Reid will allow vote on repeal of administration’s birth control mandate – The Hill’s Healthwatch

Reid will allow vote on repeal of administration's birth control mandate – The Hill's Healthwatch.

Senator Harry Reid has changed his mind, and decided to allow Sen. Roy Blunt’s Bill to repeal Obama’s birth control/abortive drugs/sterilization mandate to pass to the full Senate for a vote.
This new decision comes after Obamanator’s unilateral “compromise” to shift the administration of the mandate to insurance companies. This includes all the religious entities which are self insured. The compromise still steps on freedom of religion, still has religious organizations paying for things they consider sinful, and still forces people to sell and to buy things which they don’t want.

Here are two possible motivations: One is that Reid’s constituency includes a lot of self insured religious organizations, and they climbed down his throat.
Another is that Obama needs to bail on this very unconstitutional mandate, and Reid has been ordered to allow Congress to rescind it.

You might want to inform your Senators and Congressmen that you expect them to kill the abortive mandate of Obama/Sebelius. It is likely that most of the Dems realize that all their religious voter support will evaporate if they don’t vote for Sen. Blunt’s legislation.

What’s Wrong With the Catholic Bishops?

Catholic Bishops: Obama‘s Contraception Mandate Change ’Unacceptable’ |

They’re afraid to lose the money.  The church related institutions have become too dependent upon government income.   If  the bishops  weren’t afraid, they would be asking why any health  insurers cover birth control, Killing, and sterilizations. These things are lifestyle choices, and the middle one is morally wrong according to all the major religions, particularly when done for recreational purposes. The Bishops are so conciliatory that they express no difficulty with other people, outside specific religious affiliation, being forced to involve themselves in birth control, abortion and sterilizations.
Birth control hormones used for that purpose are recreational drugs. They are taken in order to support a purely recreational activity. Birth control and sterilization also alter a healthy system and make it function abnormally. Therefore they are not really ‘health care’. Nor is killing a part of health care.

It’s as though the bishops aren’t fully invested in removing abortion from Obamacare.  Pharmer is still waiting for any word of this issue to be mentioned at her parish.

Mark Steyn subbing for Rush on hangover Monday (2/6/12), appeared to have been taken in by this Onion-like presentation of “news”, at a socially leftist forum.  In a sort of parody, a story about Imams from Cincinnati, Phoenix, Green Bay, and Lubbock protesting the Obama birth control Mandate, was attributed to the National Journal.  (Following the entry were numerous comments from people who don’t know how the various birth control drugs operate, and do not know why many  religions oppose them. )

Mark Steyn  realizes that the Muslims are guarding conscience rights against abortion  in Europe, and so it was understandable that he’d expect the U.S. Muslims to have something to say about the Obama mandate.   What they have to say so far, Obama’s news organs do not want us to know.

Muslims don’t absolutely forbid all abortion and birth control,  but do not approve of either being used for recreational reasons.  Therefore adherent Muslims would not be happy to distribute  the drugs for these purposes in the vast majority of situations.

Like Europe, the U.S. may  eventually  be relying on the religion, which is not known for turning the other cheek,  to deal  with Obama’s unconstitutional attack on religious freedom.   Collectively the Catholic Bishops are not likely to have enough resolve to get this job done.

Dana Goldstein: Transfer Oversight of Your Sex Life From Your Boss to the Government

via Obama Birth Control Compromise Defuses Religion Issue – The Daily Beast.

Above linked is an address in favor  of Obama’s new shell game “solution”  to the fight with the religious people of the United States.

It’s just as bogus and unsustainable  as the rest of Obamacare.  Instead of forcing the religious institutions to pay for birth control, abortive drugs and sterilizations, he moves the cost to the insurers, which in turn move the cost back to the employers.  The only change is that the employers do not have to speak to their employees about birth control.   Obama is still making businesses sell specific products,  and making the citizens pay for those products.    UNCONSTITUTIONAL!

Pharmer is  laughing at Dana Goldstein, of the Daily Beast, who think’s its not rational that a woman’s boss has influence over her sex life. She does think it’s more rational that the influence be transferred to the Government.

