Planned Parenthood and Obama Administration Train FBI to Harass Pro Life Protesters

Obama Admin Targets Pro-Lifers in FBI Training Forum With Pro-Abortion Orgs.

Carrying anti-abortion signs and passing out leaflets has become classified as violence.

Linked HERE is the resource guide prepared by Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion groups for the August seminar at FBI headquarters in Portland, Oregon.

When Obama said that abortion would be at the heart of his health care plan for America, he meant it.

A blast from the past to remind everyone that Obama is most distinguished among politicians by his support of the late term variety of abortions.

Someone this devoid of conscience would have no trouble jailing protestors for their exercise of free speech.

On that Wonderful Cuban Healthcare

Guillermo Fariñas  is a doctor of psychology who one held  a government position as General Secretary of Healthcare Union Workers.   In 1995, when he smelled the stench of corruption and spoke out, he was imprisoned.  Now free, he is  in solidarity with other political prisoners, and is hunger striking to protest Cuba’s maltreatment and torture of these people.

via » Exclusive: Second Hunger Striker, Cuban Journalist, Close to Death – Big Journalism.

If you read Spanish here’s a website that keeps you up to date.   Twitter is on the sidebar.

Prayers for Guillermo Fariñas, whose self sacrifice follows  hunger striker, Orlando Zapata Tamayo, in shining the spotlight on abuses and corruption of the Castro regime.

Calgary U Students Face Expulsion for Pro-Life Display

Calgary U Students Face Expulsion for Pro-Life Display.

That graphic Genocide Awareness Project  display is just too much for Calgary University to take.

What had  not been seen as  too much to take in Calgary — is infanticide.  Here’s a blast from the past: an old Alberta Report article about the goings on at Calgary’s  Foothills Hospital.

Back to the present,  it appears that the pro-life  students who are hosting the GAP display at Calgary University might be expelled for their efforts, but appear to be willing to take that chance.   It might be up to the university to decide if the effort to suppress the students will be worth all  that  negative publicity which prolifers will give them, free of charge.

The Dems are Mad at the Pope and Needing Diversion

This tactic is analogous to the leftist attacks on tea partiers for violence which they never committed. The vast preponderance of violence has been on side of the liberals. The teapartiers have staged the most orderly protests in human history.

Yep……. the Liberals revived this  sex scandal business, because the Pope pushed the U.S. Bishops to oppose Obamacare. Revenge and distraction, it is.

So how is this going to work out? The Pope is being castigated because liberals wormed their way into the priesthood, and did what they usually do, have sex with the underaged. The Church is not the Police, and that is not its job, but Benedict XVI, who has been cleaning house, will be attacked to the greatest extent. Liberals are now being pushed out of positions of authority within the church by the pope, for their participation in the sex abuse, and this is the backlash.

Meanwhile the Dems are clearly aiming to use our tax dollars to buy viagra for sex offenders, instead of punishing them. Too many of their relatives and friends would have been angered if they had accepted yesterday’s amendment to he Senate health care bill to stop that practice.

The media will keep telling the public that the Church clergy should break their oaths associated with the sacrament of reconciliation.
The psychiatrists will not be asked to break the trust of their patients. That matter will be moot, as the government will possess your medical data.

Taking the Leftist agenda most of the way down its road– there will be systemic rooting out of the Christians, and any other religions with sex restrictions. The government will have all your medical data, but this will not matter for sex perverts. Data on men’s purchases of over the counter abortifacients will be of no significance. Planned parenthood failing to report obvious abuse of children is not considered a problem to leftists. Aborting the resultant babies,and hiding the rapes are considered a good service. At the “utopian” endpoint there would be no such thing as a sex crime, with all women and children being subject to this abuse. Worse than the Taliban, the leftists are.

Fun with Stupak, or Pick Your Own “Pro-life” Turncoat Congressman

Get your video cameras ready for some theatrics.

Purchase 30 pieces of silver (rounds or coins)   from your favorite metals dealer.   Do it as an individual or group.  Donate it to a Crisis Pregnancy Center or other,  willing, pro-life, charitable beneficiary,  to use as a hedge against inflation.  They can sell off when they need to,  and use it for operating expenses.  It’s a nice gift which can be given in the name of the one you’d like to irritate.

Send a photo of the silver, a receipt and a bill to your favorite turncoat, bogus ‘ pro-life’ politician.

Upload a video record of the fun to the internet and send a copy to your political pal with that receipt.

(Checking with a dealer today, Silver rounds were at $16.97.  Purchasing price  would be $17.97 apiece.  The market value changes  a good deal from day to day.)