Pharmacy Owners Prevail in Court Decision on Blagojevich Edict

Illinois Pharmacy Owners have emerged victorious after six years of litigation against  the state of  Illinois edict compelling them to dispense the morning after pill.

This comes shortly after the approval of a new morning after pill, Ella, which is an analog of RU486, mifepristone.

Francis J Manion of the ACLJ, and Mark Rienzi, of Catholic University’s Columbus School of Law  teamed up as counsel to the pharmacy owners.

Deposed Governor Blagojevich’s original order addressing individual pharmacists had previously been overturned.

Judge Belz  noted that the government had made no effort to advance it’s supposed interest in supplying morning after pills to women prior to April 2010, and had specifically targeted pharmacists of conscience and their religious beliefs.

Pharmacists for Life International has stored the original letter from Blagojevich which threatened pharmacists  with loss of their license to practice if they did not dispense the morning after pill and all other  hormonal birth control products and contraceptives upon demand.

The coverage in the Chicago Tribune is very brief, does not mention the newest morning after pill, and does not mention that the original order to the pharmacists was for them to dispense all drugs labeled as “contraceptives” though most are misbranded.  It does mention an expected  (hoped for) appeal to the case.


On the Advance of Civilization

The United States is at a cross roads. Some of our representatives have gotten a hold of this idea. They have correctly recognized that social issues and economic issues of the United States are intertwined, and that the social issues have to be addressed in order for the economic issues to be resolved.

This is the reason:

The Advance of Human Civilization is fueled by the desire to alleviate human suffering and human need.
If the suffering and need are concealed or erased by killing the victims, there will be no advancement.

We can see this already happening in the countries with socialized medicine. They have decided to stop treatment, and/or kill off those who have too many difficulties, or whose existence is not seen as profitable for the society as a whole. You can see what has happened to their capacities for medical and others scientific innovation. Which country still fosters the most scientific advancement, so that the most gifted people of the world flock here in order to accomplish their aims? It is still U.S.

If we decide to kill people because they have unmet needs, we will cease to advance as a civilization. All sorts of innovations will grind to a halt. We will enter a prolonged depression and dark age.

Listen to the likes of Bachmann, Palin, Cain, West, and the ones who came before them. They have a gut understanding of the main point, given above, though they might not be able to express it in as few words.
These people have the charisma to convey a more hopeful future for humanity, and lead others to it.

-K. L. Brauer

Punishing the Prosecutor for Bringing Charges Against Planned Parenthood

Pro-Kline report concealed for months |

This is a unique article found in a regular newspaper revealing that Phil Kline, the Kansas prosecutor who brought charges against planned parenthood is being punished by accusations of ethics violations, without probable cause.

The document showing the investigation of Kline, and the  finding no probable cause for  ethics  complaints was willfully kept hidden from Kline and the public.

The Ethics Disciplinary hearing will take place anyway, because it is very important to the Kansas State government to punish those who would dare to bring criminal charges against  its benefactors from the abortion industries.

See also at Jill Stanek’s blog,  the basis for charges that would have been brought against George Tiller, for not reporting the sexual abuse of minors who came to his clinic,  had he not been so well protected by Kathleen Sebelius, who is now head of Obama’s Health and Human Services Dept.   Much more is expected to be revealed at the Ethics trial of Phill Kline.

Keep watch of the colorful Kansas corruption, and finally the case against Planned Parenthood going forward  over at Operation Rescue’s site.

Apple Rejects Manhatten Declaration App. A Financial Issue

Baptist Press – ‘Appalling’: Apple again rejects iPhone Christian ‘app’ – News with a Christian Perspective.

Apple has a need to address the encroaching competition from the Droid series of smart phones, hence the projected Feb 23 launch of iPhones with Verizon.

Recently the gay-sex community has pressured Apple into rejecting the Manhattan Declaration app, which it had originally accepted as containing no objectionable content.

Many gays find the Biblical restrictions on sexual activity  to be offensive, and Apple has  complied with their demands.   The Manhattan app has been resubmitted with 47,000 signatories petitioning for its distribution, and rejected a second time.

The Android operating system and Droid Line of phones work just fine, and supports  many thousands  of great apps.   The most significant app producers are using both platforms for their wares.   Android’s platform is open source,  and  more accessible to programmers.

Pharmer operates the original Droid, and more than one Ipod touch, and is fairly familiar with both markets.

If you subscribe to the Christian teachings on the issues of the sanctity of human life and its generation,  you might wish to  let Apple know that you’ll stick with your Droid, unless they cease their  specific suppression of Christian teaching on these issues, while continuing to host opposing viewpoints.

More on the removal of the Manhattan Declaration from Matthew Warner

Committee suspends trial of Maxine Waters’ ethics case, has found new evidence.

Waters accuses Ethics of having weak case after calling off her trial – The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room.

In contrast to the convicted  Charlie Rangel,    Waters is planning a vigorous legal defense, using attorneys specialized in ethics matters.

The democrat congresswoman says that her ethics trial is suspended because the case is weak.

Pharmer thinks that Waters “knows where the bodies are buried”.

Desperate Dems Playing Dirty Down on the Pharm

Eagle Country 99.3 FM | Lawrenceburg, IN.

Out here in S.E. Indiana there are quite a few heated campaigns.  Dems, looking forward to a terrible Tuesday, are playing dirty pool.

We have Dems buying advertisement for the libertarian candidate, Greg Knott in an attempt to split votes away from Todd Young, who threatens to grab the seat held by Baron Hill.

Dems are spending large on television ads smearing the Republican challenger to state legislator Bob Bischoff.

Seems that the Dems have suddenly become quite puritanical about fornication, having forgotten about  perverts Clinton, various Kennedy’s, Edwards, Dodd, and Barney Frank of the Virgin Islands.  They insinuate  that a relationship Jud McMillin had with a woman in Dayton is to be  blamed for his resignation from the Dayton Ohio prosecutor’s office way back in 2005.   The problem is with their timeline, as McMillin turned in his resignation on Aug 25, 05 and the lawsuit brought in fall of 2006 by Crystal Stapleton says their fun didn’t start until Sept 11, 05, OR sometime shortly thereafter.

It’s a bummer  that  the chronology of evidence  turns  the Dem’s ad into a blatant lie.  Pharmer had trouble with Bischoff, to whom she gave several votes in prior years,  allowing this ad to run, in addition to refusing a vote to  discontinue state  funds to planned parenthood. By contrast, McMillin,  a political neophyte,  has thrown support to the local crisis pregnancy center, and showed up to emcee their fundraiser.

These days, the Democrats have gotten so whacked, that one has to question the judgment of a politician willing to run under their banner.

So ‘ol Jud gets the vote, with the hope that this unpleasant political experience cools his tool, and he gets some religion.

Jud McMillan Resigns dated 8-25-05

Dayton article on the lawsuit

McMillin answers lawsuit

No longer practices in Ohio, no discipline on file.

a storage site called Judfacts

search Montgomery County Court info yourself.

News Article – Crystal Stapleton’s Claims about the relationship

Affidavit of Crystal Stapleton

McMillan Motion to Dismiss

Some people are disappointed, they can’t see the pics

McMillan reply to the Bischoff ad campaign