The democrats are hoping to reuse the Obama formula with Beta-male O’Rourke. Obama was the 25% Black man, raised by white leftists, who exhibited zero in common with American Blacks, and did them no good whatsoever. “Beta” uses a fake Hispanic nic, the makeup tan-base, and has very similar physical characteristics, mannerisms and dress as Obama. His funds come from Hollywood and other out of state leftists. He’s another Ken-doll, empty suit, pushed by the media as though he’s the second coming of Christ. Fortunately it doesn’t look as though Texas will fall for this fake. If they did, we’d see another 169 day senator and the democrat presidential candidate for 2020. “Oh LOOK! They’re recycling!!!”
Category: leftist
FOX network has booted Bill O’Reilly
No news here. The long standing practice of FOX news to pay off accusations of sexual harassment has been featured once more. Apparently it’s time for the network reshuffle the lineup. Business is as usual.
Just think of this as analogous to delaying the revelation that the morning after pill doesn’t work, until after the forces of “planned unparenthood” rolled out their employee training program and marketing of IUDs. Or else think of all the other public figures downed by moldy 40 year old accusations which had been common industry knowledge.
As long as a person supports abortion, any sexual expression, advance, imposition, assault or rape is forgiven by the left.
The entertainment industry is rife with much more extreme behaviors than those specified in the accusations against O’Reilly. This might be why they were able to garner a hundred celebrity signatures on the guitar that Planned Parenthood is raffling as a fundraiser.
What’s the Pharmer policy? If you accidentally surf to a FOX news story online, do your best to avoid triggering the ads, as with any other untrustworthy alphabet news network.
Natural Selection
The very anxious Stephanie Land has announced, at the Washington Post, that Trump’s election has dissipated her reproductive drive. Apparently she is a single mom with 2 kids, but is losing the drive to find a partner because her hope in the future is gone.
She is not the only leftist who’s reproductive drive has been adversely affected by the election of Trump. Quite a number of them have been announcing their hopelessness publicly.
A new blog category has been born. This announcement from Stephanie also fits the following essential category.
Kelloggs Corporate Heads in the Bubble
The Corporate Heads at Kelloggs discovered that their ad buyer affiliates were planting their brands on Breitbart. Since that right wing website and it’s 45 million viewers are said not to be in line with Kelloggs Corporate Values (whatever those are), the company is working to remove its ads.
This has brought about a petition and a #dumpkelloggs campaign, as well as a boycott from those in middle America who are tired of being urinated upon by the elites.
Speaking of urination, it appears that Kelloggs products have also been urinated upon. A video of a person doing this (taken at the Memphis facility in 2014, according to Kelloggs) have been making their way around the net. Perhaps Kelloggs needs to be carefully cleaning its own house before passing judgment upon others. The ‘golden cereal’ video will be HERE until Kelloggs finds it and strong arms the site owners into taking it down.
Trump for Asking Russia to Release Hillary’s Emails vs. Obama’s whisper to Russian President Medvedev
Here’s the press conference in which Trump told Russia that if they find Hillary’s missing emails, they will likely be rewarded by our press. Watch the whole thing, and see one of the first examples in which a Republican candidate upstages the DNC convention, resulting in some amazing polling shifts.
Steven Colbert very crudely joined the throngs of Democrat controlled media figures who castigated Trump for his email comment, prior to the Late night show, and this is caught on video.
In order to put this issue in perspective………..
Watch the vid of Obama promising President Medvedev that he would be more FLEXIBLE after the 2012 election, then patting the Russian leader’s thigh. Tell Vlad……
NYT Shock: ISIS Using Birth Control and Abortion to Maintain Sex Slave Supply
The shock is that the New York Times would publish the fact that ISIS is using birth control and abortion to maintain their sex slaves in a rape-able state. It seems that the cultural upsurge of anti-rape sentiment (particularly among younger people) has overcome even the left’s love of abortion!
Why does it take 100 years for leftists to admit what we knew all along? Birth control and abortion have always been used to keep women as sex toys which are capable of maintaining a comfortable temperature and texture. Through natural means, women could have much more effectively promoted themselves as valued member of society and advanced their own self determination.
History has been made. The New York Times has admitted the obvious.
Both domestically and abroad, abortion and birth control have been used to keep women as a permanent underclass at best, and tortured sex slaves at worst. ISIS has driven the point home in a way so graphic that the most hardened, cynical, leftist media venue is unable to ignore it.
The next step is for the the NYT to admit the main reason why the regime is importing all of those children without their parents.
(The New York TImes article, by Rukmini Callimachi, appears in print 3-13-16 in their New York Edition, as ISIS’ System of Rape Relies on Birth Control and is also found online.)
Count Down to AlGore’s Warmageddon
TIME’s UP! We’re gonna BURN!
Algore predicted the world’s end by fire (global warming) On Jan 27, 2006. He said we had 10 years left, which gave Rush Limbaugh a big laugh. He’s had a countdown on his website, linked to the front page for 10 years. Today he’s got a special graphic moved to the top of the page.
There’s a party where Pharmer works tonight to celebrate WARMAGEDDON. Be sure to take some time to laugh at Algore, and pray that the world survives leftist economic and social policies.