There are two to three generations of lefties completely convinced that there is a right for humans to have sex, and that someone else should have to fund the activity and the results: erectile dysfunction meds, birth control, sexually transmitted diseases, infertility, child birth, abortions, etc. I think that human rights end where another human begins. Sex involves two people at least, and can make more.

From the Pharmer comes a more libertarian viewpoint. Why can’t people assume more responsibility for their own behaviors and consequences?? The total cost of health care would go down if people knew that they had to take care of their own sex life and its results.

Third party payment is what has made the cost of health care (and education too) skyrocket, with no return on the extra investment. People are almost never good stewards of other people’s money.

Consider this novel idea… people delay sex until they can foot the bills. Birth control should be paid for in cash, and the same for sex enhancers and drugs for erectile dysfunction. People can enter their choice of insurance pools for to soften the expenses for complications of reproduction. That can be handled in a way similar to dental or life insurance. The cost of reproductive health care would plummet.

Certainly this would not appeal to the lefties who are used to trading in all their other freedoms in order to have sex with people they don’t even like, (or with children).

Maybe those who are interested in freedom and self determination should give the idea of personal responsibility another look.


Feeling the Heat White House to Offer Compromise on Birth Control Coverage

Obama to Announce Contraception Rule ‘Accommodation’ for Religious Organizations – ABC News.

Obama is in hotter water than he thought he’d be in, trying to force religiously affiliated organizations to pay for birth control,  abortive drugs and sterilizations.

He’s got a compromise plan to offer, which is poorly described in the media, but supposedly is another way to get birth control from their insurance without the direct involvement of the employers.

The plan sounds like gibberish,  and is not expected to satisfy those who object to being forced to pay for these services for their employees.   The most useful information is that the White House is worried that it has lost considerable voter support because of the birth control edict.

Why Do Prolifers Focus On Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood: Roe Dying, Sex-Selection Abortions OK |

“The Sky is falling on Roe v Wade”, says Casey Martin, director of Southern Finger Lakes region.

The above article ponders why is planned parenthood the main target of pro-life legal and political efforts. Is it just because it’s the largest U.S. chain of abortion mills? Pro-lifers cite the abortion provider’s attacks on them, claiming that they want to control the sexuality of poor people, etcetera.

What the above article missed is the Main Attack Planned Parenthood has launched on those who choose not to kill. For decades they have pursued a political program to force us to participate in their killing agenda. Planned parenthood has worked tirelessly to force us to pay for it with taxes, force us cover it with health insurance, and force health care professionals to participate in it. They have persistently opposed health care professionals’ right NOT to kill humans. They have lobbied tirelessly to include abortion as an obligate part of health care, tied to medicare and medicaid funding. They are behind the Obama-Sebelius actions against states who wish to defund planned parenthood. Obama has tied the care of the sick and the elderly to the provision of abortion services with tax payer dollars.

This is why Planned Parenthood has been and remains a main target of pro-life political action.

Pelosi on Abortion: Foaming at the Mouth Again

Steve Ertelt grabbed this bit of video of Pelosi commenting on the latest attempt to defund abortion and protect conscientious health care professionals, being addressed in Congress.

Nancy is frothing at the mouth with more intensity than usual, fueled possibly by the cognitive dissonance in her mind. Nancy professes some connection with Catholicism, which expressly states that the killings of humans by abortion are wrong. It is up close and personal for Pelosi, who wants these procedures available for her daughters. Living inside the head of this woman would not be pleasant.

From Nancy’s mind to yours, (4/20/07) decrying the upreme Court decision to uphold the ban of partial birth abortion:
“This isn’t really an abortion issue. That is what really saddens me about what the justices said.

“This is about a procedure that any parent would want her daughter to have access to if she needed it.
And to frame it as an abortion issue is doing a disservice to medicine and to our young women and our country. So I hope we can get the focus back on the fact that this Supreme Court is deciding what medical procedures are necessary for child-bearing women.”

Pharmer invites Pelosi to present a single medical case in which any procedure of carving up a human in utero is necessary specifically to save the life of a mother.

