Is Your Mayor a Gun Grabber?

Find out if your mayor joined Michael Bloombergs Cadre of gun grabbers ” Mayors Against Illegal Guns“.

News of this organization has gone viral and about 50 of the mayors have bailed out of the organization.

The MAIG website has tried to hide their list of members but not to worry…. the Way Back Machine sees all, and you can too!

There are several gun grabbing mayors in Indiana, in the blue cities of course.  Check the list!   

gun grabbing mayors -Indiana as of 1-7-14
gun grabbing mayors -Indiana as of 1-7-14

Let your Mayor know what you think!

School Suspends and Charges Student for Father’s Fishing Knife Found in Car

The performance of Northwest High School officials in Clarksville, Tennessee joins the lineup of Stupid Educator Tricks, featured on this blog. The officials  are accompanied by the Montgomery County Sheriff’s dept, which is levying weapons charges against a high school kid who made the mistake of borrowing his father’s car.

David Duren-Sanner’s future is put on hold, because his father, a commercial fisherman, had a fishing knife inside the car, which David parked on school property. David gave permission for a random search of his car to be searched during the school’s lockdown exercise, likely because he had no idea that his father’s knife was there.

Now David has 10 days suspension, 90 days at an alternative school, on probation, and is facing weapons charges. Peggy Duren, David’s grandmother, with whom he is living, claims that this is his first disciplinary trip to the H.S. principal’s office. “Guilty until proven innocent” is how she describes the zero tolerance policy to Clarksville’s News Channel 5.

There is a petition online if you’d like to weigh in on one more whacko method of teaching kids to disrespect authority, exercised by the Northeast high school officials and the Montgomery County Sheriff’s dept.

Or you could click on the name and tell Principal  Galea Jefferies exactly how you feel about the handling of this situation.

Perhaps they should be asked what positive incentive would a kid have to  obey the law, if he can be so heavily  penalized for a normally legal item which is found  in a car that he has borrowed??

North West High School, Clarksville, TN
North West High School, Clarksville, TN

High School Censors Flyer of Pro-life Student Group

Bryce Asberg, the 15 year old founder of Students for Life at Wilson High School, has fought an uphill battle with school officials who are trying to suppress his group’s efforts. The latest affront is censorship of their pro-life flyers, with the claim that they express a potentially offensive agenda. (Click HERE to judge the content of the flyiers for yourself.) Wilson Students for Life has had enough.

Wilson High School, Tacoma Washington is now dealing with a challenge to their censorship of pro-life speech and writing, and the extra work that comes justifying such policies to American citizens who are accustomed to freedom of speech.

The point man for censorship activity against the Students for Life group at Wilson HS is Vice Principal Shane Sliva and he can be contacted at (253-571-6076) or e-mail ([email protected]). Ask him to cease and desist in his efforts to suppress the speech and activities of the pro-life student group.

Wilson High School Tacoma harassing pro life students
Wilson High School, Tacoma Washington – Contact information. Click the image to ’embiggen’ Everyone loves fan mail. Be gentle.

Fort Hood Massacre: Either it was Terror, Or Obama Should be in Jail

TheBlaze Investigation: How Obama and the Army Betrayed the Victims of Fort Hood |

Glenn Beck is covering the issue of Fort Hood military personnel who were injured or killed by Major Nidal Hasan.  He’s been clamoring for the incident to be recognized as a terror attack, and for the victims to be honored and/or supported  as is befitting members of the military who are killed or injured in an enemy attack.

At issue is the relationship of Hasan to Anwar Al Awlaki, a U.S. citizen who became a radicalized Muslim cleric, and the inspiration of this attack.

Obama chose to Drone Al Awlaki and his 16 year old son.  Yes, they were both killed without the  due process that is normally accorded to criminals who are American Citizens.

Either the Ft. Hood massacre should be classified as a terrorist attack, or Obama and his associates who participated in the drone attacks should be in jail for murder.

French Same Sex Parenting Law Stopped

……. after a big pro-family swell of protests in France and in other parts of Europe.

Dr. Susan Berry reports at Breitbart, that the plans of Francois Hollande to allow assisted reproduction for lesbian couples and surrogacy for gay men have come to a screeching halt.  Many socially conservative groups came together to protest the “modernization” of family law.

La Manif Pour Tous is a group that has joined disparate religious and social groups together against same sex marriage legislation in Europe, and they have fought a successful battle against the latest plans of President Hollande.

Jean-Pierre Delaume-Myard, a gay man who speaks out for La Manif Pour Tous, explained that the majority of homosexuals have not been pushing for these kinds of laws, and in fact, only 4 percent of them have taken  advantage of the legalization of civil unions in France.

Delaume-Myard asserts that children are the “first victims” of same-sex marriage.  “It deprives them of a father and a mother.  The desire to have a child by a homosexual cannot justify any kind of solution to fill this gap.  Every child has the right to have a father and a mother”.  He added that assisted procreation  ‘turns women and children into mere commodities’.

Short message: only the minority of people with homosexual orientation are on board with  the agenda that the leftists have planned for their lives.

NFL is Too Wussified for the Pharmer

The NFL has stuck to their gun-lessness (and bilateral absence of gonads).  The Daniel Defense Ad will still be absent from the Superbowl.  Your friendly blogger is studiously avoiding all ads and ad previews on Youtube, as well as the Superbowl itself, this year.  Yes, it’s true that the  commercials are often more interesting than the game, but every single Superbowl related thing will be avoided. The owner of Daniel Defense doesn’t believe in boycotts, and is not calling for one. To each his own.  Pharmer spends time and money judiciously.   Click HERE for a presentation from the NRA on the NFL decision to reject the home defense ad from the gun manufacturer.  Joe the Plumber is hosting it.  

