Category: obamacare
Trump Tripped up on Abortion
Standard operating procedure for the left is to tangle up a Republican candidate on the issue of abortion. Most people don’t think deeply about this issue, because they’re too busy with other things, or they Want to be too busy. Taking a stand on abortion causes cognitive dissonance for those who support it, and a social cost for those who actively oppose it. It’s easier to be a “moderate” and try not to think about it at all. Trump is the latest guy to get tangled in the web, by none other than “Chrissie” Matthews. Trump had recently declared himself to be more pro-life, rather than the “moderate” that he used to be. Obviously he hasn’t spent a long time thinking about what abortion is, and what causes it. Now he’s having to walk back a statement about whether or not there should be some kind of punishment for women who abort.
One interesting thing is that a woman does get punished if she self aborts or purposely does something that causes harm to her unborn baby. No one seems to be fighting against those laws and policies.
The main problem with trying to invent a means to “punish” the woman who gets an abortion is that most of these abortions involve coercion from outside. This can also apply to the “self abortions”.
Trump lost it with Matthews due to his general ignorance of the coercion that accompanies most abortions.
The RNC is currently planning to support Hillary over Trump or Cruz, if either of those two is able to get enough delegate support in the primary. This will assure our downhill slide into government controlled everything.
Expect only an increase in abortion coercion as the government joins in. This is part and parcel of government run health care. Once the health care workers are required to participate, forcing abortions on women is not far behind.
Left is Still Whining that the Right Wants to Ban Birth Control
You can head over to Mother Jones if you want to watch the wailing and gnashing of teeth. Basically their author, Molly Redden, says that pro-lifers are conflating abortion and birth control, and want to ban both. It’s been fun to see the left finally admit (after years of being derided for their science illiteracy) that stopping implantation is a significant mechanism of birth control hormones.
Yours truly dropped the following comment. It’s an opportunity to inform leftists about the Plan B scam, and other problems with birth control hormones. Maybe it will stir the denizens of the left-cloud up a bit. You might want to join in the debate.
Unmentioned in this article is Ella (ulipristal acetate) the newly touted morning after pill which takes the place of Plan B, since the latter drug known to be ineffective for average sized American women. Ella is an analog of mifepristone (RU-486), and of course it shares the the same mechanisms of action.
The various mechanisms of birth control pills are not new. The only thing that has changed is that more people know about it, thanks to the coercive actions of employers and governments. The newer “development” is the religious belief that implantation confers a different status upon the growing human organism. Killing the human organism prior to implantation, according to this religion, is birth control, and after implantation, the act becomes worthy of the name, “abortion”.
This tired article pushes the meme that women are too incompetent to obtain their own birth control, and that Obama should provide it (with our money). One amusing fact is that Obama care provides only limited access, and many women are being forced to buy their preferred types of birth control hormones because their Obamacare does not “care” enough.
Meanwhile, women continue to troop through the hospitals with thromboembolic (blood clotting) events and various other untoward side effects of birth control hormones. They have been very tolerant of life threatening “medical care”, so this is all OK as far as the lefties are concerned.
Some day, women might get tired of routine chemical alterations to their bodies, and learn how to regulate their reproductive potential using natural, safer, more ethical, and more effective means.
Jonathan Gruber: Killing for Crime Control
Mona Charen has dredged up more Jonathan Gruber sludge, linking him to the Killing for Crime Control thesis made famous in the Freakonomics book and ensuing debate.
Referencing this 1998 article by Jonathan Gruber, et al, Freakonomics author Steven Levitt and colleague, John Donahue argued in a 2002 Quarterly Journal of Economics article that the availability of abortion had significant influence in lowering the crime rate. This later was made available for public consumption in the 2005 Freakonomics chapter on abortion.
Besides connecting Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber with more of his macabre plans for social engineering, this underscores another leftist inconsistency. Usually these people are arguing to mitigate penalties against established criminals, yet here you see them supporting the idea of aborting babies from groups considered more likely to become social liabilities. That’s the same as a death penalty exacted before a crime is even contemplated.
Gruber’s own conclusions from 1998: “Perhaps more importantly, these findings may also have implications for the lifelong prospects of the average child born after legalization. The children not born due to abortion availability would have grown up in adverse living circumstances that other studies have shown may be detrimental to later prospects.”
What other interesting ideas from the mind of Johnathan Gruber have made their way into the intrinsic design of Obamacare?
Does Your Obamacare Plan Cover Elective Abortion?
