security of the U.S. troops. You can see the two ads side by side HERE
Geller states that her ad was designed specifically to reveal bias, and points out that the New York Times was not worried about the security of U.S. forces overseas when it published extensively on Abu Ghraib.

Pharmer suspects that the New York Times editors are protecting themselves, not the troops. They rely heavily on Christians to turn the other cheek. What might appear to be a their bias towards Islam is really physical cowardice, rather than a true ideological preference for that religion. Both Catholicism and Islam are far too restrictive for their lifestyles.