From the discussion between Rep Cory Gardner and Henry Chao, (deputy chief information officer for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services), one might surmise that the Obamacare Website is about 60 percent complete, and it is the payment systems which send money to the companies which issue policies.
“There’s the back office systems, the accounting systems, the payment systems … they still need to be done,”said Chao.
This ought to make the health insurance companies really comfortable…..
Meanwhile, David Kennedy, head of TrustedSEC, an information security firm, has testified before the house Science, Space and Technology committee that the Obamacare website is prime hacker bait, because security wasn’t built into the site from the beginning. He thinks that the SQL injection attacks against the website mean that it’s being hacked right now. That should make everyone feel more secure in doing business with the Obama administration.
A historical change- The Chicago Tribune (which endorsed the Obamanator twice) has put out an editorial calling for the complete repeal of Obamacare. Their solution is to start over.
Pharmer’s solution is to leave health care to the private sector, because it’s more efficient. The Feds should get out of the way while localities and charities deal with the issues of the medically under served.
At this point, Obama is pretending that he will allow insurance companies to keep selling the plans that his law has already wiped away. In other words, he can talk about keeping his promise to the American people, but he can’t (won’t) do it.
With this in mind, you should not expect unbiased info about Obamacare from this company on either of its venues, WebMD (News), and its Medscape platform that serves health care professionals. It wouldn’t be nice to make Obama and Sebelius mad after accepting government funds from them.
The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicagohas ruled in favor of the plaintiffs in cases of Korte v. Sebelius, 12-3841, and Grote v. Sebelius, 13-1077. These two cases, brought by Catholic business owners, argued against the HHS mandate which forces businesses to pay for birth control/sterilization/abortion. Orders by lower courts have been blocked by the Court of appeals, and the finding written by Judge Diane Sykes, supports both the business owners’ AND the corporations’ option to sue over the HHS mandate.
The cases are returned to trial courts with instructions to block enforcement of the HHS mandate of the 2010 Obamacare act. The 2-1 decision reversed those of the lower courts against the Catholic families and their businesses. Edward White, the lawyer representing Cyril B. Korte says that he expects the Supreme Court to eventually take up this case due to its importance as a national issue “to the people who run these small companies and are dictated by their faith in how they should run the company.”
Int a couple of nights, three programmers were able to make a working health care website by putting the information that people want, (health plans and cost) where and when they want to see it. The design purpose of differs drastically from the Obamacare site, however. It was built to serve the customer, not to aggregate their private information for government use, nor to register potential democrat voters.
Ning Liang, George Kalogeropoulos and Michael Wasser, certainly are much more competent and business oriented programmers than the government would think of hiring.
According to the Blaze,thehealthsherpa site is not a substitute for the government site, but it offers contact information for health insurance providers which could allow a person to sign up for eligible health care without going through This is a valuable service to the people of America.
The website of Liang, Kalogeropoulos and Wasser services a lot more than just California. Pharmer entered Florida and Ohio zip codes and obtained info insurance plans local to those areas also. Overnight, the trio added a calculator to help estimate tax subsidies for the plans.
Try thehealthsherpa.comand find yourself an insurance plan. Hopefully these programmers monetize their site and grab a little ad money in the true capitalist tradition of America. They’ll need a big big server to handle all of those who don’t want to hand their private info over to felons and miscreants hired by the Obama administration.
Cancer patient, Bill Elliot, is not impressed with Obama’s apology to those who are having their insurance cut.
“Absolutely he misled me, I believe that was more of an insult to me and the other people who have been canceled than him saying 41 times ‘you’re going to keep your doctor, keep your insurance. Period.‘”, said Elliot, who voted for Obama based upon his promise.
Elliot doesn’t have the money to buy the new, super expensive ($1500 monthly) Obamacare policy, now that his $180 per month policy, which had been covering his cancer treatments will been cancelled. Elliot said that he likes his doctor and his insurance, which has paid for just about everything.
After consideration and prayer, Elliot says he is going to “pay the $95 fine and let nature take his course”. Of Obama’s apology, he said: it’s “like a doctor coming into your operating room and saying, ‘I cut out your wrong kidney. But I’m sorry about that.’ There’s nothing you can do about it now.”
Pharmer understand the tight spot that Elliot is in. He’s middle class and can’t afford to cover his cancer treatment while paying the new expensive rates that were designed to sustain others, who never paid into health insurance before.
The problem is that Bill Elliot is doing exactly what Obama, Zeke Emanuel and Cass Sunstein had in mind. He’s killing himself off, because he’s no longer of use as a funding source to the government.