The Charlotte Lozier Institute and Family Research Council have been collecting data on thousands of plans offered through the Obamacare exchanges to determine which ones cover elective abortions. An interactive map is provided at their website, that delineates which states have opted out of elective abortion coverage. Other states can be clicked to find out which plans covered abortion in 2014, and data is being collected on the plans for 2015.
Extreme “lack of transparency” on the part of the Obama administration has made it hard to determine which plans are sequestering funds from their customers for abortion coverage. People who have obtained such info about their own plans are invited to contact the organization, so the information can be added to their website. Others can check to see whether their state has opted out or whether their own plan covers abortion.
The U.S. has Too Many Health Care Givers
This is why Obama seems be acting to get rid of them.
In fact, Obama’s manner of dealing with Ebola is calculated to select against the lives of the most caring and dedicated physicians, nurses and other personnel……. the ones who would accept more personal risk in order to care for patients with communicable diseases.
If you like your doctor for his dedication……….. there’s more chance that you could lose your doctor to Ebola infection, thanks to Obama.
While you are waiting for this to happen, enjoy Tom Frieden, the incompetent head of the CDC, as he tells us: you can’t catch Ebola from another passenger on a bus, but…… those with Ebola should stay off of public transportation in order not to spread the disease. This self contradiction occurs within a 30 second span, during an interview.
Programmed Death- Apoptosis via Obamacare
Obamacare Creator: Die at 75!. < Click it.
Ezekiel Emanuel, one of the foremost evil minds inspiring Obamacare believes that he (and all of us) should die by age 75. More years beyond that are those of decline, in his way of thinking. He has designed Obamacare with this goal in mind, to kill off the people who are no longer seen as an asset to the state.
Sadly, the mismanagement which is already rampant in Obamacare will inspire people to declare themselves as DNR CC before age 75, just to escape the aggravation of it all.
Live Action Exposes Planned Parenthood Porn #3
Click Here for the third installment of Live Action’s film series exposing the kink-porn type of sex ed provided at Planned Parenthood. This video features the Columbia Willamette Affiliate in Portland Oregon. The particular branch is Planned Parenthood Clackamas Center, 16068 SE 82nd Dr, Clackamas, OR, 97015. Plans to close this facility (and two others in Gresham and Salmon Creek) were announced on June 3 at the Columbia Willamette affiliate’s website.

Unedited (full X-rated content) is available at Live Action, behind an age restricted wall of sorts. It might be too gross for You Tube.
Dr. Susan Berry has more details at about your tax dollars at work, teaching underage girls about kinky sex. The silver lining is that even with federal and state tax money, Planned Parenthood is finding it necessary to close and consolidate facilities.
Supremes: Obama Can’t Force Companies to Pay for Birth Control
Congratulations to Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties Corp, first for filing lawsuits to protect their religious freedom, and second for defeating the Obama Administration before the Supreme Court.
The courageous owners of these two companies objected to being forced to pay for forms of birth control which can have prominent interceptive (early abortive) mechanisms of action. In a 5 to 4 decision, in which Justice Roberts and the conservatives upheld religious freedom, (and naturally the leftists did not), the two companies are excused from paying for birth control which people could most certainly provide for themselves by other means. At issue were Plan B, Ella, and the indwelling coathangers otherwise known as IUDs.
This decision appears to be protective of closely held, for-profit corporations, but appears to exclude non-profit entities such as Little Sisters of the Poor.
Naturally the idea of religious freedom for Christians is causing the lefties to curse, swear, and threaten lives and property of their ideological opponents. Violence has always been integral to leftism. Those people are anything but compassionate.
Cover Oregon, Obamacare Model for the Nation
Oregon was one of the recipients of an “early innovator grant” because it’s Obamacare exchange was to become a model for the nation. Dan Riehl at says that this promise was never fulfilled, but Pharmer disagrees. The Cover Oregon Debacle really IS an Obamacare model which will be followed by other states, and they will crash and burn too, as originally designed. Obamacare is the planned failure which precedes a push for completely socialized medicine.
Listed among the achievements of Cover Oregon is a non functional website which has failed in enrolling even a single citizen of that state. They have, using paper forms, and 500 additional employees, managed to accidentally sign up about 4000 illegal aliens.
So far, this state exchange has gotten $305 million in federal grants (our money) and has burned $160 million on a failed website. It appears that the Feds will have to take over their stellar state exchange– the ultimate bail out. Expect more of the same from other states.