NRA addresses NFL rejection of Daniel Defense ad
NRA addresses NFL rejection of Daniel Defense ad

Related: Colion Noir Rips Fox News and the NFL for rejecting the Daniel Defense ad.

Viral TSA Blogger Unmasks (Capitalist System at Work)

The man behind the Taking Sense Away, TSA blog on WordPress decided to reveal himself to the world, publishing yesterday in the Politico.

see modern survival blog
see Modern Survival Blog

Jason Edward Harrington is working on a novel based upon his experiences as a TSA employee (paid to grope passengers at airports).  Hopefully the remaining, capitalist vestige of the economic system will reward his efforts.  Up to this time he’s been exposing the antics and inside stories of the TSA anonymously, first as an employee, working through college, then from the outside while in graduate school.

A portion of what news stories have carried about the workings of the TSA has come from Harrington’s blog.  Be sure to take a look, if you haven’t seen it already.  The January 30 entry will lead you to his piece at the Politico, entitled: Dear America, I Saw You Naked, and yes we were laughing.  Confessions of an ex-TSA agent.

Food Stamps and Amnesty: What Would Martin Luther King Say?

“If it falls to your lot to be a street sweeper, sweep streets like Michelangelo painted pictures, sweep streets like Beethoven composed music … Sweep streets like Shakespeare wrote poetry. Sweep streets so well that all the host of heaven and earth will have to pause and say: Here lived a great street sweeper who swept his job well.”  – Martin Luther King

What would Rev. Martin Luther King say to the food stamp and amnesty government which operates with the assumption that there are some jobs that Americans won’t do? People used to complain that there were 46 million people without health care coverage. (That number was magically dropped to 30 million and even lower when selling the concept of amnesty for illegal immigrants). Now there are a record breaking 47 million Americans on food stamps.

There are also a record breaking number of Americans no longer in the labor force and the participation RATE is at a 34 year low.

A & E’s Big Stink Concerning Phil Robertson Proves Leftist’s Comprehension Deficit

The inability of leftists to process language is exemplified by the big stink being raised by activist groups, and the decision by A&E Network to suspend Phil Robertson from the Duck Dynasty Show.

GLAAD and other leftist groups are whining a claim that Phil compared their sexual activities to bestiality.   There is no such comparison.   The statement which they could not understand audibly or in writing, was a listing of various  practices (some of them not even pertaining to sex)  which Christians regard as sinful.

The source of controversy comes from Phil’s interview with GQ Magazine from which these quotes were obtained.

First is a list of sexual practices which Christians are instructed to avoid as sin, with homosexual behavior being part of a broader list.  No comparison is made here.

“Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men.”

If any leftists would like a lesson in how to identify or construct comparative sentences in English, Pharmer can help. (This blog is written by Pharmer only, on the fly, with no editorial assistance.)

Next came the much broader list of behaviors which Christians view as morally wrong and sinful. Note that, as above, that it contains both homosexual and heterosexual mis-behaviors as well as various other forms of sin.

 “Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers — they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.”

In all of the available interview material, Pharmer noted that Phil was entirely self consistent to address homosexual behavior only, and avoid any rejection or castigation  of individuals simply because of  homosexual orientation.  Throughout the back and forth, the Robertson patriarch clearly demonstrated higher intelligence and facility with the language than did his critics. He  also demonstrated a greater respect for human rights, and an understanding of his own function within Christianity.

Phil’s followup statement  “I myself am a product of the ’60s; I centered my life around sex, drugs and rock and roll until I hit rock bottom and accepted Jesus as my Savior. My mission today is to go forth and tell people about why I follow Christ and also what the Bible teaches, and part of that teaching is that women and men are meant to be together. However, I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other.”

The message that we get from the leftist activists and from A&E is that Christians are not to speak their beliefs in public. We directly experience their judgmental and oppressive nature.

A&E has forgotten the reason why millions of people even know they exist, and that reason is Duck Dynasty.  The network execs do not realize that they need the Robertsons more than the Robertsons need them.

Pharmer has no cable television and never viewed anything from A&E before learning of Duck Dynasty.  After that show ceases, there will be no reason to purchase anything else from that network.  It’s likely that several million others feel the same way.  We will be looking forward to future productions from the Duck Commander crew when they have freed themselves from A&E.

There is a need now, more than ever, for Christians to direct  their financial resources towards those entities which tolerate or support their beliefs and  lifestyle choices.

Judge Cites Same-Sex Marriage in Declaring Polygamy Ban Unconstitutional

Judge Cites Same-Sex Marriage in Declaring Polygamy Ban Unconstitutional.

We all knew it would happen.  If the courts invented a right to Homosexual marriage, then the practice of Polygamy would soon be decriminalized, then declared a right.  U.S. District  Judge Clark Waddoups got it done in Utah.  As a condition for statehood in 1896, Utah had to make polygamy illegal.  That law has now been overturned, on the basis that if same sex marriage is protected, then so is any other kind.
The lawsuit in question was designed by Jonathan Turley of George Washington University, which sought to first decriminalize polygamy, then obtain state recognition for this. Turley’s idea of polygamy includes polygyny, polyandry and polyamory, a big group lovefest.
There will be more fireworks as the government forces the churches to recognize these kinds arrangements.  Next there will be marriages to animals and inanimate objects.