Hundreds of thousands of individual health care policies have been cancelled in the wake of Obamacare regulations, and this is just the tip of the iceberg of cancellations to come. Florida Blue is cutting off 80 percent of its individual policies in the state…. amounting to 300,ooo individuals who have to find new coverage. Kaiser Permanente has cancelled about half of its individual polices in California with 160,000 clients sent packing. Insurer Highmark is dropping 20 percent and Independence Blue Cross is dropping 45 percent of individual policies in Pennsylvania.
Remember that additional huge cohorts of people are being converted to part time by their employers, who cannot afford the extra expense of obamacare.
Remember, if you do not, or CANNOT purchase health insurance through the obamacare sites, you will have to pay that fine to the IRS.
Remember that the Republican’t establishment has deemed it most prudent to fund Obamacare, and the RINOs hope to personally benefit as it crashes down on millions of Americans, who are left uninsured and without access to healthcare, through no fault of their own.
Just like the Dems, the Republican establishment is OK with allowing working Americans, who formerly took care of their own health care needs, to die as Obamacare implodes.
Our federal government is becoming one giant death panel.
instead of this America-hating, abortophilic, socialist Obama. Pro-life activists knew who Obama was, all along. Now all of you are finding out what a vindictive, power hungry ego-maniac he is. He’s purposely spending extra money during the government slowdown to harm individual Americans in a myriad of ways, from cutting off military benefits, disrespecting the families of fallen service-people, to harming the private tourism businesses by closing off the access of their customers.
While the Republican establishment prepares to cower once more, and snatch one more defeat from the jaws of victory, Pharmer has spotted one more shining light of courage to show you.
Dr Ben Carson, famed pediatric neurosurgeon, who spoke of the joys of limited government right to Obama’s face, at the National Prayer Breakfast this year, earned himself a “rectal exam” from Obama’s IRS henchmen. Dr. Carson, in stark contrast to the faint hearted Republican establishment, is now blasting at Obama with both barrels. A clip of his speech at the Frideay 10/11 Value Voter’s summit is linked below.
While Pharmer thinks that abortion has been the closest national abomination to slavery, Obamacare will certainly reach this mark eventually, as the government rations care and determines which people will die.
Conservatives are finding a stalwart voice of leadership in Dr. Benjamin Carson, and Pharmer would be happy to support his candidacy for Senator, Governor or President. Below, the recently retired neurosurgeon is shown in scrubs.
The government remains 85 percent functional during the so-called “shutdown”. Picking and choosing what is closed during the shutdown is the job of the executive branch, which is the government entity which enforces rules and regulations. Additional money is actually being used to enforce the shutdown, with examples to follow:
Cones are put up to block scenic overlooks on the roadside, which normally allow drivers to view Mt. Rushmore safely.
People are being driven out of their vacation homes, even if they own the homes, that are located on federal land. This is something like having a condo, and being forced to leave it because the land is not yours. It’s a bad deal. Consider what the feds are doing to people such as 77 year old Joyce Spencer and her 80 year old husband Ralph, who were tossed out of their Lake Mead property in Nevada. Do not buy a vacation home on federal land. It’s not a good idea to make a contract with such an unstable business as the U.S. government, which can be headed up by any unknown freak to whom the media takes a liking. (No link is provided to KNTV news, which is ABC.)
Park Rangers have been instructed to make life as difficult for people as possible. They are ordered to keep people away from private businesses which are located on federal land. Do not start a tourism business which is tied to a federal park. This administration is just too insane to run a business, and makes a very poor partner.
The TSA is blaming the government shut down for their inability to stop a 9 year old boy from successfully stowing away on a plane, with no accompanying adult.
The Obama administration has shut down the Amber alert website, but has left up Michelle’s “Let’s Move” website. LMAO at their priorities.
Harry Reid, aligning with the Zero Negotiation stance of his president, asked “why would he want to” ? fund NIH cancer treatment trials for sick children.
One bright spot amid the hostile activity of the Obama administration is that government regulations are not currently being written and promulgated. Let’s hope this continues.
The republicans even offered to commit suicide, by delaying the individual mandate TAX until after 2014, so the Democrats would not suffer losses based upon the anger of people who find that they can’t afford Obamacare. Obama refused this republican self immolation because he did not want it to appear that his opponents could move him one millimeter in any direction.
The Petulant one is running around telling people that the government will default on its debt if he does not get his way. This, of course, will be his choice, because the government continues to take in enough revenue to pay the interest on the debt. That means no default is necessary unless Obama wants it.
While you are observing the vindictiveness of the executive branch: the Obama administration, as it reacts to the resistance from Congress, remember that America put him in charge of health care, and this is the guy EXECUTING policy, willy-nilly, that might mean death for you.
10/11/13 UPDATE: The Blaze catches up with Pharmer on the expense of closing federal parks and monuments.CLICK.