UPDATE 2-27 We’re still HERE!!

Check out this special vid while you can.
Trump Mocks NYT Reporter- Call a Waaaaaaaaaaambulance
Brought to you by the people who think it’s OK to kill disabled people before, during, and shortly after birth, is incessant whining over Trump’s apparent insensitivity to NYT reporter, Serge Kovaleski.
Trump had been making fun of Kovaleski’s reporting, using hand gestures that were interpreted as mocking the reporter’s physical disability. Trump claims to have never seen the reporter, and to not know what he looks like.
The burning question to the left is: Without the right to life, how is it that hurt feelings have any significance?? Until they can control atheir own behaviors, such as making fun of Trig Palin, and telling Sarah that she should have aborted him, there is only one appropriate response to today’s whiners:

Fox Business News Helped Spread Racist Lie about Ben Carson
Your friendly Pharmer certainly likes the way that Ben Carson stands his ground, and does not back away from his views when assaulted by the media. Such stalwart behavior has scared the lamestreamers to death, and so they perpetrated a racist attack against Carson last week, led by the White House press outlet called Politico. All of them falsely put forth a story that Carson claimed to have received a full scholarship to West point. This carried with it the implication that he claimed to have applied, accepted and perhaps even attended, depending on how the words are interpreted. Carson’s biography does not state any such thing. It does say that Carson had distinguished himself in a High School branch of the ROTC, and had attended a dinner function with Gen. Westmoreland who talked up West Point, and that officials of said institution indicated that that Carson could be admitted tuition free. (Most H.S. kids interpret tuition-free, college education as a ‘scholarship’.) Carson does not claim to ever have applied to nor attended West Point.
Not many conservatives recognize that Fox news can’t be used as a reliable news source any more than the rest of the lame streamers. They’re pretty much a mouthpiece for the republican establishment. There are certain stories that are not permitted to be covered by Fox News, although their opinion shows have had more free rein. Local reporters might express interest, but their editors will snap them right back, and kill the story. This has gone on since the network was new. Increasingly we also see laziness on the part of the reporters, perhaps because of disillusionment.
Fox Business news decided to carry the ball for Politico as well as the rest of the useless media, and is now stuck with the results of its laziness and ingenuousness. Politico has had to walk back its completely dishonest libel, smearing every news venue that repeated the story.
Non-news Extra: Buzzfeed has tripped up the increasingly disappointing Wall Street Journal, as the latter attempted to take apart another story in Ben Carson’s biography. WSJ cast doubt upon Carson’s tale about falling for a hoaxed psychology exam which was offered after the first one was said to have been destroyed. Subsequently, a classmate at Yale popped up and admitted to Buzzfeed his complicity in that prank. Oops. One can forgive a blogger (who has another job or two) for not hitting the streets to investigate every story. But the journalists who are paid to report the news need to leave their chairs every so often and do some research.
Our useless media have been attempting colonoscopies on the non-establishment candidates, but demonstrably do not know where to go with the hose.
Gloria Steinem whines that Feminism is Now a Dirty Word
Gloria Steinem as been spotted on CBS This Morning, in full throated whine about the status of Feminism in America, by Jeffrey Meyer of MRC Newsbusters. Most of what is killing the religion of feminism is the “elitist” priesthood of feminazis, who made abortion a major tenet and sacrament, as Mr. Meyer correctly highlights. This group even endorsed sex selective culling of the unborn because of their screed that abortion, regardless of reason, should be legal. (And Gloria wonders why the numbers of women are now less than men.)
Let’s not forget that the industry of selling woman as sex slaves relies on abortion for maintenance of the “product”, and the abortionists readily agreed to provide cover, as they have for domestic abuse.
Is it a coincidence that, in the U.S., the numbers of abortions are dropping as feminism crumbles?
Abortion has also been a large part of what made LIBERAL a dirty word. The other parts are socialism and support for illegal immigration. The leftist Atheists seem unable to understand that they top the radical Islamist list for death, (even above Christians, Jews and Gays). They’re either clueless or suicidal.
The basic problem with feminism and liberalism is that they both are contrary to the survival of humanity as a species.
The cognitive dissonance in Gloria’s mind ought to be deafening by now.