The Newer, Better Shingles Vaccine

The April Pharmacists Letter came out with some talk on the new Shingrix, shingles vaccine, which is said to be preferred by the CDC over Zostavax.

There’s another reason, besides markedly superior efficacy, to like the new vaccine offered by Glaxo SmithKline.  Merck’s Zostavax is not so highly purified, and has the liability of having been developed with that MRC-5 strain of cells obtained from the pulmonary tissue of a 14 week, electively aborted, male human fetus.

If you prefer human organ and parts donations to be voluntary, then you have a few good reasons to choose Shingrix over Zostavax for preventing shingles.   Shingrix is made using hamster ovary cells rather than a cell line from a killed human fetus.  The GSK product is highly purified, has undergone extensive clinical trials, and is showing better efficacy and longevity of protection against shingles than Zostavax.

The source of the MRC-5 cell line is no secret.  But you might want access to the drug information from Merck and Glaxo SmithKline to have certainty about how these vaccines are made.  Click them, look for the section called DESCRIPTION and compare.

Remember the folks at who keep a comprehensive repository of information about vaccines and other medical products which have ethically controversial origins, as well as available alternative products which can be used in their place.

Planned Parenthood Brochure Clarifies Its Mission

Look at what LiveAction.Org dug up!!   The Smith College Library in Massachusetts has an old Planned Parenthood brochure from back when it was called the Birth Control Federation of America.  Follow that link to see the whole brochure for yourself.  Most interesting is the description of this item by a Smith College archivist.

Planned Parenthood hasn’t changed its mind about controlling certain populations.  Elitists such as Bill and Melinda Gates concur that Brown People should be told how many babies they can have.  Pharmer  begs to differ.

While this brochure admits that abortion is “killing a life that has already begun”, it obscures the fact that any non-barrier birth control has the potential to do the same thing, but usually earlier in development. This brochure probably predates the time when the embryocidal mechanisms of birth control were elucidated.

Iowa Physicians Supreme Court Allows Suit for Wrongful Birth

Pamela and Jeremy Plowman, now divorced, filed separate wrongful birth lawsuits seeking damages because their son was born with ‘several medical issues, including cerebral palsy’.  (Medically savvy readers would immediately note that cerebral palsy often results from complications during childbirth, rather than something observable prenatally.)  A perusal of the court decision reveals claims that the child has a small corpus callosum, microcephaly, seizure disorder, does not walk, and is non-verbal. The Iowa Supreme Court ruled in favor of the appellants, noting that 23 other states allow such lawsuits.  The suit specifically addresses damages to the parents resulting from the wrongful birth, and does not seek compensation to address the medical issues of their child.

There is a way for health care providers in Iowa to address this problem.  In 2002, the courts came to a similar conclusion in France, resulting in a prompt response by physicians refusing to order ultrasounds to pregnant women.   A law to protect physicians from damages if they were unable to diagnose a prenatal disability was very quickly passed.  Even doctors who don’t disagree with killing the disabled could get on board with this action, since ultrasounds are far from infallible.  Many false positive and false negative diagnoses result from the imperfect technology currently at hand. The current situation in Iowa will cost the lives of many babies with disabilities, as well as those who have no such difficulties, as health care providers  increasingly recommend abortion to save themselves from this added liability.

Government Health Care Incompetence on Display (Again)

Washington State has been persecuting  Stormans, a family owned pharmacy business, whose employees oppose dispensing the morning after pill on the grounds that it can kill humans early in development.  The U.S. Supreme Court rejected a hearing of their case, leaving them with the option of complying with Washington’s coercive, totalitarian stance towards those who try to practice health care, or run a business in accordance with their consciences, or losing their livelihood.

Since 2011, when the research was published showing that Plan B doesn’t work for average sized American women (due to their size), more states have been trying to coerce the dispensing of this bogus drug. This underscores government incompetence in the field of health care. When Plan B does work, it can operate by post fertilization mechanisms – killing the early embryo, and killing is killing, ‘no matter how small’. Research shows that it doesn’t work to delay or stop ovulation during the women’s most fertile day of the cycle, (after the luteal peak). Yes, if you’re small enough for Plan B (levonorgestrel)  to work, it can be an embryo killer (abortive).

Silver lining: The supremes at least didn’t rule that pharmacists in all 50 states have to dispense Plan B, which could have happened with this nutty court.  The Stormans could close down and bring up a business elsewhere, if they haven’t already been drained of the financial means to do so, by the onerous, and unjust state.   Unfortunately the state of Illinois, as well as the  federal government are currently  attempting to legislate that pharmacists must practice incompetently with respect to the dispensing of birth control to patients.

