Just Letting Those RNC Folks Know……

Possibly the Harvard graduates at the Republican National Committee are not smart enough to understand that if you shrink the birth rate to below replacement rate, there won’t be enough people to support the elderly, and society will switch to a plan of denying health care and other support in order to conserve resources. On the other hand, it might be that they have the same plan for our elderly, disabled, and very young as the democrats do. The birth rate in 2011 is as low as ever recorded in the U.S. That announcement comes from the CDC’s data for 2011.
During the time leading up to the election, your friendly Pharmer was busy, and had no time for the RNC. She was too busy sending donations to the candidates they threw under the bus, among the myriad other work, domestic and political activities.
Soo, yours truly decided to drop an opinion at their site today. It’s short and sweet.

Mr. Priebus et al,

Social policy is intertwined with fiscal policy inextricably. Much of the reason for the debt crisis, to which the republicans paid lip service, is due to population demographics. It’s a conservative estimate that over a hundred million Americans are NOT here due to the propensity of people for killing their offspring prior to birth. If you were wondering how to fix social security and medicare, please get a clue.
I was practically born a republican, and proudly 1st-voted for Ronald Reagan over Jimmy Carter. The RNC does not want me or my kind in the party. We do not fit the agenda. After the RNC violated Reagan’s 11 commandment by throwing pro-life candidates under the bus for incorrect phraseology, it became clear that it’s time for me to move on. I donated to the candidates whom you tossed out.
I am a blogger, public speaker, and health care professional, I am no longer Republican, and am taking as many people to tea-party with me as I can.

Pro-lifer looks at the Vice Presidential Debate

The question concerning how the vice presidential candidates’ Catholic faith informs their view on abortion was easier for Ryan to deal with than for Biden.

Paul Ryan was able to clearly give his own pro-life position, but had to hedge on the policy which the Romney campaign has to put forth, which is to remove the public funds for abortion, but continue to permit abortion for rape, incest and so-called life of the mother exceptions.

Joe Biden looked down while delivering must of his answer, since, of course his so-called Catholic faith does not support his own pro-abortion position. It also does not support the extreme position of the Obama administration, which supports late term and post-birth abortion, and forces religiously run institutions and private businesses to pay for abortion, birth control and sterilizations through insurance.
Biden blatantly lied when he said that Catholic run institutions were not being affected by the HHS mandate.

Ryan asked: Then why is the Catholic Church still suing the Obama administration???

Her Parents Must Be So Proud that She Needs US to Buy her Birth Control

How would you like to be nationally famous for needing other people to buy your birth control pills?

What a legacy! Sandra Fluke is an accomplished left-gurl: Incompetent, needy, and demanding. Oh, and did Pharmer forget the flora and fauna? A veritable garden of microbial delights.

Click below to see the Obama-touting email signed by this democrat operative.

Sandra Fluke Sends Official Email on Behalf of Obama Calling Republicans ‘Dangerous for Women’ | TheBlaze.com.

NARAL Smearing Paul Ryan for his Pro-Life Views

Pro-Choice Groups Launch Anti-Ryan Smear Campaign.

It seems that Nancy Keenan is deathly afraid of Paul Ryan. He could possibly cut her income considerably, as he opposes abortion except to save the life of the mother.

In her utter panic, Keenan has claimed that Ryan supported a “Let Women Die Bill” (which never existed). She might be misrepresenting a bill that would prevent hospitals from being forced to do abortions. Keenan confuses this with preventing all hospitals from doing abortions. Maybe she’s taking meds which bring on early dementia? More likely she’s purposely lying again.

Pro-lifers Express Concerns about the Girls Scouts Reproductive Agenda

The video series below is brought to you by Christy Volanski a former girl scout leader, and her daughter, Sydney, a former girl scout, and the two web sites  SpeakNowGirlScouts.com and GirlScoutsWhyNot.com . This info has been publicized at The Blaze.

Further documentation which accompanies the videos is available  HERE

The U.S. Catholic Bishops are conducting an inquiry into the Girl Scouts sex education policies.


‘Life issue’ not addressed by AME Church (OneNewsNow.com)

Pastor Joseph Parker of  Trinity African Methodist Episcopal Church came away from his denomination’s convention in Nashville disappointed that the life issues were not addressed.  Michelle Obama was the keynote speaker, and with her husband’s record on abortion and related issues, one wouldn’t expect that to be her favorite topic.   Rev. Parker’s group distributed copies of Maafa  21: Black Genocide in 21st Century America.  a documentary of how minorities have been targeted by the abortion industry.  He points out that Obama’s government is supporting Planned Parenthood to the tune of a million dollars per day.

“We think of the fact that lots in the African-American community wouldn’t think highly of an organization like the KKK, but the reality is Planned Parenthood kills more African-Americans in two weeks than the Klan has killed in its whole 150 history,” notes Parker. “And so it’s important that people in the African-American community become aware of how dangerous the organization of Planned Parenthood is.”

via ‘Life issue’ not addressed by AME Church (OneNewsNow.com).

Personhood Leaders Suffer Violent Attacks From Pro-Abortion Terrorists Following Newsweek Feature | Personhood USA

Personhood Leaders Suffer Violent Attacks From Pro-Abortion Terrorists Following Newsweek Feature | Personhood USA.

The  home of Personhood USA leaders Keith and Jennifer Mason has been vandalized after NewsWeek and Daily Beast articles featuring the personhood initiative.  The spray paint of coat hangers and obscenities  on the Mason home indicates who to credit for the attacks.

A Daily Beast reader published the home address of the Masons online in the comment section, prior to the attack.  The Daily Beast has since closed the comments, citing personal attacks in the comment section, but (so far)  not the assault and vandalism.

A few days later, Everett Stadig was attacked while petitioning for the Colorado personhood initiative, and was hospitalized with a broken hip, among other injuries.

Pro-lifers assume considerable risk, due to the violent propensities of abortion supporters.  However these kinds of attacks are not considered newsworthy to the mainstream media, and therefore must be passed along in the new media.

See more details and pics of the damage at the Mason’s home by clicking the top link.

Update: Everett Stadig doesn’t give up. He’s collecting personhood petitions in the hospital as he recovers from his broken hip.

How Planned Parenthood “Helps” Women -Live Action Films

by KILLING their unborn little girls.

Here it is…… Planned Parenthood, Austin Texas, and there is no mistake about the assistance being given to this woman, to abort at five months if the baby is a girl, and try again immediately for a boy. Lady Shredder, “Rebecca”, might be obtaining some gratification in recommending a late term abortion, to be sure it is actually a girl who will be torn up.

You knew it was coming…… after the latest discussion of sex selection abortions, and Planned Parenthood’s paranoia that they were going to be stung by Live Action concerning their sex selection abortions. By the time planned parenthood gets that feeling, it’s already too late.

The definition of equal rights for women, in the minds of our feminazis is to be able to kill unborn girls, because they’d prefer a preponderance of boys. It’s Stockholm syndrome by proxy. It must be a severe and insidious kind of abuse which has twisted their brains into pretzels.

The ultimate control of women is exhibited by getting them to preferentially kill girls and call it women’s rights.

Live Action Petition Protect Our Girls