……. after a big pro-family swell of protests in France and in other parts of Europe.
Dr. Susan Berry reports at Breitbart, that the plans of Francois Hollande to allow assisted reproduction for lesbian couples and surrogacy for gay men have come to a screeching halt. Many socially conservative groups came together to protest the “modernization” of family law.
La Manif Pour Tous is a group that has joined disparate religious and social groups together against same sex marriage legislation in Europe, and they have fought a successful battle against the latest plans of President Hollande.
Jean-Pierre Delaume-Myard, a gay man who speaks out for La Manif Pour Tous, explained that the majority of homosexuals have not been pushing for these kinds of laws, and in fact, only 4 percent of them have taken advantage of the legalization of civil unions in France.
Delaume-Myard asserts that children are the “first victims” of same-sex marriage. “It deprives them of a father and a mother. The desire to have a child by a homosexual cannot justify any kind of solution to fill this gap. Every child has the right to have a father and a mother”. He added that assisted procreation ‘turns women and children into mere commodities’.
Short message: only the minority of people with homosexual orientation are on board with the agenda that the leftists have planned for their lives.