Here’s a related commentary, as well as the research pinpointing why Plan B is such a huge fail in America.


Sen Cory Booker Puts Medical Incompetence on Display With Bill to Force Pharmacists to Dispense Birth Control

Senate Bill 2960 has been introduced to the 114th Congress by Sen Cory Booker, (D) New Jersey, to force pharmacists to dispense all drugs and devices approved by the FDA to “prevent pregnancy”.   Many of these drugs work by multiple mechanisms, and a section of the bill forbids  informing patients of the possible abortive mechanisms, labeling this as deceptive.  Another section of the bill invites patients to sue the pharmacist who does not give them birth control.   Clinical reasons for refusing to dispense are supposedly allowed, but pharmacists will need to be prepared to  pay lawyers, court costs,  fines, and argue these reasons out in a courtroom.  A desire to avoid dispensing drugs which can act by abortive mechanisms, is not considered a valid reason for refusing to dispense birth control.

The morning after pills are addressed in this bill as drugs which must be dispensed, although they are ineffective in half of American women, who are too big for the dose to work, and poorly effective in additional portions of the female population. If they do stop pregnancy, this is more likely to be accomplished by mechanisms which occur after fertilization than beforehand.

Interestingly,  Sen. Booker’s bill seems to allow  that if a pharmacy does not stock any birth control in the normal course of business, it is not required to distribute the drugs.  Conversely, if your pharmacy has some birth control pills, you would be expected to dispense these AND the fairly useless, morning after pills.

Lawsuits will abound if this bill passes, as its medical and regulatory basis is very poor, its constitutional basis is absent, and it leaves pharmacists liable to legal repercussions, even if they adhere to the letter of the law.  Displaying  medical and legal incompetence along with Cory Booker are Senators Baldwin, Blumenthal, Boxer, Brown, Feinstein, Franken, Gillibrand, Hirono, Kaine, Markey, Menendez, Merkley, Murray, Sanders, Shaheen, Warren, Whitehouse, and Wyden.

Pharmacists, check out S. 2960, and see if you think it’s time to leave retail pharmacy to the robots.

Media Slip Reveals When Human Life Begins

This is WORSE than when Hillary said that the “unborn human being doesn’t have constitutional rights”, and the aborto-nauts freaked out over the terminology.

This Telegraph UK article is gaga over research showing what happens when sperm enzyme acts on the membrane of the oocyte.   This had not been seen using human eggs in the past.  A pretty fluorescence is visible as zinc ions exit the membrane during what would be the beginning of sperm penetration.

All over the article is reference to the BEGINNING OF LIFE.  So there should be a screen shot of this before it disappears, after the aborto-nauts throw another hissie fit.


Unfortunately the main thing coming out of this research is a plan to use the intensity of the flash to evaluate which test tube embryos to keep and which to toss out.

Boosting Courage

When a guy steps forward, and takes a huge personal and social risk in order to live according to his conscience, he deserves recognition and credit.  Joseph Sciambra probably gets death threats since deciding that human life, health, dignity and the Spirit of God  is infinitely more important than preference of sex, how much of it, and where to put it.

Your friendly Pharmer has concurred with this conclusion for a very long time, and wants people to live a full life here and beyond. Therefore, Mr. Sciambra gets a boost, prayers and best wishes.  Check out what he has to say HERE.

A Health Care Professional Response to Killing and Selling Babies


Help yourself to this letter, health care professionals. The author likes to share.  Use it, sign it, send it to your congress critter, pass it on.

The video series currently being released by the Center for Medical Progress graphically depicts the depths to which medicine has fallen after it became legal and accepted to kill humans prior to, during, and shortly after birth. 
At this point, referring for abortions of supposedly ‘defective’ humans, or those resulting from sexual assault,  has become standard medical  practice.  Health care providers are considered negligent (and may even be successfully be sued) if they do not at least mention this option of killing unwanted offspring to patients.
Selling the body parts of killed humans naturally flows from accepting the inhumane processes by which their lives are snuffed.  Abortion providers and related personnel have joined the sex traffickers and slavers in the heinous practice of selling humans.
We hope that seeing the videos which expose Planned Parenthood and the various distributors of baby body parts will awaken the hearts of Americans and people around the globe, and allow them to understand the following:
We, the undersigned  health care professionals, would rather give up our practices than be forced to participate in the inhumane, and often tortuous killing of very young humans, and the sale of their body parts.   We pledge our assistance in replacing the government officials who appropriate  tax money and public resources in support of these profoundly immoral practices.

Karen L. Brauer MS, RPh

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