New bill could prevent pharmacists from denying contraception prescriptions to customers –

New bill could prevent pharmacists from denying contraception prescriptions to customers –

Two legislators, Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., and Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y are pushing a bill to deny pharmacists the right of conscience with respect to dispensing hormonal birth control.

Scroll one article down to see what Pharmer had to say about Sebelius pretending that the rights of conscientious objectors would be respected in the Obama birth control plan.


Appeals Court Upholds Pro-Life Pastor’s Free Speech Rights |

Appeals Court Upholds Pro-Life Pastor’s Free Speech Rights |

Rev. Walter Hoye, has won a unanimous decision from the Leftie 9th Circuit court against the city of Oakland, CA which had been persecuting him for offering abortion alternatives to women entering abortion clinics.  Oakland had been found to only prosecute those who approached women in the clinic bubble zones if they were trying to dissuade women from abortion, not if they were advocating abortions.

The 9th Circuit Court concluded that Oakland’s enforcement policy is a constitutionally invalid, content-based regulation of speech”.


Congratulations to Rev. Hoye for prevailing in his steadfast defense of life, for which he had endured much hardship, including prison time.

Brooklyn Catholic school rejects donation from politician who voted for gay ‘marriage’ |

Brooklyn Catholic school rejects donation from politician who voted for gay ‘marriage’ |

New York Democrat assemblyman Joe Lentol normally gives a small donation to a Catholic school around graduation time.   This year, Queen of Rosary Catholic Academy returned his donation.

This is in compliance with a request from Bishop Nicholas Dimarzio for the Catholic institutions to refuse any ‘honors, donations or distinctions bestowed’ on them by the politicians who passed New York’s gay marriage law.

Pharmer wishes that more of the U.S. Catholic  bishops had felt so strongly about the abortion, embryonic stem cell, and physician assisted suicide issues.

The Pro Aborts Hate Even Those Christians Who are Already Afraid to Speak Out Against Abortion

‘God raped Mary’ posters ‘hate crime’ – Canada –

Youth for Christ is one of those Birthright type organizations which will offer alternatives to abortion,  but does not act or speak  in  opposition abortion itself.

Even still, it is in the cross-hairs of Canada’s abortophiles, who placed placards saying “God Raped Mary” in Winnipeg Canada, to mark the Christmas season.   Apparently helping women who don’t want to abort is offensive –(business competition).

Says John Courtney, Exec of Youth for Christ:  “If this were any religion other than Christianity, it would quickly be labelled a hate crime.”

Maybe Canada needs a fresh infusion of Muslims to roll back this entrenched abortion problem of theirs.

US government Seizes Bit Torrent search engine Domain and Others

U.S. Government Seizes BitTorrent Search Engine Domain and More | TorrentFreak.

This current  move is more about piracy, but is also to show  us how the government can censor, and quell dissent a bit.

Unfortunately the government has also seized domains which aren’t actually doing any piracy.  This kind of incompetence is par for the course.

The best part of the above linked articles is down in the comments, where you will learn to hold onto IP address of the sites you like the most and continue to use them after the govt has grabbed the domain name, and the various ways this can be done.  Also there are  alternative domain name servers and other web mechanisms such as Netsukuku, Osiris Serverless Portal, Tor hidden services.

Pharmer is no expert, but remains convinced that this mode of communication will not be easy for governments  to control.