Don’t hold your breath for a response.

Pharmacist Conscience Clauses- A Free Review of the Review

Hospital Pharmacy – Volume 46 – Number 5 / May 2011 – RxLegal – Pharmacist Conscience Clauses: Continuing Debate – Journal Article.

When the “experts” are called upon to provide commentary in professional Journals, it would help if they research their work sufficiently to write something accurate and useful.

Michael Gabay, Pharm D, JD, BCPS,  has attempted to present the topic of Pharmacists conscience clauses, which have led to legislation excusing pharmacists from dispensing drugs which may operate to kill  a human organism.

Listed below are a few of the troubles with Gabay’s article:

1) The implication that RU-486 contributed to pharmacists’  conscientious objection conflicts.  Mifepristone/misoprostil  regimen was highly regulated, and dispensed by the abortion practitioners themselves, rather than pharmacists.  The article gives no mention of ulipristal acetate, the new analog of mifepristone which is now approved as a morning after pill, doses of which may be accumulated to accomplish a later abortion.  (Way to keep current, Dr. Gabay.)

2) Glaring omissions of significant, current,  judicial decisions.  Dr. Gabay is a Clinical Associate Professor in the Dept. of Pharmacy Practice, University of Illinois, Chicago. Yes, he is in Illinois, a member of the Chicago Bar Association, and inactive member of the Illinois Bar. His article failed to mention the group of lawsuits recently decided  in his own state, involving conscientiously objecting pharmacists and pharmacy owners, Walgreens and former Gov. Blagojevich. It is possible that Dr. Gabay, JD, was not aware of these significant court decisions, or perhaps he did not approve of them.

3) Garbled facts of the K Mart controversy, which actually involved a refusal to dispense progestin-only birth control drugs, not all “oral contraceptives” as the article incorrectly states.

4) Attributing the statement that oral contraceptives can prevent “implantation of a fertilized ovum”, to a person who knew better than that.  Embryology lesson begins  here:  Fertilization of the secondary oocyte, produces an evanescent form called the zygote, that immediately begins cellular division, and proceeds to the next stage.  By the time the human organism reaches the uterus to begin implantation, its embryonic form has differentiated into a blastocyst. (Dr. Gabay forgot the basic  anatomy/physiology stuff which should have been prerequisite to his Pharm D.)

5) Dr. Gabay still appears not to know what Ms. Brauer  knew about the mechanisms of birth control drugs,  and the progestin, norethindrone, in particular. The actual disagreement in the K Mart case is  still readily visible on the net:  Page 1 and Page 2.

6) The crux of ethical objection to dispensing drugs which act, to a significant extent, to stop the life of a human organism is just that.  It is not tied up in the various newer concepts  of “abortion” and “pregnancy” which exclude the early human embryo.  Abusing these terms to obfuscate the issue  violates the patients’ right to give informed consent. The law has established no cogent or consistent basis for determining which human organisms may be willfully  killed and which may not.

The complimentary review and editorializing  will end here, to prevent  reader fatigue.

The take home lesson for users of the literature in science and medicine is to read critically.   Much of it is incomplete and factually “challenged” whether it is primary literature, or review and commentary,  as in the case of Dr. Gabay’s article.

The value of extensive,  formal education (as currently supplied)  is also called into question, as it increasingly appears not to be helping with the quality of intellectual output.

*Note: This commentary has not been subjected to editorial review.

Conscience Tug-of-War in Washington | Daily News |

Conscience Tug-of-War in Washington | Daily News |

National Catholic Register covers the back and forth seesawing of the Washington Board of Pharmacy on the issue of conscience and pharmacy practice.

Eventually most of the board members gave in to their masters, returning to a decision which had already been met with a court challenge.   This judicial process will have to go forward.

Riding underneath the seesawing was the possibility that pro-abort  Governor Gregoire would be picked to join the Obama administration and occupy Elena Kagan’s  former position as solicitor general.   Later it is said that Gregoire’s enthusiasm for that position cooled, but we do not know if it means she did not make the cut, or whether she actually asked to be taken off the list.

The Board of pharmacy serves at the behest of the governor.